Washington Watch Security Crisi$ Jewish organizations get sympathetic ear, but little help, on rising security costs. JAMES D. BESSER Washington Correspondent J14: 5/30 2003 24 ith the nation jittery about the possibility of new terror attacks, Jewish leaders are jittery about something else, as well: how to pay for soaring security costs for Jewish schools, community centers and other facilities. At a meeting last week with Jewish leaders, Senate Democrats made it clear that the federal government, facing the worst budget crisis in decades, can't do much to help. The meeting, convened by the National Jewish Democratic Council and the United Jewish Communities to address a wide range of issues, quickly zeroed in on the astronomical costs Jewish agencies face as they try to cope with endless security alerts. Participants were hoping that some money allocated for homeland security could be steered toward religious groups that could be terror targets — and not just Jewish ones. "People who come to these facilities — day care cen- ters, senior centers, schools — are very concerned about safety," said Ronald Soloway, managing director for govern- ment relations of the UJA-Federation of New York. "People are very aware of what hap- pened at the Jewish community center in Argentina a decade ago, and in Morocco recently when a Jewish center was targeted." Jewish officials from around the country, he said, are doing their best to improve security, but the effort is straining resources. Adding a single security guard to a Jewish facility can cost $50,000 a year, he said; physical improvements such as card-entry sys- tems, enhanced lighting, hardening windows and fencing multiply the costs. "In New York, we did a survey of a number of our agencies, and what we found is that many are looking at added costs in the $100,000-200,000 range. And they just don't have it, espe- cially the smaller agencies." Soaring security costs come "at a time when you have major increases in all kinds of insurance, major increases in the pension costs of agencies, in addi- tion to reductions in government and philanthropic funding," he said. "So where does the money come from?" Other at-risk communities — including the Muslim community — face similar problems, he said. In the Jewish community, the security funding crisis is most acute in big cities with extensive networks of Jewish institu- tions. But no Jewish communities are immune. "Every agency faces the same prob- lem: more demands on their services, less money, and now this pressing con- cern about security," said an official with another Jewish organization. "We are in no position to evaluate the secu- rity threat; when the Office of Homeland Security raises the alert level, we have to take it seriously. Nobody knows where the money is going to come from." Soloway said Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., promised look into whether homeland security funds could be provided to help Jewish institutions deal with rising security concerns. But other observers say new money will be hard to find. Job Switching The Bush administra- tion doesn't have a lot of Jews in top jobs, but the ones it does have are on the move. Last week, the most visible — White House press secretary Ari Bolten Fleischer — announced his resignation. Fleischer, citing his desire to find a more relaxing line of work, is set to leave in July. Most observers say Fleischer has been an effective spokesman during a two-year tenure that included the Sept. 11 terror attacks and the war in Iraq. White House political director Ken Mehlman, one of the highest-ranking Jews in the Bush administration, will take over as manager of the Bush- Cheney re-election effort. GOP sources say Mehlman will be the first Jew to manage a Republican president's re- election effort. Mehlman, who served as a regional political director during the 2000 cam- paign, has played a major role in advancing the president's conservative domestic policies. Washington politicos also credit him with an important role in the GOP congressional sweep in last November's elections. Josh Bolten, the deputy White House chief of staff and a veteran of the first Bush administration, will take over as director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), replacing Mitch Daniels, who resigned to run for gover- nor of Indiana. Bolten faces a daunting challenge: managing a budget that has gone from surpluses to huge deficits in two years, and which faces the prospect of even more deficits as the latest administration-sponsored tax cut reduces federal revenues. The White House appears in no rush to fill another post. Adam Goldman recently stepped down as the White House liaison to the Jewish communi- ty. No replacement has been named; a GOP source said that filling the job is not a top priority for an administration that enjoys good relations with many top Jewish leaders. Genetics Bill A long-stalled piece of legislation to combat job discrimina- tion based on genetic testing is finally on the move — to the delight of Jewish women's groups, which say Jewish women are particularly, vulnerable to such dis- Lipton crimination. Last week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee approved the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003. That is the first time a con- gressional committee has considered the legislation since it was first intro- duced more than seven years ago. The measure would prohibit health insurers from using information from genetic testing in decisions on premi- ums and coverage. It would also bar employers from using the same kind of information in hiring decisions. Bonnie Lipton, the president of Hadassah, expressed cautious pleasure at the vote. "We are pleased that the bill would provide for comprehensive genetic non-discrimination protection," she said in a statement. "We are disap- pointed that the enforcement mecha- nisms against insurance plans are weak." Capitol Hill source say the measure still faces big hurdles, including strong opposition from business interests. Leftists Arise According to some accounts, the Jewish community is shifting to the right, especially on Israel-related issues. But Jewish peaceniks say that's just spin; in fact, they claim, the time is ripe for a resurgence of Jewish peace activism. That will be the underlying theme of next week's congressional "teach in" sponsored by the Tikkun Community, the activist network centering on the progressive magazine. Tikkun leaders say they hope to pose a serious challenge to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobby. Rabbi Michael Lerner, the Tikkun leader, said the conference represents a "significant maturing of the Jewish peace move- ment." Increasingly, he said, mainstream Jews recognize that "no change in Israeli policy will happen without sig- nificant intervention from the U.S., and that intervention will only happen when it feels politically 'safe' to do so Lerner for elected office-hold- ers. 'And no change in American policy will happen as long as AIPAC gives unequivocal support to the Sharon gov- ernment while Palestinians give unequivocal support to the Palestinian Authority." The Tikkun community, he said, is seeking a "middle path that can satisfy the needs of both sides" in the Mideast conflict. Next week's conference, he said, will also put a spotlight on growing concern among Jewish liberals about "anti- Semitism on the left, and the misuse of anti-Zionism as a cover for anti-