Torah Portion The Administration, Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff and Students of The Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit extends a hearty Yasher Koach The Trait Of Stubbornness Has Served The Jewish Nation Well necked people." Why does Moses use the same phrase to defend the people that God used to attack them? Why does Moses, in the context of seeking to win Gods pardon, remind God (as it were) of this "evil" trait? The Midrash explains. Moses chal- e think of human traits in lenges God: "Do you think I use this either-or categories: good phrase in criticism of Israel? On the con- and bad, praiseworthy and trary, I use it to praise them. This is, condemnable. indeed, a strong-willed people, unrelent- Humility is good; pride is bad. Anger ing in their lust for the golden calf But and impatience are bad; patience and tol- days will come, in centuries yet unborn erance are good. However, a that this stiff-neckedness will philosopher could argue that have other beneficial conse- there are no traits that are good quences. and bad in and of themselves. "In the distant future, Jews What makes them worthy or will stand up unbending and unworthy is the purpose they unyielding despite the persecu- serve and the goals they tion of their enemies. They will advance. be stubborn in their loyalty.. A Chasidic teacher once resolute in their determination; expounded a verse of Ecclesiastes unflagging in their zeal to bear that declares that "God made witness to Thy name." everything beautiful in its time." RABBI IRWIN This text and commentary "Whatever God created," the GRONER shed light on the distinctive teacher explained, "is good and Special to the nature of Jewish history and useful." Jewish News the unique character of the His students asked, "What Jewish people. We are a stiff- good is envy? Envy is an evil necked people whom neither Amalek nor trait." The teacher responded, "Not at all, Haman nor Torquemada nor even Hitler for the envy of scholars, which causes could destroy. Neither dispersion, exile, them to compete, has a good effect in that destruction or catastrophe could crush the it increases wisdom." stiff-neckedness of this people, and over- "What good is atheism, lack of faith?" come their resolute, obdurate will to live. they asked. Even after the Holocaust, Jews were 'This, too," he said, "has a purpose. determined to survive, endure, and When a poor man comes to you in need, rebuild their shattered lives in Israel and don't offer him theology. Don't say to him: all the countries of their dispersion. `God will provide; our Father in heaven The people of Israel continue the tradi- will help you.' At that moment, become a tion of Am Kshay Oref They struggle skeptic. Don't affirm the power of the with economic burdens, with the enmity Creator of the Universe as an excuse to of their Arab neighbors and with the evade your responsibility. Act as if God duplicity of the United Nations. But they were absent, and you help Him." will not be intimidated or frightened. In this week's Torah portion, Moses They will not compromise their right to recounts the time when he was informed security and peace. We, too, should con- by God that the people of Israel made a tinue without weariness or timidity to per- golden calf. God stated: "I have seen this severe with tenacity and determination — people and they are Am Kshay Oref: a as a "stiff-necked people" — to meet the stiff-necked, a perversely stubborn people." challenge of Jewish survival and to assure This is a severe criticism, a veritable the future of the Jewish spirit. I indicunent of the Hebrew people. Yet, a little later, when Moses beseeches God to bestow forgiveness and show compassion, he uses the same phrase as he says, "Let the Lord go up in our midst, for indeed Why would God want to kill his this is an Am Kshay Oref, this is a stiff- children as in his order to our ancestors to kill the Canaanites? Irwin Groner is senior rabbi of Is genocide one of the causes worth fighting for? Congregation Shaarey Zedek. His e- mail is Shabbat Ekev: Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25; Isaiah 49:14-51:3. ir Conversations to Steve Freedman on his appointment as Headmaster of Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit - JEWISH ACADEMY of Metropolitan Detroit Rabbi Lee Buckman Head of School Steve Schanes President Maim Box by Susan Fullenbaum Tradition! Tradtion! Call Alicia R. Nelson for an appointment (248) 557-0109 739040 T GUE S • For the Whole Family • Fall Collection Is Here! 100 North Old Woodward Birmingham 248.646.4988 744610 CPLLTOOPi PAP SUBSCRIPTION 248.351.5174 8/15 2003 47