OTHER VIEWS Ghetto Uprising Remembered t was exactly 60 years ago, at the seder night, that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising erupted, a fate- ful event that was to become an example for the ultimate in man's struggle for freedom and dignity. But unlike the ancient Hebrews under the great leadership of Moses, the heroic figures of the Warsaw Ghetto could not hope for freedom, not even for mere survival. For them, the redemption of Jewish honor and dignity — even in death — was a good cause to fight the Nazis to the bitter end. I was a 4-year-old girl when it all happened, growing up in the far off Land of Israel, then under British rule, where Hitler's murderous clutches luckily failed to reach. At a time when hundreds of thousands of Jewish chil- dren all over Europe were slaughtered mercilessly, we, the children of the Land of Israel or Palestine as it was called by the rest of the world, lived a more or less happy and normal child- hood shielded by our parents who were not aware —almost till the end — of the horrifying magnitude of the almost total annihilation of European Jewry, an event so unique in human I Rachel Kapen lives in West Bloomfield. annals that it warranted a name of its own, the Holocaust (Shoah in Hebrew). There were all those beautiful faces staring at me from our family album. These were part of my uncles, aunts and cousins who were murdered by Hitler, my mother used to tell my sis- ter and me, again and again wiping her tears. I was no doubt well versed at what happened to my people, but was I really? After all, how can a child growing up in a land of less than a million Jews conceive of the mind- boggling number of 6 million Jews? This being the case, for me and my contemporaries who were born in our own land and for whom the concept of anti-Semitism and being a persecut- ed minority didn't apply personally and was only something to be learned from a textbook, the real concept of the Holocaust was virtually incompre- hensible. Not until I was a wife and a young mother that it finally was inte- grated in my being. It was 1961, when we were living in Jerusalem, the capital. For hours on end, I was glued to the radio listening to every word that was said in the Eichmann Trial as one after another the witnesses recounted the hair-rais- ing horrors to which they were Watching me hang diapers on subjected by the man who sat the clothesline on my front expressionless in the bullet- porch, he started to shout at • proof glass booth, horrors they me questions about my opin- miraculously survived to tell ion regarding the trial. their story to the world. I asked him politely to come These were ordinary people, up to my apartment and told Israelis, Americans, and from him about the family album RAC HEL various European countries who and all the family members KAP EN spoke in Hebrew, Yiddish and whom I never knew and who Corn munity other languages. These were real perished in the Holocaust and Vi ews people just like me and my par- that only now it was really sink- ents who had the bad fortune ing in. He asked to see the to be in Europe and not in the Land of album but I told him that it was with Israel or America at that darkest of my elderly mother, the only reminders of times in world history. her beloved family members she left Walking around my small apartment when she returned to rebuild the land of as if in a daze, I still had an infant who her forefathers in 1921. He was deeply demanded my attention every now and moved, thanked me and let me return to then and thus helped me face reality. my seat next to the radio. The city of Jerusalem was swamped One of the most powerful sentences with journalists from all over the globe in the Haggadah, which is recited in who came to cover the sensational unison, is: "In every generation a per- story of a Nazi arch-war criminal who son should regard himself as if he per- was kidnapped from Argentina, the sonally came out of Egypt." This year, country where he found shelter and as the brave soldiers of the American brought to justice by his former vic- army are fighting valiantly to rid the tims or in their names. people of Iraq of an evil tyrant who One of them wandered one sunny poses an existential danger to the day into my neighborhood, only a entire region and most eminently to stone's throw from Yad Vashem, world- Israel, these words, no doubt, will famous memorial to the Holocaust. hold an even greater significance. El The Modern Exodus From Egypt A Newtonvilk, Mass. s an Egyptian Jewish refugee, I celebrate Passover with spe- cial meaning. Passover is a time to corn- memorate the Jews' liberation from slav- ery in Egypt in 1300 BCE and return to freedom in Israel. Little did we know,a t my family seders in Cairo in the 1940s, that we would soon experience our own exodus from Egypt as a result of racism and oppression. The Haggadah instructs us that, as we retell the story of Exodus, we should feel as if we ourselves experienced persecu- tion and exodus from Egypt. I hope that this year we can also take a moment to experience the modern exo- dus of Middle Eastern Jews, one million of whom fled their homes in Arab countries and Iran between 1940 and 1980 under duress. Jews are the oldest existing indigenous Joseph Abdel-Wahed is former chief tIN 4/18 2003 32 economist of Wells Fargo Bank and the co-founder of JIMENA (Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa). His e mail address is wahed@davidproject.org - group in the Middle East and our con- tributions to modern Arab states are immense. Sasson Heskel, a Jew from Baghdad, was Iraq's finance minister in the 1930s. My relative Mourad Bey helped draft the Egyptian constitution in the 1930s. And Layla Murad, the great diva of Arabic music and film, was also an Egyptian Jew. But even as child, I understood that Jews were second-class citizens. Signs in the street read: `El yahud kalb el arab" (The Jews are the dogs of the Arabs). At school, my best friend Menyawi turned to me and said with a half-smile, "One day, all the Jews will have their throats slit." An older Muslim man advised that if I was threatened in the streets, I should say: 'Ana Muslum, M'wahed am a Muslim and believe in one god). In 1950, as a teenager, I attended a British prep school in Cairo that boasted prominent alumni like King Hussein of Jordan and Columbia Professor Edward Said. But I never got the chance to graduate. In 1952, Egypt's new nation- dollars in property and assets from fleeing Jews. alist leader Gamal Abdel Nasser Some fled to Europe and began arresting Jews on America, like Vidal Sassoon, trumped-up charges and confis- from Iraq, or Jerry Seinfeld's cating their property. mother, from Syria. But the My uncle and cousin were majority returned to Israel, arrested and a warrant was where today more than half of issued for my father. My family JOS EPH the population is Mizrahi — happened to be traveling in AB DEL the descendants of Jews who Europe, and my father said, fled the Middle East and North "We'll never return." WAH ED Africa in the 20th century. My uncle chose to remain, Spe cial Today, hatred of Jews is and, following the 1967 war Comm entary stronger than ever. I see it in • with Israel, was thrown in an the Arab media, school curricula and, of Egyptian concentration camp for course the mosques. Just a few months three years, along with hundreds of ago, Egyptian television ran a 41-part other Egyptian Jews. series based on the anti-Semitic myth of In 1943, 80,000 Jews lived in Egypt. the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In 2003, fewer than 50 remain. As we recall the Israelites' exodus This pattern of intimidation and from Egypt, we should not forget the expulsion was repeated in countries modern exodus of Jews in the Middle throughout the Middle East: Morocco, East. This Passover is a time to com- Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen and Iraq. memorate these lost Jewish communi- Arab governments forced hundreds of ties and seek justice for the victims of thousands of Jews from their lands through government laws and waves of the Forgotten Exodus. When Arab gov- ernments recognize their role in turning pogroms. The American Sephardi nearly a million Jews into refugees, Federation estimates that Arab govern- peace will at last be possible. ❑ ments confiscated tens of billions of