iippleTree RED, WHITE & JEWS from page 47 O in the middle. Eastern-European Jewish immi- grants brought the bagel to the United States. An American Jew brought them to Israel. Gary Heller, a native of New York, began his bagel - business in Jerusalem by importing frozen dough from Manhattan's H&H Bagels, founded in 1972 by brothers Helmer Toro and Hector Hernanadez. He then cooked up the bagels in Jerusalem and soon had plenty more cus- tomers than just those off the street. He began selling to a national supermarket chain and then to Dunkin' Donuts in Tel Aviv. Today, plenty of bagels are sold in Israel, but it has never quite reached the eating frenzy it has in the United States, likely because Israelis already have a favorite bread prod- uct: pita. ous stones and other documents, all with Hebrew, in areas throughout South America. Father Miguel is hardly alone in his theory. Others have suggested that American Indians are, in fact, descendants of one of the 10 Lost Tribes who came to America long before Christopher Columbus. ewish archives tell all. Daniel Boone, without gi whom there might never have been a Kentucky, is known to have had many contacts with Jews. According to some reports, a number of Jews actual- ly accompanied Boone on his explorations (and despite the Boone legend, there were, in fact, many who traversed through Kentucky before him). One of Boone's employers was Cohen & Isaacs of Richmond, Va., who paid him for land surveying in Kentucky in 1781. In the American Jewish Archives, it's still possible to see a record of that very transac- tion, including a receipt which reads, in Yiddish, on back: Resit fitn Kornel Bon far 1000 akir lanit (Receipt from Col. Boone for 1,000 acres of land). F ather figures ... Father Miguel Santa Maria Puerta dedicated much of his life to proving a theory: that Jews dis- covered America. According to Father Miguel, Jews came to America during the time of King Solomon. In 1974, he even published an article (albeit in a rather obscure European magazine, To The Point International), in which he claims to have an ancient jar, bearing a Hebrew inscription, that comes from South America. He also claimed to have found vari- p, up and away. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's ... Jerry Siegel of Cleveland who, with pal (and Canadian native Joe Shuster) created the distinctly American hero, Superman. L ouisville legend. If you love America's greatest pasttime, baseball, then you owe a debt of grati- tude to Barney Dreyfuss (1865-1932). Dreyfuss, a native of Germany, came in 1881 to the United States. He was a frail man, and physi- cians suggested he get some exercise and fresh air to improve his health. To that end, Dreyfuss ended up joining a semi- professional baseball team. Later, he became a part owner, then presi- dent of the Louisville Colonels, a major league team. When the Colonels were eliminated in 1900, Dreyfuss bought the Pittsburgh Pirates, which he owned until his death. In 1903, Dreyfuss had an idea that would forever change the face of baseball. He suggested that his Pirates, the National League champs, meet up with the Boston Red Sox, the American League's top team, for a few games. Thus, the World Series was born. Dreyfuss also is the man behind Forbes Field in Pittsburgh. Built in 1909, it was the world's first modern baseball stadium. Y oh, why. Long before JZ Knight or Lazarus, or even Shirley MacLaine and My Mother the Car, there was Bridey Murphy. For better or worse, The Search for Bridey Murphy (which tells the "true story" of a girl who had also lived years ago in Ireland) is the book that started the whole reincarnation thing that has since capti- vated much of the world. It was written by Morey Bernstein. ❑ Rink-A-Dink, Pin And Time To Think Adat Shalom's Maccabee Adventure Club provides families with a party and learning. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM AppleTree Editor A Adat Shalom families are on a roll. Last week, Adat Shalom Synagogue in Farmington Hills held its kickoff event for the Maccabee Adventure Club, hosting a in-line skating party that included a great chance to learn, as well. The program, for families with children aged 6-9, is designed to "incorporate different activities, such as in- line skating, soccer, campfire singing and more with fami- ly learning on the topics of Jewish ethics and values," 7/ 4 2003 48 according to Adat Shalom Family Educator Tami Elliott. The first step — lots of gear. Oakland County Parks and Recreation came with a trailer carrying 120 pairs of skates, helmets, knee pads and a sound system that played Israeli rock-and-roll. During intermission, Rabbi Daniel Nevins led an interactive dis- cussion. II Tori Weingarten, 3, of Bloomfield Hills takes to in-line skates.