Sacred Commitment ebbetzin Esther Jungreis tells lots of stories in her new book, The Committed Marriage (HarperSanFrancisco; $23.95). Each anecdote has a lesson for living a better spousal life, and they all relate to the teachings of the Torah. Jason, for example, is unhappy with his marriage after only five months. Known by the rebbetzin before his wedding, he reveals his woes after seeing her at an air- port. The rebbetzin listens and then explains the reli- gious reasons for taking on more positive attitudes and seeing the good in one another. "Marriage is always something that you have to work on," says Jungreis, who has presented her religious view- points during speaking engagements in Michigan. "Although Torah makes provisions for divorce, most marriages can be salvaged with the proper advice." Jungreis, 67, the widow of Rabbi Meshulem HaLevi Jungreis, traces her religious instruction to a long line of rab- binic family members and uses those teachings in her book, where she explores becoming a desirable mate, building a lov- ing relationship, being your own advocate, communicating R Orbuch, whose upcoming book dis- guises the identity of the couples in her study, looks at the stories of what has kept some couples together and what has broken others apart. She has found that the most crucial factor is the degree to which people feel valued and worthwhile in their relationships. "I want to bring a research perspec- tive to help people understand and learn in a way that does not become dry, boring and statistical," Orbuch says. "One of the things I write a lot about is that there are really his and her differences in relationships. "Reaction to conflict is one example of the wide differences in behavior shown by women and men. While women generally are much more sensi- tive to conflict and cannot let it go, men seem to have conflict and move on." Orbuch, married to software sales- man and manager Stuart Jankelovitz, is a member of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, where she has conducted work- shops for members. She also volun- teers at Hillel Day School, where her own daughter, Abigail, is a student. Also the biological mother of a younger son, Joshua, Orbuch is the stepmother of three. "My workshops are for people who want to enrich their relationships and have them grow," explains the sociolo- gist, who relaxes by exercising at the Jewish Community Center. "My workshop sessions are not nec- essarily problem focused. I lead groups in many areas, such as marriage enrichment, grandparent connections and mother-daughter relationships." As the prime month of weddings gets under way, Orbuch is heading for a professional meeting on relation- ships, called the "Compassionate Love Conference." In her own work, she has found that passionate love declines over time in any romantic relationship and turns to compassionate love. Orbuch, who grew up in Minnesota, says her father, a psychia- trist, and her mother, a teacher, nur- tured her interest in relationships. "I became interested in mental health and well-being when I was very young," says Orbuch, who has appeared on local television shows. "I've always enjoyed relating to other people." ❑ Terri Orbuch can be heard at 7:10 and 7:20 a.m. Thursdays on WNIC 100.3-FM. To pose a dis- cussion topic for her segments, go to . without hurting and growing old together in dignity among many other marriage-related topics. As a teacher of Torah, she believes that Judaism commands that everyone be married. She also professes that adhering to timeless rzi s ESTIlr It'NORI:1$ values can help spouses overcome the times that are difficult. The rebbetzin, a Holocaust survivor who also celebrates her work as a fee- less matchmaker, is founder and presi- dent of Hineni (Here I Am), an inter- national outreach organization with centers in New York and Jerusalem and accessed on the Web at Besides providing classes in Judaism, the center spon- sors special events and a matchmaking service. "Married couples have to establish their priorities," says Jungreis. "I hope this book will help readers look at their lives differently." A 0.4e xs..1 Nm'itsv.t a . 4.116owitir RV1313: — Suzanne Chessler Holy Possibilities abbi Dennis Ross does not devote his latest book strictly to relationships in marriage, but he does explain a general philosophy that can be applied to relationships in marriage. R God in Our Relationships: Spirituality between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber (Jewish Lights Publishing; $16.95) brings home the concepts expressed in Buber's "I and Thou" outlook — specifically, that holy possibilities are present whenever people interact. "Martin Buber presented his very simple ideas with very ornate language as was the style of the time," says Ross, a hospital chaplain, trained social worker and con- gregational rabbi at Temple Anshe Amunim in Pittsfield, Mass. "I took Buber's important thoughts and presented them in common language and with lucid examples." Through stories passed down through Jewish tradition and stories of his everyday encounters, Ross probes inter- actions that make or detract from social experiences. From a brief conversation with a bank teller to family discord expressed by a couple about to marry, Ross offers points of identification and analysis. "Sometimes in marriage we lose track of the 'Thou' of the other — the person's specialness, goals and hopes," says the rabbi, also the author of The Ten Commandments: From the Shadow of Eden to the Promise of Canaan. "I think each of us needs to take the time and make the effort to see a marriage partner as 'Thou,' a unique and wonder-filled human being." Ross' book looks at daily encounters, uplifting gestures, risks and faith. He brings his own family into the book to provide a very personal setting for his ideas, and he tells about Buber's life to give context to the philosophy. "I want my readers to know that I am seeking to enrich faith, not to dispute or disprove the faith of my readers," Ross says. — Suzanne Chessler Interfaith Opportunities Jr oan Petersen Littman, who lives with her family in Troy and is a member of Congregation Shir Tikvah, talks about her adjustment experiences as co-author of Making a Successful Jewish Interfaith Marriage: The Jewish Outreach Institute Guide to Opportunities, Challenges and Resources (Jewish Lights Publishing; $16.95). Working with Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Littman, brought up in a Christian home, aimed to offer practical advice for dealing with the sensitive issues faced by couples with different religious backgrounds. "God and religion were always important to me," writes Littman, an educator and staff developer married for 30 years. "It wasn't until I married Larry that Jewish religion became so important." The book provides reasons for believing an interfaith marriage offers opportunities for spiritual growth and an increase in the Jewish population as long as there can be patience, community support and time for development. Chapters explore ways to relate to other family mem- bers, make decisions about children, celebrate holidays and life-cycle events and face conversion. There also are suggestions of resources in agencies and texts. "This book doesn't pretend that everything can be con- 'ow* Spirituality bet between Peop from the Teachings of Martin Riker kung a Success, evvish quered by love, but it su ests that terfaith. interfaith marriages can be success- Arriage ful," says Olitzky, executive director set, of the Jewish Outreach Institute and 0,441* CIP ileV" author of other books on spirituality. aka &roma , "It also suggests that many inter- faith marriages are not 'interfaith' 14.,: ):i.rxis? at all. Rather, they are Jewish mar- riages where the partners simply come from different religious back- grounds." Olitzky, who points out that there are 1 million interfaith marriages in about 3 million Jewish family households in the United States, uses the statistic as a reason for inclusion activities. Through the organization he heads, many programs are developed for interfaith couples. "There is virtually no family in the American Jewish community that is not touched by interfaith marriage — mine included," the rabbi says. "While our book affirms the personal autonomy of individuals making decisions, it shares with them the challenges they face, helping them to navigate through relationships." is.p.t z1)‘ — Suzanne Chessler '‘ JN 5/30 2003 65