Obituaries Crossword Obituaries are updated regularly and archived on JN Online: Jewish Puzzler Cookies And Love that the family be together for Friday night dinners; and until she got sick, her Staff-Writer mother continued to bake her own chal- lah and cook the chicken. She enjoyed Igri hen highlighting Esther the simple pleasures of her grandchil- Goldenberg as a winner dren and great-grandchildren, like hear- of an Eight Over 80 sen- ing great-grandson Alex Sklar reciting ior adult hall of fame the HaMotzi blessing over bread on award two years ago, the Jewish News Shabbat, seeing Sydney Gordon, her noted she was known as the "the cookie youngest great-grandchild, born 17 lady." She said she motivated fellow vol- months ago on her birthday, and listen- unteers by rewarding them with her ing to her great-granddaughter Emily homemade chocolate chip cookies, of Sklar, who will become a bat mitzvah which love was the "main ingredient." June 14, practice her Torah portion. Her family and friends knew her as "She taught her family that volunteer extraordinaire, everyone has to give and do who, among other accom- good works," said her daugh- plishments, collected over ter. "She taught us to save a quarter-million dollars money at the beginning of for her temple's religious the week, not at the end. And school. always have enough to give Esther B. Goldenberg, somebody else, if not dollars, 90, of Farmington Hills then pennies. And that you died June 2, 2003, of kid- have to do something with ney failure. your life besides play." "She wasn't physically When her husband of 60 able the past few years — years died in 1992, Mrs. she had troubles with her Esther Goldenberg Goldenberg moved in with back and feet," said her her daughter and her son-in- daughter, Donna R. Sklar law, the late Lawrence Sklar. "I was of Farmington Hills. "But sitting down, amazed by the multi-generations of my mother accomplished more than friends she has who love her," said her most people who could walk miles." Rabbi Norman Roman of Temple Kol daughter. "She was a strong-willed, opinionated woman and everyone Ami, where Goldenberg was a longtime respected her for that and truly loved member, agreed. "Esther coordinated her." much of our temple's fund-raising cam- Rabbi Roman added that Mrs. paign," he said. Besides raising money for the religious Goldenberg wouldn't say "no" when someone asked for help or advice. "And school, she handled the ad book for a Jewish National Fund auction, selling _ people wouldn't say 'no' to her, either, when she asked them to buy ads or $32,000 worth of advertising; and she received a citation of honor on behalf of come to a meeting at the synagogue," the rabbi said. the JNF's former Young Women's group "At the synagogue, Esther was the and a community service award. In queen bee," the rabbi added. "People addition, Mrs. Goldenberg served as always came by to hug and greet her." coordinator of the speakers bureau of Esther Goldenberg is survived by her the Jewish Community Council of daughter, Donna R. Sklar of Metropolitan Detroit. Farmington Hills; grandchildren, Stuart But she was more than a fund-raiser. Long before networking became a word, and Donna L. Sklar, Val Sklar, Karen and Vernon Gordon; great-grandchil- said Rabbi Roman, Mrs. Goldenberg dren Emily and Alex Sklar, Adam and connected those with similar values and Sydney Gordon. brought people together. Mrs. Goldenberg was the beloved wife "The three most important things in of the late N. Norman Goldenberg and my grandmother's life were her family, the dear mother-in-law of the late Judaism and doing good deeds for oth- Lawrence Sklar. ers," said grandson Stuart Sklar of West Interment was at Adat Shalom Bloomfield. He remembers sleeping at Memorial Park. Contributions may be his grandmother's house as a young made to Hospice of Michigan, Temple child when she would teach him the Kol Ami, Botsford Hospital or the Shema prayer and the value of Jewish Kidney Foundation. Arrangements by traditions and customs. Ira Kaufman Chapel. 111 Donna Sklar said her mother insisted SHARON LUCKERMAN 11111111 1111111117 Mill ° 111 12 11 MIMI 1111111111111 111 1111 illIl III 1111 111111 III 11111111111 2 ° ill II 1112 III 11111111 111111111111 MIMI 29 ii i9 ill ill 11 III Mill III III IIII 111 1111111 Ma a Ella. ill111111 111111111111111 a 11111 Ell ill Ell. 11111 11 ENE ill 57 111 111111111111 a 6° maw ill as 11 El in pi ii mill maimumum Nam 1 15 18 i 32 37 35 49 46 45 49 59 59 %TN 6/ 6 2003 104 Across 1 Sass 4 Comedian George 10 Hester Street time zone 13 Tzedakah Hummus sauce 15 601 16 Freud inventions 17 Had by a gonif 18 Dreidel letter 19 Koufax specialty 21 Screech 22 Arthur Miller's spe- cialty 24 Chazzer house 25 Name on towel 27 Air organization 28 More than one 29 Sanhedrin 33 Rothstein 36 Nizer's option 37 Brenner or Brubeck 38 Dinah or Pauly 39 Soon 40 Abram's brother 41 Saucy 42 Genesis starter 43 The Amidah at times 44 Ancient Israeli capi- tal 46 Actress St. John 47 Eve starter 48 Marx 49 Merrill to friends 52 Challah 55 Round for Spitz 56 Mourning week 58 Actor Steiger 59 Elijah disciple 62 Last word in syna- gogues 63 Tel Aviv to Bet She'an (direction) 64 Jacob's favorite for peace? 65 66 Daniel's test locale 67 Shvitzes (English) 68 Dotted vays • Down 1 "Let there be 2 Tusks 3 Sephardic shekel? 4 Jewish Theological Seminary 5 Deli 6 Teva offering 7 Fabric 8 • Gaza, to Jerusalem (direction) 9 Mission Impossible star 10 Writer Ferber 11 Singer work 12 "Ginger" actress Louise 13 Divorce documents 20 Jonah's prison 23 Felix Unger, actor )) 26 Tzitzit site? 27 Canaanite or Amorite 28 Kidnap victim 29 Mohel specialty 30 Nurse 31 " the Terrible" of Treblinka 32 Acted the usurer? 33 Cleo killers 34 "Cheers" star 35 Lear to his friends 36 Prepare for seder 39 Affirmative 40 Tels 42 Baby's cover 43 Title for Jacob Epstein 45 Never on Shabbat! 46 Noah's eldest 48 Buckwheat groats 49 Platform 50 Matzah makers? 51 The Klezmatics 52 Raised 53 Zionist Halprin 54 Adam's homeland 55 Plague? 57 Uriel's headgear 60 Golden rule 61 Einstein and Dreyfuss _ For crossword answers, please see page 106