The Best Of Everything around the stage. There are no bad seats. "At the Common Grill, Gloria and I started with an appetizer, broiled Dungeness crab cakes with red chili mayo. They were as good or better than Muer used to make (present ones do not equal those of years ago.) Next we had the Tuscan pear and American space programs. the hotel concierge said was ISA 'N DATA ... Gorgonzola salad with herb-balsamic Over the years, many people ques- the finest Chinese restaurant Meaning of the vinaigrette. This came with the basket tioned Armstrong as to what the in town. word sandwich ... is of bread, which was the famous Muer "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky" statement The worse Peking Ducks "a slice of bread pizza bread, just as good as that of old. meant, but Armstrong always just they have ever had! with meat, cheese, fish or "Gloria ordered the Macadamia nut- smiled. NO MORE HONEY other mixtures and covered encrusted whitefish. I, like a fool in On July 5, 1995, in Tampa, Fla., TREE of Farmington Hills at with another slice of bread." this fine seafood restaurant, ordered while answering questions following a the 14 Mile and Orchard So then what do you call a the Black Angus steak, since we don't speech, a reporter brought up the 26- Lake Road location in about "sandwich" without any eat red meat at home. I ordered it DAN NY year-old question to Armstrong. This three or four months ... Lease bread? medium and it was perfectly done and RAS KIN time, he responded. hasn't been renewed by the Ron Asmar, owner of tasted great. Local Columnist mall owner, so Honey Tree of Mr. Gorsky had died, so Neil Vineyards on Northwestern "Since it was Gloria's birthday, they Armstrong felt he could answer the Farmington Hills will move Highway in Farmington Hills, gave her a complimentary dessert of question. to another site ... Same may happen to made some of his no bread "sandwich- her choosing off the menu. She chose In 1938, when a kid in a small Anita's Kitchen because the new ten- es" on Channel 2 TV recently ... the three-sample creme brulee of Midwest town, Armstrong was playing ant, said to be Bahama Breeze, needs preparing two flat wedges of lettuce banana, chocolate and raspberry, which baseball with a friend in the backyard. with the ingredients in between ... Also both spaces ... which are next to each was magnificent and enough for me to His friend hit the ball, which landed other. some rolled in Romaine. share." in his neighbor's yard by the bedroom BOOK SIGNING by Ethel Wasser, One of them that he made is called A LOOK BACK On Spots of windows. local author of Baboon Man, What's A "Sprouts of the World," a veggie con- Yesteryear Depart. ... There was some- Armstrong's neighbors were Mr. and Mother To Do? is Wednesday, Sept. 17, coction of cream cheese, cucumbers, thing very Detroit about Jim's Garage Mrs. Gorsky. at the new Southfield Library on olives, baby spinach and tomato on Lamed at Washington Boulevard ... As he leaned down to pick up the Evergreen Books can be gotten from between two pieces of lettuce. something that made it eminently like- Another is the "Mel able. Gibson" from Vineyards' Stars No, it wasn't all the automobile of Hollywood collection ... paraphernalia that did the trick ... with grilled chicken, blue although it was hard to understand cheese, tomato and light how Jim Constand managed to jam so ranch dressing rolled in much local color into one place with- Romaine lettuce. out it being given a "cute" connota- A studio favorite ... and big tion. seller at Vineyards was its The food was good, and sometimes "Lox, Stock and No Bagel" even better than that ... amid an ami- with Nova lox, cream cheese, able, peaceful and enjoyable atmos- Bermuda onion and tomato phere. between two pieces of iceberg Waiters and waitresses at Jim's lettuce. Garage wore white mechanics' jackets Asmar hasn't eaten bread with auto emblems of one sort or since February of 1998 ... and A corned beef and a turkey breadless "sandwich" from Vineyards another affixed to them ... which has taken off more than 50 seemed a comfortable and reasonably pounds on the Atkins diet- stylish solution to the what-to-wear ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. 2-3:30 p.m. in the History Room. style of low carbohydrates. problem. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. TRUE STORY DEPT. ... from Dr. There are about 84 no-bread "sand- The room was jammed with memo- "Party! You want a party?! You'll get Marshall Shapiro ... On July 20, 1969, wiches" (for want of a better name) on rabilia ... hood ornaments, antique a party when the kid next door walks as commander of the Apollo 11 lunar the Vineyards menu, including corned wooden trucks and cars stashed high on the moon!" module, Neil Armstrong was the first beef, turkey, pastrami, etc. on one wall, old gas pumps ... People MAIL DEPT ... From public rela- person to set foot on the moon. I had a turkey with Russian dressing lined up to eat lunch here ... a funny tions sage Robert Moreillon ... "Gloria His first words after stepping on the and tomato between lettuce and was parallel to the waiting-in-line-for-gas and I went to the Common Grill in moon, "That's one small step for man, amazed at the breadless wonder's sim- syndrome of the time. one giant leap for mankind," were tele- Chelsea for dinner. Everything we had ple delight. Among the most enchanting objects was excellent. Craig Common wasn't vised to Earth and heard by millions. REMINISCING DEPT ... By Leo in the Garage were the ceiling fans ... in, but I left my card to say hello. I But just before he re-entered the Knight ... About the visit to China by They were slow-motion art, simple, worked with him when he was execu- spacecraft, he made the enigmatic he and wife, Sue, 12 years ago ... Both bladed, with intricate iron wood tive chef for Chuck Muer's tavern divi- remark, "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky." love Peking Duck and couldn't wait to mounts that looked as if they had been sion, as you remember, I'm sure. Many people at NASA thought it have the "authentic" dish in its country created by the same artisans who "We had gone to Chelsea, about 12 was a casual remark concerning some of origin. designed Singer sewing machine bases miles west of Ann Arbor on 1-94, and rival Soviet cosmonaut. They've had Peking Duck at many once upon a time. to Jeff Daniels' Purple Rose Theatre, However, upon checking, there was places ... and to this day still remember Best of all, the fans were turned by only eight rows total in a semi-circle no Gorsky in either the Russian or an unforgettable experience ... at what Breadless Wonders Vineyards creates no-bread deli 'Sandwiches." D - 9/12 2003 88