3X,Opinion • Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: www.detroitjewishnews.coni Dry Bones This Side Of The Fence L et's be clear about what this fence is and what it is not. It is a security barrier that Israel has had to put up to make it harder for the would-be bombers to cross over from the West Bank and blow up Israeli civilians at markets, pizza parlors and discotheques, and on buses. It is going up as a reaction to a hideous pattern of terror that the Palestinians chose to pursue after rejecting an incredibly generous peace settlement that Israel's Ehud Barak offered them three years ago at Camp David and again at Taba, in Egypt. It is the same thing as the fence Israel has built around the Gaza Strip and at the borders with Lebanon and Syria. It is no more illegal than the barricades the United States has put up along the Rio Grande to slow the influx of illegally entering immigrants and, perhaps, it will be more effective. Its historic antecedent is the Great Wall of China. In its intent, it is the same as check- points at airports or security doors for businesses or a lock on the front door of homes. The point is to keep the bad guys out. It is not a wall to enclose the Palestinians, who are free if they choose to cross over into Jordan — therefore, it is nothing like the ghetto walls that for centuries Jews were required to live behind in European cities. It also bears no comparison with the Berlin Wall that the Soviet Union put up to keep East Germans from seeing the success of Western democracy. Yes, it is expensive, but what price should we put on the lives of the more than 800 Israelis who have died in terror attacks since the latest Palestinian uprising started 34 months ago? Yes, it interferes with the lives of many Palestinians, just rtvoeove as the Palestinian terrorism has dis- rupted ordinary life in the Jewish state. When Palestinians started the ter- ror, did they think there would be no consequences or that the conse- quences would somehow be preferable to what they could have accomplished by continuing the peace talks? Shouldn't they — and the rest of the world — consider the possibility that Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are more responsible for the fence than is the Israeli leader- ship? The security fence may not be completely compati- ble with the spirit of the road map for peace that the U.S., Russia, the United Nations and the European Union drafted, but nor is it necessarily an impediment to achiev- ing the map's goals of building mutu- al trust that could lead to a long- range permanent settlement. It is surely easier for Israel to negotiate when the threat of suicide bombing is reduced — the primary goal of the barrier. Israel should, however, do a great deal more to assure the civilized world that it does not intend to make the path of the current fence a permanent feature of the land- scape. Israel should devise a convincing way of committing to a secure but less intrusive barrier that follows negotiated boundaries once the terror stops. EDIT ORIAL Yes To Public Schools he bell will ring soon in school districts around the state. It's not a sound that Jews should ignore, even if they have chil- dren in a private or Jewish day school, or no children of school age. Public schools are a hallmark of the democratic ideals we so cherish as Americans. To ignore them is to unwittingly belittle the freedom and opportu- nity in this great land. Such schools are open to everyone regardless of family pedigree — so they're a national birthright. They're where many kids first encounter racial and ethnic diversity. As Jewish Americans, it's our obligation to stand with the secular community in support of public schools without giving up our support of Jewish day and congregational schools. Most Jewish children are enrolled in a public T 9?RiAmS REAL wAgr.I - A a@ k er" ga riF4E QuEs -riom wHAT ■•■••.Il !silt DOES "T1-1 St-(ROAN AND DICTAToR THE WANT?' ANsokeR :r 1:1 1 is?... ol c ii .4 5 11 ) # school — reason enough for Jews to care about their local district. But other reasons also resonate. Young people in school today will make the deci- sions that affect us all tomorrow. And it's in every- one's interest to make sure tomorrow's leaders are well educated. The Jewish virtue of tikkun olam, of repair of the _world, requires that we embrace schools caught in the backdraft of a shifting tax base. We're obligated to give underprivileged students at least a basic education. For generations, public education has benefited minorities and immigrants. Through toil and determination, Jewish immigrants educated in their neighbor- hood schools have helped build our major cities, including Detroit. As school policy and courses are publicly debat- ed, the Jewish community must be vigilant of a range of issues, from improving literacy to planning global studies to keeping teachers in step with kids who have different thirsts and aptitudes for learn- ing. EDIT ORIAL Related coverage: page 65 Kt.lowS GNAT 11 1 Of course, it would be wonderful if the fence were not needed, because the Palestinians had truly rejected their hatred of the Jewish state and their incitement against Israeli civilians. But as Tuesday's two suicide bombing attacks showed once again, for now the fence must stand. ❑ We can further stay engaged with our public schools via parent groups, board meetings and dis- trict elections. The Jewish Community Council's Detroit Jewish Coalition for Literacy, which coordinates school- based tutoring programs for young students, also is worth supporting. Meanwhile, the fight for separation of church and state in public school programs continues. After summer recess, tuition vouchers will be debated again in the U.S. House (HR 2556). The bill would allow public school funds in the nation's capital to be diverted to non-public schools, includ- ing religious schools. The Senate will tackle the School Readiness Act of 2003. The act would per- mit Head Start employers to use religious discrimi- nation when hiring, reports the JCCouncil. Schools vary from district to district, but together reflect the vibrant tapestry that is America. They give all kids a chance to be educated, contribute and succeed. Ultimately, however, public schools are only as responsive and accountable as the stakeholders — the taxpayers — demand them to be. ❑ 8/15 2003 23