Torah Portion Did you know... National Council of Jewish Women Greater Detroit Section Our Holy Bond With God Is Affirmed Every Day what could no longer be done, the rabbis declared that "sacrifices of the heart," or prayers were to replace the offerings at the Temple cult. We were to sanctify the lights and the bread of our homes and invest in them the special significance ast week we read what has been previously applied to the articles of the called the "essence of ethical Temple ritual. monotheism," the Holiness The rabbis charged the people to Code of Leviticus, chapter 19. make their lives a series of "holy acts," to It began kdoshim t'hiyu, ki kadosh ani live them fully, in proper relationship adonai el.ohaychem "You shall be with each other, with nature holy because I, the Lord your and with God. God, am holy." They composed a statement We translate kadosh as that expressed how important it "holy," but Judaism has a differ- was for us to praise God and ent understanding of "holy" acknowledge with awe God's than do other religious systems. majestic and wonder-filled We declare that kadosh, holy, is world. They wrote the state- relational. ment in Aramaic, the common Holiness is determined by language of the Jewish world; the quality of its connection to for they wanted everyone to be us, rather than the divinity of its RABBI able to fully understand and connection to God. JOSEPH comprehend this ultimate poem Defining our relationships KLEIN of praise. with each other, our relationship When this statement was Special to the to this natural world and our recited, the moment became Jewish News relationship with God, holiness kadosh, even as did the person is not something declared by who spoke or sang its words. God; rather it is something affirmed by Belonging to our people, the statement, us. When we decide that a thing or idea regularly repeated, reaffirmed our special- is "set aside," is special, is uniquely mean- ness, our unique status within the world. ingful, then it becomes kadosh/holy. It came to be called the Kaddish, per- In our Torah reading this week, we see haps because it was a daily reminder that how holiness was applied to the acces- this people was to be kadosh/holy in sories of the Tabernacle, the Tent of what they said, in what they did, in who Meeting. they were. They were the most simple and com- Repeated in different forms in our mon of commodities: olive oil for lamps prayer book, the Kaddish remains the and flour for bread (Leviticus 24:1-9). ultimate praise of God. But in bringing light and food into the It is quite unique in our liturgy, for it House of ge Lord, we took special care is not directed to God, but to the people that only the "clear oil of crushed olives" present. Not written in the Hebrew of and the "choicest of flour" be used. Torah, of scripture, it remains in The lamps of the menorah and the Aramaic, our ancient common language. bread arranged on the table are really no Our worship service serves to recon- different than the lamp and bread of any nect us in proper relationship to others, dwelling — except in how these were to nature, and to God. The great symbol prepared, in the care and attention given of that regular reconnection is our to them. And in separating them and our Kaddish. designated labors over them from the reg- ular and routine articles and labors of daily living, the oil and the light it gave became holy, and the flour and its bread How does kadosh as "relational became holy. holiness" help us understand After the House of the Lord, the Kiddush (the blessing over wine) Jerusalem Temple destroyed by Rome in and. Kiddushin ("holiness" of mar- 70 C.E., there have not been any more riage)? What are ways in which we holy things that were regularly brought can bring kedushah/holiness into before God. our everyday relationships? Does To replace what had been taken away, this understanding of the Kiddish help to explain how it might have come to be associated with those Joseph P. Klein is rabbi of Temple who have died? Emanu-El. His e-mail address is Packs and delivers Kosher Meals on Wheels and is the sole underwriter for those unable to pay in full. 0 Sponsors Up and Out programs for Seniors with transportation provided. Advocates for children and adults in the Oakland County Courts. Shabbat Emor: Leviticus 21:1-24:23; Ezekiel 44:15-31. L Conversations Maintains a Kosher shelter for abused women and children. * Has built a Universally Accessible Playground for children of ALL abilities, including those with special needs. Participates in a literacy program for school children. e- Gives interest free loans and grants to Jewish undergraduate and graduate students. Underwrites weekly shopping transportation for residents of Jewish Apartments and Services. Provides programs and support groups for adults and children experiencing bereavement or divorce. We wish to thank our wonderful volunteers who make all our projects possible. 4% di% 4% 4% di% di% 4% di% di% Alpha Laser Therapy Clinic FREE SEMINAR HOW TO UIT SMOKING &Q LOSE WEIGHT! All Attendees Will Receive A $100 VOUCHER Director George Lucio Pioneer in Low Power Laser Toward Alpha's Laser Therapy Program REGISTRATION 7:00 PM Attend a free informational seminar given by Clinic director George Lucio, an internationally known expert in the field of laser therapy. You will learn how Alpha's exclusive Laser program can help you or your loved one quit smoking or lose weight for life. The Alpha Laser Clinic has developed an international reputation for results with over 17 years experience. 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