OTHER VIEWS Israelis Should Be Proud Efrat s is the case for a mature adult, the first challenge for Israel as it turns 55 is to "know thy- self" — to have a clear sense of who we are by knowing what we stand for, the values and ideals by which and for which we live and, if necessary, for which we are prepared to die. We must define the unique mission that establishes our place in the com- munity of nations. Since we Jews are the "People of the Book" who entered the stage of history neither by massive pyramids nor the threatening sword but rather by the force of moral principles such as "Thou shalt not murder" and "Thou shalt not steal," we must see to it that the ethical teachings of our national literature remain the basis of education for both our children and our adults. Knowing who you are means being aware of the past, the matrix that formed you, as well as having a vision for your future, the goal to which you are heading. After all, we are a people whose annual cycle of national celebrations begins with Passover, the festival of freedom, which forces us to re-experi- ence our suffering as slaves in Egypt and therefore to love the stranger and aid the downtrodden. Our New Year is a serious time of per- Shlomo Riskin is chief rabbi of Efrat, Judea (West Bank). sonal introspection and re-evaluation; our solemn Day of Awe teaches us the need for individual responsibility, for- giveness and acceptance of each other. Jewish history and festivals must inform the texture of our society. Hundreds of years before the Romans were exalting arma virumque cano — "of armaments and strength do I sing" — our ancient prophets were envision- ing an age when "nation will not lift up sword against nation and humanity will not learn war anymore." And when there is a proud society that has a clear understanding of its fun- damental values and overarching goals, each individual need not feel threatened by expressions of different political view- points or variations of religious obser- vance. People can talk to each other without shouting at each other, sensitive voices can prevail over ringing cell phones, the culture of debate can sup- plant the turbulence of argument. If our time-honored and multi- faceted Jewish culture can truly become the music of our Israeli civilization, we shall have created a shared medium of communication that can allow for wide differences of expression — religious as well as secular, Sephardic as well as Ashkenazic, land-intoxicated as well as technology-crazed, socialist as well as capitalist. We can begin to learn from each other, instead of always jostling against each other. At age 55, we also can afford to stop Peace Won't Come Overnight Tel Aviv s it celebrates its 55th Independence Day, Israel can look backward and for- ward with a mixture of satis- faction and anxiety. Satisfaction that it is surviving con- stant and murderous Palestinian ter- rorism and Arab enmity and that it is broadcasting to the whole world a determination to hold on and not to give up its Zionist dream of a Jewish and democratic state. Anxiety as to the prospects of peace and security. There is a glimmer of hope: The , "road map" and the election of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) may, one prays, offer a way out of the A Amnon Rubinstein, a former member of the Israeli Knesset from the leftist Meretz Party is law school dean at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. 5/16 2003 32 vicious circle of terrorism and repres- sive counter-measures — but the ter- rorist attacks in Kfar Saba and Tel Aviv snuffed out any optimistic thoughts. There is no sign that the Hamas and its cohorts are ready or willing to abide by the notviolence clause in the road map and without this there is no plan and all hope is dashed. But Israel faces greater dangers: Weapons of mass destruction are menacing Israel from Iran and Syria and these weapons are coupled with a growing anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish hysteria which renders their use all the more probable. Altered Beliefs It is no wonder, therefore, that many Israelis have given up on their cherished dream of instant peace and a new Middle East. Indeed, most Israelis have given up their former much-cherished credos: The left, crushed and diminished apologizing for our right to be, our basic abhorrence of "occu- for the legitimacy of our exis- pation," our unalterable belief tence. that every people has the right There are presently 21 Arab to be free. But, at the same states in the Middle East. One time, if an enemy attacks us Jewish state, with clearly — forcing us to choose defined and secure borders on between being "occupiers" or land where Jews have lived in occupied" — we have no RABBI an unbroken chain for more choice but to act as occupiers SHLOMO than 4,000 years, certainly is in self-defense. RISKIN what we deserve from the Even then, however, we must Special community of nations. be as humane as possible toward Commentary the unfortunates on the other The corollary of this recog- nition is our right to defend side who are captives of their ourselves against those who malevolent and corrupt leaders. would destroy us. Finally, at age 55, we have the right to When the Arab nations promote the take pride in our accomplishments, to establishment of a Palestinian state along- remember that despite the 21,500 mem- side the Jewish state, that is legitimate — bers of the Israel Defense Forces killed in as long as it is a non-terrorist democracy six wars, we have risen from the ashes of committed to living next to us in peace. Auschwitz to forge a strong and proud But when the Arab nations add their nation. request for a "right of return" — which We have revived and revitalized our means the right of 3-4 million descen- ancient Hebrew language and created a dants of Palestinian refugees from Israel's united people out of a rainbow of Jews 1948 War of Independence to resettle in from diverse ethnic communities and vir- their ancestral homes inside Israel — that tually every spectrum of the color line. is tantamount to the destruction of the We have established first-rate uni- Jewish state and dare not be counte- versities and centers of Torah learning. nanced. We have built state-of-the-art hospi- We have every right to demand of tals, developed the economy and our neighbors, as well as of the world grown from 600,000 Jews in 1948 to community, zero tolerance for terror- 5.5 million today. ism, zero tolerance for suicide The greatest optimist in 1948 never, bombers and zero tolerance for anti- ever could" have imagined what Israel Semitic incitement. and God have accomplished in these We must shout from the rooftops 55 years. " ❑ by Arafat treachery is painfully Israel's main challenge giving up its belief that Israeli therefore is to ensure a con- concessions will ensure an ever- tinuing American commit- lasting peace and the right is ment to its security as well as gradually retreating from its a supportive public opinion. belief in a Greater Israel and in This factor, and not vain the idea that Israel can rule over hopes in a quick peace fix, the Palestinian people, who hate should direct its government and violently reject its dominion. to accept and be ready to AMNON The main policy of Israel, RUBINSTEIN implement the American road around which all its diplomatic map and to give up finally the Special efforts should be concentrated, Commentary elusive and harmful dream of is to ensure its survival without ever growing Jewish settle- pinning all hopes on instant ments in what will inevitably peace. This can be achieved, be non-Israel territories. especially in view of the war in Iraq, Israel can look backward with tremendous pride. Minute in size, not only by relying on the assurances of the much bigger than a sliver of United States and its public opinion. Without an American security umbrel- Mediterranean coastline, it has with- la, the Arab states and the Palestinian stood continuing Arab onslaughts, leadership will be tempted to continue wars, boycott and terrorism; it has their policies of not making up with the turned itself from a poor, rural coun- Jewish state. try to an industrial and post-industrial Indeed, without a Pax Americana, powerhouse; despite the long road the whole of the Middle East may ahead, and the need for further inte- revert to one of its serial mad explo- gration, it has reduced social, educa- sions with all its attendant risks. RUBINSTEIN on page 34