almitoesmileaK--xorwr, - 416. c't 7 r Solving The Refugee Riddle I j ,.1 4 01. .= : Philadelphia ere's a puzzle: How do Palestinian refugees differ from the 20 century's 135 million other refugees? Answer: In every other instance, the pain of dispossession, statelessness and poverty has diminished over time. Refugees either resettled, returned home or died. Their children — whether liv- ing in South Korea, Vietnam, Pakistan, Israel, Turkey, Germany or the United States — then shed the refugee status and joined the mainstream. Not so the Palestinians. For them, the refugee status continues from one generation to the next, creating an ever-larger pool of anguish and dis- content. Several factors explain this anomaly, but one key component — of all things — is the United Nations' bureaucratic structure. It contains two organizations focused on refugee affairs, each with its own definition of "refugee": • The U.N. High Commission for Refugees applies this term worldwide to someone who, "owing to a well-found- ed fear of being persecuted is outside the country of his nationality." Being outside the country of his nationality implies that descendants of refugees are II Daniel Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum. His e-mail address is not refugees. Cubans who flee the Castro regime are refugees, but not their Florida-born children who lack Cuban nationality. Afghans who flee their homeland are refugees, but not their Iranian-born children. And so on. • The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, an organization set up uniquely for Palestinian refugees in 1949, defines Palestinian refugees differently from all other refugees. They are persons who lived in Palestine "between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict." Especially important is that UNRWA extends the refugee status to "the descendants of persons who became refugees in 1948." It even considers the children of just one Palestinian refugee parent to be refugees. The High Commission's definition causes refugee populations to vanish over time; UNRWA's causes them to expand without limit. Let's apply each definition to the Palestinian refugees of 1948; by the U.N.'s (inflated) statistics, they numbered 726,000. (Scholarly estimates of the number range between 420,000 to 539,000.) The High Commission definition would restrict the refugee status to those of the 726,000 yet alive. According to a demographer, about 200,000 of those 1948 refugees remain living today. UNRWA includes the dwindling number of true refugees' children, grandchildren Palestinian refugees. and great-grandchildren, as well That will only happen if the as Palestinians who left their U.S. government recognizes homes in 1967, all of whom UNRWA's role in perpetuating add up to 4.25 million refugees. Palestinian misery. In a misguid- The 200,000 refugees by the ed spirit of "deep commitment global definition make up less to the welfare of Palestinian than 5 percent of the 4.25 mil- D ANIEL refugees," Washington currently lion by the UNRWA definition. PIPES provides 40 percent of By international standards, those Special UNRWA's $306 million annual other 95 percent are not refugees Co mmentary budget; it should be zeroed-out. at all. By falsely attaching a Fortunately, the U.S. Congress refugee status to these is waking up to this need. Chris Palestinians who never fled anywhere, Smith, a Republican on the House UNRWA condemns a creative and entre- International Relations Committee, preneurial people to lives of exclusion, recently called for expanding the General self-pity, and nihilism. Accounting Office's investigation into U.S. funding for UNRWA. Tom Lantos, the ranking Help Desperately Needed Democratic member on that same The policies of Arab governments then committee, goes further. Criticizing make things worse by keeping the "privileged and prolonged man- Palestinians locked in an amber-like ner" of dealing with Palestinian refugee status. In Lebanon, for refugees, he calls for shuttering instance, the 400,000 stateless UNRWA and transferring its responsi- Palestinians are not allowed to attend bilities to the High Commission. public school, own property or even Other Western governments should improve their housing stock. join with Washington to solve the It's high time to help these genera- Palestinian refugee problem by with- tions. of non-refugees escape the refugee holding authorization for UNRWA status so they can become citizens, when it next comes up for renewal in assume self-responsibility and build for June 2005. Now is the time to lay the the future. Best for them would be for groundwork to eliminate this malign UNRWA to close its doors and the institution, its mischievous definition U.N. High Commission to absorb the and its monstrous works. ❑ We walked out and mounted our bicycles. There we were at the start- ing line with Lance. We posed for a picture and we were off on our easy 25-mile ride. An easy 25-mile ride for Lance Armstrong isn't so easy for two over- sized, middle-aged Jewish men. Once we were out of the parking lot, we were immediately the last two in the pack. Truth be told, we never really saw Lance again during the ride. We huffed and we puffed, trying to keep up. Even the bike repair truck got tired of how slowly Lance Armstrong, kneeling, with Steven, we were riding. We got lost. Julie and Noah Loewenstein. I called my wife from the route to say that the ride was going to go right past our home in Glencoe. She the club. The organizers of the event should come out and watch. She saw and a few riders cheered. They were the 23 riders go past our home, with worried about us. Lance had been Lance in the lead. Some 20 minutes looking for me. He'd asked about me later, she waved as we rode past. during the ride. We were the last to arrive back at "Where's the rabbi?" he inquired at the halfway point. He was looking for a blessing. We laughed about it when I said I had tried my best to keep up, but just couldn't. We said our goodbyes and had begun to pack up, when my wife, Julie, and son Noah came down to the corner to see all the excitement. Noah came rid- ing in on his two-wheeler. Lance's SUV was just pulling out of the parking lot when I knocked on the limo window and asked him for one more favor. "Could you take one last picture with my son?" Without hesitation, he got out of the car. He walked over to Noah and bent down next to him. "Hey, Noah," he said, "I also ride a Trek bike. Do you like it'?" Noah nodded with an unwitting smile. Who was this guy? Lance squeezed Noah's hand brake. "Noah, your brakes need to be adjusted!" he said. And with that, he bent down and started to fiddle with Noah's bike. The men from the bike shop jumped out of their van to lend a hand. Lance asked for a screwdriver. While the technicians watched, Lance adjusted Noah's brake as Noah sat on his bike grinning ear to ear. Not many 6-year-olds get a roadside tune up from Lance Armstrong. He paused for some pictures, signed Noah's hel- met and said goodbye. Julie, Michael and I stood there in amazement. Not only was this man an international champion, an undaunted advocate for cancer research, and a moving role model for millions but here, on a cold Noember morning, he showed himself to be a world class mentsh. It just doesn't get any better than this. By the way, next year we will be ready ... Michael and I finally went out and bought those funny shoes. 11] 8/22 2003 33