OTHER VIEWS Preserving Israel's Security Tel Aviv/JTA fifty-five years is not a very long time in historical terms — especially when talking about a people who have been around for thousands of years. But the balance sheet of those 55 years certainly has been impres- sive. Not everything went the way our founding fathers had hoped for. They believed in peace, but Israel was invaded by seven Arab armies the day it was founded, and there have been six wars since then — the latest being Yasser Arafat's "Al-Aksa Intifada." The basic reason for all those wars was that the Arab world refused to recognize the Jewish people's right to a national homeland in an area they consider to be exclusively their own. But as we look back, the drama of the Jewish people has made the rebirth of the State of Israel, in spite of all the obstacles, an epic poem without precedent or comparison in the annals of history. Some things were obviously lost on the way, though not altogether — the spirit of egalitarianism, for instance. And some would say that there is insufficient concern these ri Zalman Shoval was twice Israel's ambassador to the United States, from 1990-1993 and 1998-2000. He is a former Likud Member of Knesset and now serves as a part-time diplomatic adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. . days for social justice, though others would reply, correctly, that Israel allocates proportionately more for social and welfare payments than any other country in the West. So, why are there still so many poor people? Which brings me to the first chal- lenge that Israel faces on its 55th anniversary: how to reform its econ- omy and do away with its historical and often politically motivated "bag- gage" of bureaucracy — so as to make the economy grow while also improving the lot of the underprivi- leged. Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently trying to do just that. But his — actually our — chances of success will depend, first, on the determination of the govern- ment as a whole to overcome the opposition of vested interests and, second, on two factors that are large- ly beyond our control: ending the international economic recession and changing the political and security situation. America's important victory in Iraq has removed a major threat to the peace of the world — not least, of course, to Israel. But major parts of the Palestinian national movement still are an integral part of the inter- national brotherhood of evil and violence. If, indeed, the United States will pursue President Bush's declared aim of fighting all those who engage in or support terror, the Middle East Instilling Democratic Pluralism Jerusalem/JTA he major overall challenge we face today is that of returning to the ideals of a democratic pluralistic Jewish state that found its expression in the noble words of Israel's Declaration of Independence. What its authors envisaged was a state in which all citizens would enjoy equality of status and of rights, irre- spective of race, religion or sex. Unfortunately, not only has this idyllic condition never yet been attained; on the contrary, it seems to be even further from reality. T 3W 5/ 9 2003 34 Alice Shalvi, a feminist activist and educator, was born in Germany in 1926 and educated in England from 1934 to 1949. She has lived and worked in Jerusalem ever since. Today's Israel is a place where econom- ic and social gaps widen, hostility between different ethnic groups increas- es, and new fissures appear, for example, between "native" Israelis and foreign workers, Jewish citizens and non-Jewish immigrants, the haves and the have-nots. The need to educate all Israeli citi- zens and residents in the basic princi- ples of democracy and pluralism, in the Jewish tradition of "Love your neighbor as yourself," is paramount. The challenge is to find appropriate means of inculcating these principles. Development of formal and infor- mal frameworks, as well as develop- ment of a cadre of leaders who will, both by precept and example, help to put good intentions into effect — these are vital to our future. Given the current dismal state of our economy, another challenge is how to Palestinian statehood unless the Palestinians abandon once and for all the "right of return" — another term for Deeds, Not Talk annihilating Israel by flood- ing it with hundreds of There is a lot of talk these thousands of "refugees." days about the "road map. All of the above aren't just Will it work? Won't it work? ZALMAN political preconditions; they It's too early to tell. SHOVAL are natural prerequisites to At the heart of the road Israel give the road map any realis- map lies the expectation that At 55 tic chance of success. in a few short years from The United States and Israel now, there would arise a have the same strategic interests and "democratic, viable Palestinian state the same aims, though there could be living in peace alongside Israel." But differing attitudes on one or more what if it will turn out to be just issues. Considering the vast amount of another undemocratic, brutal, mutual goodwill and the understand- aggressive rogue state like so many ing that Israel enjoys with so much of others in the region? Indeed, one of Israel's most urgent America, not least the national admin- istration and Congress, such differ- diplomatic and strategic challenges ences should not be allowed to devel- will be to persuade America that, op into unnecessary and unhelpful dis- while Israel is willing to make major agreements. sacrifices for peace, it will never Indeed, the close ties between the agree to endanger the physical secu- rity of its citizens or compromise the United States and Israel are an important American strategic inter- 2,000-year-old dream of the Jewish est as well — especially in light of people. In other words, before there can be the unstable internal situation in some of America's traditional Arab any movement on the road map, allies. there will have to be a real change in All said, and in spite of the fact the Palestinian leadership. New that the chances for peace may be names are not enough. New deeds more propitious than they have been are required. And there must be an absolute end since before the "Oslo debacle," Israel's security for a long time to — "forever," as Bush has said — to come will still depend on its ability Palestinian terror, violence and to defend itself and on its close incitement. strategic alliance with the United No less important, Israel should States. ❑ not be required to agree to may actually become a less- dangerous neighborhood. )5 started again, based on a readi- restore the ideal of Avodah Ivrii ness to make major sacrifices. Jewish labor, which used to be And apropos the land: We the pride of the yishuv, Israel's have to relate urgently and pre-state society. seriously to the increased pol- This means structural change lution of our soil, our water in the economy — decent wages and our air. and working conditions for all, There is much to do. The development of public projects time is short. We have to band that will provide employment AL ICE together to ensure that the next (as the WPA did in the United S HALVI 55 years see progress, rather than States in the 1930s), good voca- Is rael continued regression. tional training and re-training At 55 We need honest, dedicated, — and a greater degree of social - selfless leadership — and we justice in determining the salary need far more women in positions of levels of senior executives and govern- decision-making and the determina- ment employees in the public sector. tion of policy. We need an end to male Economic prosperity will not be domination based on military prowess. restored until we make significant cuts in As for the Jewishness of the Jewish expenditures on military equipment, on state: We need equal status and rights settlements across the Green Line and for all streams of Judaism and an on the construction of the bypass roads increase in Jewish education even for and tunnels that serve the settler popula- those who are not religiously observant. tion and increasingly deface what is left • Those are the challenges. Now to of Israel's "green and pleasant land." work! [1] The peace process must be jump-