* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** STAR DELI mentioned in The Last The author Kabbalist, appears here. explains that In fact, John is a descen- although many dent of the narrator of people are aware of the earlier novel. having some Jewish As Hunting Midnight ancestry, they don't progresses, John also have any idea what comes to understand and Judaism is. He says appreciate his Jewish that, not infre- identity. The novel ends quently, he is asked on a high note of recon- basic questions like, ciliation and redemption. "But how did you "I personally do feel know you were the redemption very Jewish as a kid?" or strongly whenever I read "Were we really the last part of the book," that horrible to the Zimler says. "It's as Richard Zimler on the residents Jews?" though John has joined of Porto, Portugal: "There is When asked if liv- together what was broken both a great ignorance about ing in Porto has had and moved us all one step Jews and a hungry curiosity" an impact on his closer — one soul at a Jewish identity, he time — toward the world says, "I think living we should have." here and writing my books has given He then quotes his character: "But me a living sense of the history of the what about good? Might it not be able Jewish people — that it is still here and to restore life? I cannot say, of course, still present in our daily lives, and it has but I've begun to suspect that goodness a great many facets to the Jewish past is the only miracle within reach of that can be instructive to our contem- human hands: He that pursueth good porary lives." may join together what has long been He says that Portugal has changed so separated." very little over the past 300 years that The novel is just under 500 pages, he can stand in Lisbon, for instance, but it's fast-paced, almost cinematic. "and see the views that the Jews would Driven by both plot and character, the have seen when they were living in their narrative makes for quick, engaging neighborhood downtown. That brings reading. Zimler is particularly talented me back to those times in a very con- at evoking place, whether the outdoor crete way." markets of Porto, a plantation near Zimler notes that discovering Charleston or early 19th-century New Kabbalah also had great impact. "While York City. growing up, all I knew of Judaism — In researching the book, Zimler, who coming from a secular family — were grew up in Manhasset, Long Island, bar mitzvahs and marriages. and Jewish read a lot about Portuguese history, cuisine. So it was a great revelation to Bushman culture, slavery (including read Gershom Scholem. He opened my several slave narratives) and Jewish life eyes. in Charleston. "I sometimes say that I used to see While attending Duke University, he just the surface of the ocean of Judaism, traveled a lot in the South, so the but after reading him I was able to see a American locales were familiar. few feet down into the depths." For Zimler, an exciting moment was He adds, "Of course, the great mys- discovering that "the Bushman stories tics can probably see all the way down — myths — also take place in an eter- to the ocean floor, but not me." nal present. They refer to it as the Time His next novel, People Change, is of the First People. It's not an historical about two women — one Palestinian, time. It's now It's always now, just as one Israeli — and the course of their Moses is always parting the Red Sea lives, both separately and together, over now!" 50 years. Zimler, 47, has been living in He's also working on a new historical Portugal for 13 years. He now teaches novel set in Goa at the end of the 16th journalism at the University of Porto, century. That novel is the next install- and finds that in Porto, "there is both a ment in a project he calls "The great ignorance about Jews and hungry Sephardic Cycle" — a loosely grouped curiosity. Because of the forced conver- series of novels about different genera- sion of 1497 and subsequent marriages tions and branches of one Sephardic between New and Old Christians, family. The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon and everyone in Portugal today has Jewish Hunting Midnight are the first two in ancestors on some branch or other." the "Cycle." ❑ Style Magazine's Oakland County Favorite "BEST CORNBEEF" AP", STAR'S TRAYS CAN'T BE BEAT FOR QUALITY & PRICE! EVERYBODY 4,KNOWS STAR HAS THE *liar STAR'S HOMEMA DE EST HOMEIVIADc FAT - FREE TUN A TUNA IN TOWN! 'k St ALSO CAN'T * Si BE BEAT! per person DAIRY TRAY S..41 WE HAVE THE BEST 44 lAit VEGETARIAN TRY OUR CHOPPED LIVER HOMEMADE ANYWHERE! POTATO SALA D AND • COLE SLAW ' Ast ON STAR'S BEAUTIFUL ALREADY LOW-PRICED MEAT OR DAIRY TRAYS r WITH THIS COUPON WE CUT OUR•"'" .,, CARRY-OUT 1.0X4 STAR *ST ST! BY HAND! *STAR *ST • Expires 12-31-03 • One Per Person • Not Good Holidays • 10 Person Minimum *STAR *wait -A DELIVERY AVAILABLE A STAR TRAY IS THE FINEST YOU CAN GET! 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