SHOULD YOUR TAX DOLLARS BE USED TO CREATE A PALESTINIAN ARAB TERRORIST STATE? IS THIS WHERE YOU WANT YOUR TAX DOLLARS GOING? The Bush administration is already sending over $200 million in taxpayers' dollars to the Palestinian Arabs each year. Now that figure may be increased to as much as $1 billion, accord- ing to The New York Times. And there will be a special allocation of $300-million to train and equip the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces—who them- selves have engaged in ter- rorism. THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY IS ANTI- AMERICAN The Palestinian Authority was Saddam Hussein's closest ally. Thousands of Palestinian Arabs danced in the streets to celebrate the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America. PA officials have engaged in vicious attacks on America's leaders— they have called President Bush "a lunatic" and "the head of the snake" and Colin Powell "a neo-Nazi." And the PA continues to shelter the terrorists who have murdered 42 American citizens since 1993—including Sheikh Abd al-Aziz Awda, who was indicted last February by the U.S. government yet is still walking free in PA- controlled Gaza. television, radio, newspapers, speeches, and religious sermons by PA-appointed clerics. The PA teaches its people that Israel does not even have the right to exist. And a PA state would be even more dangerous. It would be able to import weapons. It would have its own army, navy, and air force. It would have sovereign borders to shield terrorists from arrest. The present PA regime tor- tures political dissidents, sup- presses women, and abuses Jewish holy sites. A sover- eign PA state would be a brutal Muslim dictatorship. The present PA regime has close ties to anti-American regimes like Iran, Syria, and Libya. A sovereign PA state would be a bastion of anti-American hatred and form close alliances with America's enemies. 71% OF AMERICANS OPPOSE CREATING A PALESTINIAN ARAB STATE A recent poll by McLaughlin & Associates found that 71% of Americans oppose creating a Palestinian Arab state; only 13% favor it. THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY PERSECUTES CHRISTIANS Christian Arabs living in PA- controlled territories have been brutally persecuted. U.S. courts have even grant- ed some of them asylum on the grounds that they would be persecuted if they returned to PA areas. Bethlehem, which once had a Christian majority, now has a Muslim majority— many Christians have left due to PA-tolerated harass- ment by Muslims. WOD 1110S3N OID 31.04d THE U.S. IS BUILDING A NEW TERRORIST STATE President Bush has vowed to put an end to terrorist states—but he is promoting a "Road Map" plan to create a Palestinian Arab state that would inevitably be a terror- ist state. We know it will be a terrorist state because for the past ten years, the Palestinian Authority has been promoting terrorism against Israel. Sometimes the PA itself has directly ordered and financed terror- ist attacks. Sometimes the PA has encouraged, tolerat- ed, and sheltered other groups that carried out ter- rorism, such as Fatah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. There have been periods when terrorism was more frequent; there have been periods when it was less frequent. But the Palestinian Arabs' terrorist war against Israel has never stopped. To this day, in violation of the Bush Road Map, the PA refuses to outlaw terrorist groups, refuses to confiscate their tens of thousand of weapons, and refuses to shut down their training camps. The PA continues to incite hatred and murder of Israelis in their school books, 76% OF AMERICANS OPPOSE AID TO THE PALESTINIAN ARABS A recent poll by McLaughlin & Associates found that 76% of Americans oppose U.S. financial aid to the Palestinian Arabs; only 11.5% favor it. TELL PRESIDENT BUSH AND CONGRESS: NO AMERICAN TAXPAYERS' DOLLARS FOR THE TERRORIST PA REGIME! CONTACT PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: The White House / 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20500 / Ph: 202-456-1111 Fx: 202-456-2461 / e-mail: Morton A. Klein ; National President / Dr. Alan Mazurek, Chairman of the Board Dr. Michael Goldblatt, Chairman, National Executive Committee Joseph Savin, District President / Dr. Jerome Kaufman, National Executive Committee 6735 Telegraph Road, Suite 350 / Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48301 / Tel: 248-282-0088 Fax: 248-282-0090 / e-mail: / web site: CONTACT YOUR U.S. SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES: Call the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to the office of your choice ZIONIST ORGANIZAMON OF AMERICA FOUNDED 1897 7/25 2003 15