Later, in the kitchen, Sara says, memory. After the seminar, she invit- "We have been married for more ed a reporter to her home in than 50 years, and he is still court- Jerusalem to talk "properly." ing me like its the first day." The first thing a visitor to Sara's In their small and tidy apart- home hears is Marlene Dietrich's ment, the couple keeps an orderly voice, along with the typical scratchy archive of pictures from the war, n sounds of old recordings b one photo, they are in a Jeep. Zvi is "It's 'Lily Marlene,"' she explains, wearing the kafia of an Arab who "the greatest war love song of all was killed in a clash and Sara is times. A German soldier wrote it in wearing short khaki pants. 1915 for his Jewish lover, and all the But Sara insists that although armies marched to it." they are nostalgic, they managed to On the wall of Sara and Zvi's move on with their lives. home is a copy of Israel's Declaration "We are not like the alte kockers of Independence; bookshelves are (old ones) who are stuck in the lined with Israeli history books. 1940s. They still think along the Why, Sara is asked, is it so impor- lines of 'a good Arab is a dead tant for her to keep talking about Arab.' what happened 55 years ago? "For most of them, those were Because, she replies energetically, their glory days, and they haven't "the War of Independence was the changed at all. They are still in the formative experience of our lives." trenches, they can't see and can't Sara reads from a letter she sent hear. They never considered, is it her parents 24 hours after the State really necessary to keep fighting?" of Israel was declared: Sara, who became a teacher after "Well, it has happened. But there the war, says she is still tormented are already victims . . . I live in con- by its aftermath. stant anxiety. I got a free ride to "I wonder how come I didn't ask Jerusalem; the city is celebrating. We myself all sorts of questions. For danced and sang until dawn. The instance, what happened with the British are kissing Jewish people, Arabs? I didn't think about transfer wishing good luck. It was good, or expulsion. I was single then, I though disaster and sadness already had no children. I didn't think sifted into the happiness." about how they ran away, and The next morning, Sara was draft- where they went. ed into the army. "But after we got married, we "We were stationed in an empty Sara and Zvi Novoplansky during lived in Ein Karem, which was an Arabic villa on Hdchalutz (Pioneer) the early years of the state. abandoned Arab village. In the Street, five houses away from where basement, I found baby strollers we are sitting right now Then, it was and torn embroidered dresses. I felt the end of the world. the house was haunted. It was 1950. "We had to guard the area, watching through firing "Twenty-five years later, I went to an Arab village to holes as the Arab Legion took out their shells, loaded and fired. Snipers were shooting.constandy. Although I order kitchen cabinets. I met a refugee from Ein Karem. I told him I used to live there, and I felt awful. didn't fight in the front with the men, I had a gun and I don't feel like a criminal, this is the reality. But it sometimes I used it." bothers me." A 'FORMATIVE EXPERIENCE' She continues: "Some despaired and feared we The day after her visitor left, Sara calls. would all be slaughtered. I believed we would win, but Sara Novoplansky was one of the few women attend- "I've been thinking a lot about what you asked," she I knew we would pay a heavy price. Some days, we ing Bar-On's seminar. Israeli-born, she started military says, "about why the War of Independence was such a had more than 200 casualties. training at 14 and joined the Haganah at 20 — just in formative moment of our lives. This is my answer: "I wasn't scared, I think it's the stupidity of youth. time for the war. "We believed in what \ ve did, there was innocence, When it was going on, I functioned like a robot, but In 1949, she met her husband, Zvi, now 79. Zvi lost an immense fraternity and comradeship. We really felt when it was over, my knees started trembling." his family in Poland, fought there as a partisan, then like there was this crack in history that we managed to Zvi enters the room. "Did you reach Jerusalem yet?" joined the Israeli army and was wounded during bat- enter for the first time in 2,000 years. We felt it was a he asks teasingly. -. tles in the southern part of the country. huge mission, and we are lucky we took part in it." ❑ "Shush, Zvi, don't disturb us." she snipes back. Sara has a big smile, a sharp tongue and a clear — who was born in 1954 — questioned what he sees as Israel's constant choice of force to deal with the Arabs. But Nachmias, who keeps a copy of Golani's book (a gift for helping with research) on his coffee table, says the historian is missing the point. "He is just clueless," Nachmias says. "Our final vic- tory cannot be taken for granted. If he wants the truth, there are people among us who can tell it. It's not too late. But the 'New Historians' just want to get attention and catch the headlines." Golani admits he used to feel "some sort of pleasure" in telling veterans of the 1948 war: "Stop telling tales, things were not the way you remember them. "Now I'm more gentle, I try to coat the rough truths with honey. I give empathy, but then I argue with memory. This is my job as an historian." Golani, who heads Haifa University's Department of Eretz Israel studies, gets angry reactions when he says things like "the British weren't as bad as people think, we owe the founding of Israel to them" or "the Jews had a clear military advantage [in 1948]." Nevertheless, he defends the need to re-examine the 1948 war. "It's as relevant as tomorrow's elections; 1948 is our birth experience, and if we were born in sin, does it also mean that we live in sin? This is a very real ques- tion, and the fact that the old generation won't be here for long may make it easier to look at it in a more complex way in the future. "If we decide," Golani argues, "to respect the fact that we are partly responsible for the refugee problem, it will have not only huge political and economical implications, but also a great moral significance." The "New Historians" have also criticized other aspects of the 1948 war and its aftermath. For exam- ple, Ilan Pappe, a political scientist at Haifa University, has argued that Britain's real aim in the dying days of the Palestine mandate was to abort the birth of a Palestinian state, not a Jewish state. And journalist Tom Segev has interpreted archival documents to suggest that the Ashkenazi Zionist lead- ership discriminated against new Jewish immigrants from Arab countries in the 1950s. . " INV 5/ 2 2003 55