To Think Pink Or Go Blue? Judaism, salty foods and looking to the sex of your child. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM AppleTree Editor A t last, a reason you really must eat chocolate. You have nine boys and you love each one dearly. But ah, the thought of a girl — pink dresses, bouncing curls, Raggedy Ann dolls. Popular wisdom has it that eating chocolate may be just the thing. Or maybe you would prefer going for the vegetables, which another bit of folklore says also is sure to bring you a baby girl. While most gentile couples are busy decorating nurseries, holding baby showers and telling everyone the names of their on-the-way bundle of joy, Judaism supports none of these. And although you can walk down any street in Israel and buy mezuzah-shaped bits of paper said to contain prayers guaran- teeing pregnancy, Halachic Judaism holds no place for trying to predict or change fate with charms or "magic spells" (that's called paganism). If you want a healthy baby you can ask God, but you shouldn't carry amulets to make you "lucky" This does not mean, however, that Jewish parents cannot do a bit of plan- ning. While rabbinical opinion varies on such complex issues as artificial insemi- nation, everyone would understand a Jewish mom's desire for a girl when she already has 11 boys. Could that choco- late be the answer? But first, the facts. If you're hoping for a boy, the odds are in your favor. According to the National Institutes of Health, 51.2 per- cent of the babies born each year are boys (with 48.8 percent being girls). Things get decidedly less scientific when it comes to whether parents can choose whether they have a boy or a girl. In 1995, the New England Journal of Medicine published a report on whether any single action couples take can really help determine the sex of their child. The answer? In a word: no. Yet there may be hope. And who would have imagined that that answer might have started with the cow and the goat and even the pig? Three years after the New England Journal of Medicine report, Human Reproduction ran an article that chroni- cled the work of the Genetics & IVF Institute in Fairfax, Va. Following in the footsteps of DNA work once used for research on farm animals, workers at the Institute now say that parents may be able to use cytometry to help determine the sex of their child. In cytometry, DNA is stained with a fluorescent dye, which, the Institute says, can identify Y or X chromosomes. (Y chromosomes, which produce boys, have more genetic material than X chromosomes, which results in girls. This procedure would, of course, only work for cases of artificial insemina- tion). According to the report in Human Reproduction, the Institute has had an 85 percent success rate so far. In another method, expressed in How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby, Dr. Landrum Shettles and David Rorvik suggest that couples wishing a boy should have marital relations as soon as possible to the time of ovulation. This is based on their theory that Y chromo- somes (those are the guys) move faster and have a shorter lifespan than their X, or female, counterparts. Or, maybe it's the other way around? In her book Boy or Girl? author Elizabeth Whelan says the exact oppo- site is true. Possibly the most popular method for determining the sex of the child is known as the Ericsson Method, devel- oped by Dr. Ronald Ericsson, which is used by fertility clinics nationwide. The Ericsson Method makes use of a cen- trifuge to separate Y and X chromo- somes (the Y's are lighter), which are then inserted (again, thanks to artificial insemination) into the egg, based upon whether the couple wants a boy or girl. But maybe all this sounds too expen- sive, or just too darn complicated, for you. There are alternatives. Folklore is rampant with suggestions on how to have a boy or a girl. Much of it has to do with food. If you're hoping to conceive a little David or Michael, Mom should eat lots of red meat, advises one bit of popular wisdom. Another tradition holds that couples wishing a boy should enjoy plenty of salty snacks, then Dad should wash his down with a lot of cola drinks. Then be sure it's a quarter moon in the sky, that the woman falls asleep to the left of her husband and it's an odd day on the calendar when you try to conceive. If you're dreaming of your own Sarah or Rachel, healthy food is what you need. Future moms-to-be need to get plenty of fish and vegetables and LOTS of sweets, especially chocolate. Plan on romance when the moon is full and pick an even date on the calendar to guarantee (or so legend says) that you'll have a girl. Guessing The Gender Suppose, though, that you're already pregnant. The temptation of finding GUESSING on page 88 6/2 - 2003 87