Arts & Life The Best Of Everything Talking Or No-Talking? Call your shot for the best High Holiday synagogue seats. Kippur. Even Jack Gorov thought seriously of getting into the mushroom synagogue act with his Wilshire Motor Sales in Detroit on Dexter ... but his showroom was considered too small ... and whoever heard of inviting folks to come in for a test prayer?" Basements in homes were available ... at a price ... for "small gatherings" ... but those "small gatherings" usi laity turned into much standing room only ... and with no air conditioning or windows to open they were disasters ... But what came first, asked the homeowner ... com- fort in prayer or them making money hand-over-fist? THE YOM KIPPUR Night dance at one time held annually in the Jewish community here was a tradition that young folks thought would never end. In fact, no one ever really knew why they stopped. They served such a wonderful purpose in bringing people together ... always- crowded events eagerly awaited by so many. The rhythmic strains of local bands seemed like Pied Piper music as friend- ships blossomed ... love bloomed ... and the Day of Atonement ended on such happy notes. IT WAS AT one of the Yom Kippur Night dances that she walked in wearing a polka dot dress. Wow, he thought, what a dish! ... And it didn't take long before he got himself introduced to her. They danced and danced and danced ... even when the music stopped ... into each other's heart. He was so handsome in his army uni- form with the two stripes on his left arm ... and both seemed to know right then and there that someday they would become man and wife ... Which they did. In the first year of their marriage, he went overseas ... and wrote that he would count the seconds until returning to hold her in his arms again. But the plane on which he was a gun- ner was shot down ... and he was listed as missing in action. One day a knock came on her door ... It was Western Union with a telegram ... Her hands shook as she opened it ... and read the wire with tears streaming down her face. Tears of joy ... "May I have the next dance?" it asked. TIME WAS WHEN Jewish inmates at Michigan prisons like the formerly named Jackson State Prison that became State Prison of Southern Michigan ... ' and in 1997, Southern Michigan Correctional Facility (SMCF) ... always " N ow that Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are here and the scurrying for synagogue "best seats in the house" have passed ... the thought comes as to whether or not something like this will ever happen. From readers Melissa Litvin, Avery Warnick and others comes this interest- ing bit ... In order to prepare the seating arrangements for the High Holidays, synagogue searing request forms would be printed for the many indi- viduals who expressed concern over seating arrangements at their syna- gogues. So people may be placed in a seat which will best suit them, they would be asked to complete something like the following questionnaire ... circling their preferences and returning it to the synagogue office: 1. I would prefer to sit in the (circle one): talking section or no-talk- ing section 2. If talking, which category do you prefer? (Indicate order of interest): stock market, sports, medicine, congregant's secret medical tragedies, general gos- sip; or specific gossip (choose): the rabbi, the rabbi's wife, the cantor, fashion news, what oth- ers are wearing, why they look awful, your neighbors, your rel- atives, your neighbors' relatives, sex (state preference), who's cheating on or having an affair with whom. 3. Which of the following would you like to sit near for free pro- fessional advice? ... Doctor, dentist, nutritionist, psychia- trist, child psychiatrist, mother- in-law, podiatrist, chiropractor, stockbroker, accountant, civil lawyer, criminal lawyer, real estate agent, architect, plumber, buyer (specify store), sexologist, golf pro. 4. I want a seat located (indicate order of priority): On the aisle, near the exit, near the window, in Aruba, near the bathroom, near my in-laws, as far away from my in-laws as possible, near the pulpit, near the kid- 9/26 2003 132 dush table, near single your submissions highly enter- men, near available taining and we look forward to women, near anyone seating each and every one of who's available — I'm you in the synagogue's 900 just not particular, aisle seats. where no one on the YEARS BACK, mushroom bimah can see or hear synagogues for the High me talking during Holidays sprung up at the services, where no one most unlikely places ... Like the DAN NY will notice me sleep- time when the Star Recreation RAS KIN ing during services, in Detroit on Linwood and Local Columnist where I can sleep dur- Blaine, owned by Henry ing the rabbi's sermon Abrams, father of the former (additional charge). Oak Park councilman and last year's 5. I would like a seat where: I can mayor pro-tem Ray Abrams, and partner not see my spouse over the Tom Zientek, was the site of services. mechitzah, I can see my friend's Few who saw the closed awning can spouse over the mechitzah, my forget it inviting folks to "come in and spouse cannot see me looking play billiards" ... (No, the ticket prices at my friend's spouse over the did not include snooker or eight-ball.) mechitzah. Sometime before that, Henry and 6. Please do not place me anywhere Tom had a Star of David in gold letter- near the following people: ing on the window ... but a rabbi came (Limit of six. If you require and said there was no way that a Star of more space, you may wish to David can be on a pool hall window ... consider joining another con- So they inserted the word "Star" instead gregation.) ... Does that mean having High Holiday 7. If you would like us to tell your services was OK, but not a Star of in-laws that there are no more David? ... Hmm! seats available, please let us Catering halls were much-wanted sites know. (There is an extra charge for High Holiday prayers ... and kosher of $100 for this service.) caterers like Larry Horowitz, Bill Kozin, Heartfelt thanks to the three fami- etc., stopped at little to make their places lies (you know who you are) who desired spots ... (Menus not included in submitted their reservation forms the ticket prices.) without editorial comment, without Although catering halls turned a neat special seating requests, without profit, restaurants were considered off drawing seating diagrams and with- limits because of the feeling that some out citing Supreme Court precedent. crumbs might still be hiding in cracks ... and this wouldn't sit very well on Yom As for the rest of you, we found