INSIDE: Synagogue List 63 Torah Portion 64 A NEW LEAF Shaarey Zedek revamps its religious schoo ongregation Shaarey Zedek has adopted a new curricu- lum model and hired a new director for its 630-student religious school Beginning next fall, students will attend religious school for two days each week, instead of three. The new curriculum also requires attendance at a certain number of Shabbat services and family education activities. The extent of these require- ments varies with the student's grade. "I want them to have two great days instead of three OK days," said Bonnie Winkler of West Bloomfield, co-chair of the parent committee that recommend- ed the curriculum change at the Conservative congregation. Co-chair Diane Orley of Bloomfield Hills said she hoped the Shabbat pro- gram would be "a nice family time." The new curriculum also includes a social action requirement. Each grade will be paired with a community service organization in Detroit and will partici- pate in periodic programs. Most of these programs will take place during the reg- ular religious school hours. "This new curriculum is something we've been talking about for five or six years," said Tobye Bello, Shaarey Zedek's school administrator. "We studied schools across the United States and found we can do more with a two-day week plus a Shabbat and social service requirement." director and administrator of the syna- gogue's religious school. This week, she was joined by Jennie Allan, who is taking over the director's position. Her official title is educational headmaster. Although Allan just received her mas- ter's degree in Jewish education from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, she comes to Shaarey Zedek with several years of teaching and administra- tive experience. Most recently the assistant director of education at New York's Central Synagogue, she also has worked as a consultant for Project Etgar, an experi- mental curriculum developed at JTS' Melton Research Center and tested in two Conservative synagogues in New England. While studying at JTS, she also served as a mentor to new teachers at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in New York. A native of Ann Arbor who earned her bachelor's degree at the University of Michigan, Allan participated in Project Otzma, an intense 10-month Israeli experience for post-college-age young adults. At Shaarey Zedek, she will lead a cur- riculum that's one of six alternatives rec- ommended by United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism, the association of Conservative congregations in North America, in its Framework for Excellence in Jewish Education. In April, Adat Shalom Synagogue adopted a new curriculum for next year that includes both two- and three-day options. At The Helm A Shot In The Arm Since the departure of Shaarey Zedek educational director Michael Wolf near- ly two years ago, Bello has been both Most recently, Shaarey Zedek's religious school had reserved Thursdays for elec- tives. DIANA LIEBERMAN StaffWriter C In the lobby of Congregation Shaarey Zedek's Laker Center are Tobye Bello, administrator of the synagogue's 630-student religious school, and Jennie Allan, who took over this week as the congregation's educa- tional headmaster. The new program eliminates Thursdays altogether. Students will attend classes Tuesdays and Sundays, except for high schoolers, who will con- tinue their Monday night schedule. "When it started four years ago, the Thursday electives were excellent," Winkler said. "Today, the program is declining in numbers and sort of losing its 'oomph.' Basically, it needed a shot in ,, the arm. Winkler, whose three children will be in 12th, seventh and second grade next year, said she is a strong advocate for the program's social action component. "We're hoping parents will get involved and work on these projects with their kids," she said. Orley, whose children will be in sev- enth, fifth and second grade, said today's families are pressured with schedules and activities and could use the extra day. For the 2003-2004 school year, Shaarey Zedek students in first through fifth grade will meet Sundays at the syn- agogue's Southfield facility and Tuesdays at the Irving and Beverly Laker Complex in West Bloomfield. Sixth- graders will remain at the Laker Center for both Sunday and Tuesday classes. Seventh-graders must choose between a Tuesday afternoon or Monday night option at the Laker Center, along with their Sunday classes, while eighth- graders will attend classes Sunday morn- ings and Monday nights, both at Laker. The Laker Center has proved an attractive draw for Shaarey Zedek's young people, Bello said. "Even though classes don't start till 4:15, kids are dropped off starting at 2:45," she said. "They go to the corn- puter room or the gym; they play pool or study. On Sundays, they stay after and play basketball. "Having the Laker Center has changed kids' attitude toward religious school." ❑ 6/27 2003 61