Greenberg's View Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: MAN- ONE, Gaili 05 PEACE AMP WAWA. Os FOR A &OOP YEAR. Preschool's Worth s the engines of Jewish education rev up once more, our communal leaders would do well to steer more attention to making our reschools the best that they can be — but still affordable. Such schools serve a purpose beyond day care. They encourage kids to try on Jewish behaviors and values. They spur interest in Jewish history and holidays. And they act as a gateway to further Jewish learning in a day or an afternoon school. They're no longer just an extra. They help keep kids Jewish. Preschool-age youngsters have boundless curiosity and unlimited capacity to learn. What a waste if those qualities aren't mined. Too often, parents who must tighten the family budget rule out preschool or they delay it a year. Either way, youngsters lose an invaluable counter to the pull of assimilation during the highly impressionable pre- school years. It behooves us to focus on opportunities to put pre- school within reach of every family. Preschool then won't be an automatic turnoff for budg- et-minded parents. Detroit Jewry has upwards of 4,000 pre- school-age children; less than half are in a Jewish pre- school program, according to Federation's Alliance for Jewish Education. The Alliance estimates the cost of extended-day pre- Ap AZ 5;i ,0 ;:n1": school, including the summer version of it, running upwards of $12,000 per year per child, in the same ballpark as COMP YOO PLEASE Jewish day-school "soFvzsris:" tuition. 114E PEACE More scholarship PAM'? money is essential to making the cost of preschool palat- able to more fami- lies. At stake is los- L 'Shang Tova ing the next genera- dosreotivre- AtriVAZerp., tion of Jews to a more secular life. ence at home. Given the national decline in the number of Jews, that • Preschool teachers should be the best-trained profes- would be daunting. sionals we have in our schools. Low pay, no benefits, We need to step up and find a comfort zone, that insufficient training and little prestige often deter that elusive area where 3- and 4-year-olds, eager from happening. But better compensation alone isn't to explore, can discover their Jewish her- the answer. The job also must yield greater respect. It's itage in a fun and fruitful way without disingenuous to entrust our children to preschool being a financial drain on their parents. teachers, yet take those teachers for granted. That's a key challenge of the newly realigned Preschool is the foundation from which all other lev- Alliance. No doubt, near the top of its priority list is els of Jewish education arise. A weak foundation is a determining what inspires young families to see pre- threat to who we are as a people. ❑ school as a key step in creating a stronger Jewish pres- EDITORIAL Embracing The Challenge mission is to make the Jewish News as integral to akea dose of shifting Jewish demograph- hubbies life as it is to her grandchildren's, whether ics. mix it with the rapid pace of techno- they are religious or secular, foreign or native born, logical advancement. Add to it an residing in Oak Park or Ann Arbor, gay or straight, expanding choice of filtered and unfil- intermarried or single. Now that's a challenge! tered information sources. While the Jewish News has published The outcome is a recipe for indigestion. every week since 1942, and continues to be The publisher and editor of any media the largest and most comprehensive publica- outlet attempting to serve the American tion of its type in America, our vision is Jewish community are confronted with broader. We view ourselves as gatherers and this perplexing combination ... and disseminators of unique and useful informa- remarkable opportunity. tion. The recently released National Jewish Today, more eyeballs view content that Population Survey paints a picture of the Jewish News has gathered than at any complexity. We're aging faster than the time in its history. Well over half of the national average, postponing the creation of families and intermarrying at increasing ARTHUR M. identifiable Jewish households in the rates, yet we maintain strong links to our HORWITZ Detroit metropolitan area receive the Jewish News, the highest proportion of paid circu- Jewish identity, including attendance at Publisher's lation of any Jewish community publication Passover seders, celebrating Chanukah and Notebook in America. Our companion Web site, advocating for the safety and well being of, welcomes Israel. The relationship between the inten- more than 3,000 unique visitors each day, sity of our Jewish education and the depth and breadth of our Jewish identities are closely cor- including bubbies and grandchildren. And a totally electronic version of the Jewish News has a growing related. audience in Israel, Florida and other out-of-state More than synagogue or Jewish Community locations (including college campuses) who value Center membership, Federation gift giving, keep- its timeliness and convenience. ing kosher, lighting Shabbat candles or fasting on Methodologies w _ e are developing, largely Yom Kippur, reading a Jewish newspaper or maga- through advances in database technology, are zine was identified by the survey as a key connec- tion between Jews and their Jewish identities. In an enabling the Jewish News to identify additional opportunities to reach underserved or overlooked era of instant communication and Web savvy, our . pockets of Jews throughout Michigan (and really the rest of America) with tailored information that meets their needs and links them to the larger Jewish community. I recall those initial days of the 1991 Gulf War when the information-gathering cycle of the Jewish News was struggling to keep pace with live CNN broadcasts of Scud missile attacks on Israel. Would newspapers and magazines be made obsolete by Cable Network News and other 24/7 news imita- tors? Some six years later, the .com explosion and mercurial rise of America Online further chal- lenged the viability of print media and the printed word itself. Yet, as we approach Rosh Hashanah 5764, the Jewish News continues to balance its tightrope walk between print and electronic, religious and secular, young and old, relevant and irrelevant. We appreciate your ongoing embrace of our information, whether in printed or electronic form, weekly or daily. Consistent with the findings of the National Jewish Population Survey, we appreciate your ongoing assistance to link the Jewish News with those in the community who would benefit from the Jewish connection we provide. We are energized by the myriad ways to be of service to you and our community. Best wishes for a peaceful, healthy and rewarding year. L'shanah tovah!D 3W 9/26 2003 43