Washington Watch Political Football Differing domestic agendas in the U.S. could be played out in the Middle East. JAMES D. BESSER Washington Correspondent A s Palestinian leaders wran- gle and the Bush adminis- tration prepares to officially publish the long-delayed "road map" for creation of a Palestinian state by 2005, nervous Jewish leaders believe political factors will keep Washington from pushing the plan too hard. One of those factors: the Republicans' soaring hopes of winning over some Jewish voters and campaign contribu- tors in 2004. But political experts say that may be wishful thinking. In fact, some analysts say President Geroge W. Bush may be primed for some real political risk- taking on Mideast mat- . ters, now that his single- minded focus on Iraq seems to have paid off. University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato agreed that Bush GOP strategists hope Bush's strong support for Israel will draw some Jewish voters to the Republican side of the aisle. "Having said that, I believe Bush will roll the dice in (the Israeli-Palestinian) policy area, as he has in so many oth- ers," he said. "He sees a chance to make history, where so many other presidents have failed." A high-stakes gamble on Mideast peacemaking, he said, could win the president support from some American Jews "if it works." Sabato said that Bush's approach to the presi- dency was shaped, in part, by his con- troversial electoral victory in 2000. "He is incredibly lucky to be in the Oval Office, he may only get one term and he knows it, and he plans to make the most of the time he has there," he said. "And that is very, very smart." That attitude was evident in the presi- dent's single-minded determination to depose Saddam Hussein and in his relentless push for a tax cut, despite bipartisan resistance. And it could result in a much more assertive approach to Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking than many Jewish observers expect. Conservative Christians, who have become the Sharon government's biggest boosters in this country, could be a heav- ier political counterweight to implemen- tation of the road map. But there, too, the president may have more freedom of action than some Jewish leaders believe. Ira Forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, said, "I think Bush and his advisers care a lot more about the Christian right than they do about the Jewish community." But even ardently pro- Israel Evangelical leaders "care more about domestic issues," he said. "And Bush has been very good to them on those issues, so it's unlikely they will desert him over the road map." John Green, a University of Akron political scientist and expert on the Christian right, said, "The Evangelicals are central to Bush's re-election in a way the Jews are not. This presents Bush with some classic tradeoffs: does he risk offending Evangelicals with the road map in order to respond to [British Prime Minister] Tony Blair, and then maintain Evangelical support on other issues? Or does he make the opposite calculation? It's hard to say at this moment." Green said the tip-off could come in the coming weeks. "If Bush moves sharply to the right on key social issues, it may indicate he is preparing for a controversial move in foreign policy," he said. That could mean a full-court press on the road map. The real jokers in the road map deck are Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. This week, the two were still locked in a bitter dispute over Abbas' role as the first Palestinian prime minister. The administration has made pub- lishing the road map contingent on the swearing-in of a prime minister with real powers, not just a figurehead. "If the Palestinians open the door; Bush will have to walk through it," said Johns Hopkins University politi- cal scientist Benjamin Ginsberg. "If the Palestinians make a serious gesture, it would be very difficult for the administration not to follow up." Politics will be a factor in the deci- sion, but "Bush has been very clear about what drives his agenda: it's con- cern about terrorism." If the new Palestinian leadership makes a convincing case that it is moving aggressively against terrorism, it could spur strong administration action on the road map, Ginsberg said. "But given their history of missed opportunities, that's a big 'if.'" Church-State A top administration official who recently plunged into the treacherous waters of church-state controversy has decided to appear before a leading Jewish church-state group. Education Secretary Rod Paige, who expressed a strong preference for Christian schools in a recent Baptist Press interview, will appear before the Anti-Defamation League's annual Washington Conference next week. Paige, sources say, will continue to argue that his words were taken out of con- text, and that he was speaking about public versus religious colleges, not elementary and sec- ondary schools. Despite that claim, ADL and other Jewish Paige groups have protested his comments, which they said reflect a pervasive bias toward parochial schools within the administration. More than 500 ADL delegates will also hear from former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed, now a Georgia GOP leader. Reed will speak about the growing relationship between pro-Israel groups and Evangelicals. The church-state battle heated up a few degrees with the recent introduc- tion of the latest constitutional amendment legalizing public school prayer by Rep. Ernest Jim Istook, R- Okla. In a broadly worded amend- ment that one Jewish activist called mega-Istook," the lawmaker is now proposing to include protection for the "under God" clause in the Pledge of Allegiance and the public posting of the Ten Commandments, as well as "voluntary" prayer in public schools. Groups like ADL will fight the newest Istook amendment, although few observers expect it will go any fur- ther than his earlier efforts. Of greater concern to ADL: the upcoming House vote on the recently passed Charity Aid, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Act. The " Senate passed the bill without contro- versial "charitable choice" provisions intended to remove restrictions on gov- ernment grants for religious charities. But Jewish church-state groups worry that the House, which passed a much more sweeping charitable choice bill in 2001, could revive them. The ADL del- egates will also oppose the charitable choice provisions most observers expect will be added to the reauthorization of the 1996 welfare reform law. Charitable choice provisions in that law are being used by the Bush adminis- tration to justify numerous executive actions opening the door to government grants to religious groups. Conservatives want to expand those provisions when the welfare law is reauthorized; church- state groups want to pare them back. Hate Crimes Bill A hate crimes bill strongly supported by the ADL and other Jewish groups is doing what it's done for years: lan- guishing in an indifferent Congress. The renamed Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act, designed to strength- en the federal government's authority to investigate and prosecute hate crimes, is in limbo because of strong Republican opposition to another feature: the expansion of existing hate crimes laws to include crimes committed on the basis of victims' gender, sexual orienta- tion or disability. Gay rights and civil rights groups that had made the measure a priority in the past are not doing so this year — largely because the Senate, which passed an earlier version of the bill as part of a big defense department meas- ure, is once again in Republican hands. "Everybody still wants the bill to pass, but there's an acknowledgement that this year it's going to be even harder," said an official with a Jewish group. "And there are new complications." One of those complications: the insis- tence by some gay rights groups that the bill be changed to explicitly cover crimes against transgendered people. Backers of the bill say its broad lan- guage would already cover the trans- gendered, and that adding them as an explicit category will just make it harder to win over a handful of fence- sitting Republicans. . Michael Lieberman, ADL's Washington counsel, said there is "no lack of commitment to the bill by civil rights, gay and Jewish groups. But there's also a reality check taking place about the best way to get it done." In today's environment, backers may WASHINGTON WATCH on page 22 4/25 2003 21