Opinion Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: www.detroitjewishnews.com Dry Bones Rebuilding Iraq mericans concerned about the future of Israel need to pay close attention to the current process of rebuilding Iraq. If Iraq does not gain a viable and stable secular government over the next half-dozen years, it could easily become an even more corn- mitted foe of the Jewish state than it was under Saddam Hussein. America, its allies and its potential helpers — including, it now seems, the United Nations — must start from scratch. Hussein and his Ba'ath Party effectively killed any motivation that ordi- nary Iraqis might have had to speak out on public policy issues. Now, most Iraqis don't even know what a public governmental meeting — the sort of city council or school board session that we take for granted — might be about, or how they might par- ticipate. They are going to need lessons in basic civics and repeated demonstration that it is both effective and safe to voice controversial opinions publicly. It may be hard for us to understand and accept, but until these lessons are learned at a local and regional level, it would be a mistake to turn the national government over to popular elections and to withdraw the Western presence. Pressure is already mounting in this country to limit our stay in Iraq and possibly reduce the $4 billion a month our government is spending to maintain 138,000 soldiers there — and the Bush administration is hinting it may need to add $3 billion to the $7 billion it has already budgeted for civilian reconstruction. But if we were to accede to that pressure to get out socn, the current Governing Council would rapidly disintegrate, along with all the local movement toward repairing the shattered economic and political infrastructure of the country. And the most likely heirs to power will be individual warlords, as in Afghanistan, and Muslim fundamentalists. Hussein used a Sunni minority to do his bid- A ding, but the Shiite Muslims make up 60 percent of the country; they are eager to seize power and create a theocratic state in the style of Iran. Most of the other Arab states sup- ported Hussein or at least turned a blind eye to his oppression of his people. They will be even more eager to embrace a nation under Sharia (Islamic law). Imagine what that would mean for Israel. Hussein subsi- dized the families of suicide bombers; a theocratic Iraq would provide the bombers themselves, along with every other weapon it could muster. Allied with Iran, it could create irresistible pressures on Syria, Egypt and even Jordan to launch another full-scale war against Israel. The fight to get rid of Hussein was waged by a small coalition in which the United States, Britain and Poland were the major powers. Now a much, much broader coalition must be formed. Troops and technical expertise would be particularly welcome from Muslim nations whom Iraqis might see as less of an occupy- ing force. The United Nations is the logical agency for admin- istering a multinational effort, but its sorry expe- rience with Kosovo, another Muslim area, should make the U.S. wary of surrendering too much authority too quickly. For the sake of the 25 million citizens of Iraq, friMeRicA IS FIGHTING TERROR IN) IRAQ ,,, "'ANA) FoR mi€ AtM6FicAtS IT'S B6TIER 73-1A -T Tfie IKAR Is FOUGHT " OVER SEAS " EDIT ORIAL 41.)i) Iva/ IN -114E STREETS OF --11-kCiR we need to make sure that a pluralistic, tolerant and stable Iraq rises from the ashes of the Saddam regime. Staying the course we have proclaimed would help dispel the notion that we are in Iraq for the oil alone. And allowing failure would be potentially disastrous for Israel. ❑ More Than A Check T he upcoming High Holidays signal the start of the Jewish communal year and the pages of the Jewish News are filling with information about charitable events, learning opportunities, lectures and infor- mal get-togethers. But for too many of us, participation consists only of opening the checkbook and giving donations — to a synagogue; to a health, communal or university fund; to Federation's Annual Campaign; to United Way. While our philanthropy is tremendously impor- tant to our community and to our world in gener- al, it cannot be the extent of our Judaism. Our faith is built as much on a foundation of growing as it is on one of giving. To give but to not thirst minimizes learning — a vital tenet of Judaism. There's every reason to stretch your own field of knowledge — to learn to be a better per- son and a better Jew. We lead busy lives. Work demands much of our time. Our children, our grandchildren, our health and well- being, our homes, our friends — all vie for our attention. Too often, our spiritual soul is lost in the shuffle. New Year's resolutions can just as well be traced directly to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This EDIT ORIAL year, let's not give all the credit — or the effort — to Jan. 1. As the High Holidays near, resolve to make time for yourself and your community. Take in a Jewish lecture this year that would have interested you last year, but you just couldn't make the time for. Squeeze into your week an intriguing course that always seems to come and go before you decide to register for it. Take part on a committee, if only part time — making allowances for school conferences, workouts, leisure or your time in Florida. Just a little participation can make a world of difference, to you and your community. The dividends are there for the asking. ❑ 9/ 5 2003 27