Opinion Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: ewis hnews . co m WWw detroitj Dry Bones Helping The Seeds Grow r. Aaron Miller brings career diplomatic credentials to his new job as president of the international coexistence program Seeds of Peace. With 25 years of service to the State Department, he has advised six secretaries of state, including Colin Powell. He helped formulate U.S. policy on the Mideast and Arab-Israeli ties, though the much-hyped 1993 Oslo Accords fell apart amid Palestinian incitement and terror against Israel. Joining the Seeds staff in mid-January after founder John Wallach's death, Dr. Miller is confronted by the need to design a plan that eases the clash of cultures around the world, especially the Israeli-Arab conflict. His mission is to inspire tolerance among impression- able teenagers. Somehow, the upshot from that must include moderate Arabs denouncing the evil imagery of Jews spread by fundamentalist Muslims. Wallach envisioned bringing together future lead- ers, selected by their governments, "to reveal the human face of those they were raised to hate." His philosophy: "By dispelling fear, mistrust and preju- dice — the root causes of violence and conflict — Seeds of Peace ensures that the future of peace is in the hands of friends rather than enemies." Since it emerged in 1993 after the first terror attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, Seeds of Peace has brought 2,000 teenagers from 22 countries to its Maine camp. But camper follow-up isn't what it should be, supporters acknowledge. So the jury is out on how many lives have profoundly changed through Seeds. Even graduates admit that once they return to their cultural roots, they're liable to lose contact, feel isolat- ed and ignore much of what they've learned. The program's credibility rests on sowing seeds of toler- ance and trust between young people once taught to hate each other. Dr. Miller knows dialogue and empathy must play out across the Middle East, not only at Seeds' camp in Maine or the Jerusalem Center for Coexistence serving camp alumni. He knows fruit- D ful diplomacy among governments brings agreements, but grassroots support allows such TAE PRoBt€m agreements to resonate. OF I-10W 1 -0 6NSuRE JOAS1-1 Clearly, he must cultivate an environment that allows learning about each other. You can't coNTINUure solve problems or change perceptions if you don't know what drives opposing thought. For example, the stage must be set through Seeds to robustly discuss the Jewish lament that Arab state-sponsored propaganda injects vulgar images of Jews into textbooks, music videos, newspapers, TV shows and other vehi- cles of communication. Arab campers also must be willing to hear more of what angers Jews: that Palestinian maps show Israelis in Palestine, not Israel; that Palestinians want all of Israel, not just the disputed territories; that Palestinians believe there's moral equivalency between Israeli defensive strikes and Palestinian suicide bombings; that Palestinians believe refugees suffer because of Israeli aggres- sion, not repressive leaders; that Saeb Erekat, spokesman for terror-monger Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Authority, is an honorary Seeds board member. At the same time, Jewish campers must be exposed to the Arab tilt on Middle East dis- cord, even if they reject it: that Palestinians believe they have a legitimate claim to Israel Adam Shapiro when he led the Jerusalem Center for and the disputed territories; that Palestinians believe Jewish settlements in areas under their control feed Coexistence (before he was dismissed from that post the so-called cycle of violence; that Palestinians view and joined the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement based in Ramallah). Shimon Peres as the father of Israel's nuclear program and as an aggressor when prime minister and when Ultimately, if Seeds under Dr. Miller hopes for a Jewish mandate validating the Arab world as a peace serving under Ariel Sharon, therefore an inappropri- ate honorary Seeds board member. partner, it must prove itself to be a catalyst for open, The other side could construe any of these beliefs fair and honest debate. It must allow campers to dis- cover the needs and fears of their enemies without as a barrier to peace, yet worthy of scrutiny. necessarily giving up what they believe in return. _ Meanwhile, it's incumbent on Dr. Miller to repu- With all the hatred and bloodshed in the Mideast, diate program tendencies that breed the kind of that exchange alone would be an accomplishment. ❑ counterproductive, anti-Israel drivel espoused by EDIT ORIAL , Values Worth Preferring e need to be fair before we are critical. Education Secretary Rod Paige did not say that he wanted public schools to teach Christian curriculums or even that students should say prayers to a Christian deity. What he told a reporter for the Baptist Press was that he believed Christian universities had "the best deal." According to a transcript released by the Department of Education, Paige was asked about the relative strengths of secular and religious colleges. He said: "Each of them have real strong points and some of them have some vulnerabilities, but you know, all things being equal, I'd prefer to have a child in a school where there's a strong appreciation for values, the kinds of values that I think are associated with the Christian communities, so that this child can be brought up in an environment that teaches them to have strong faith and to under- stand that there is a force greater than them personally." liv Paige, a Southern Baptist with a solid record as a public school superintendent in Houston before he was elevated to the Bush cabinet, says he fully under-. stands and supports the_need to separate church and state. And, no doubt, a strong majority of Americans agree with what he said about the value of values, which for most would be Christian values. Nonetheless, it is not acceptable to have as the nation's highest-ranking education officer someone who does not understand how badly wrong it is to prefer schools that have "the kinds of values that I think are associated with the Christian communi- ties." It would have been just as wrong for him to prefer Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu values or, for that matter, Jewish values. The values that an education secretary must prefer are American ones — democracy, equality of oppor- tunity, freedom of speech and worship — the whole EDIT ORIAL life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness regime that our Constitution protects. Parents are free to select religious-based institutions of education for their children; government officials are charged with making sure that the parents have those choices, not with favoring one over another. It doesn't take much looking to see what happens when government officials say they prefer one set of religious values over another. The world has been there and done that again and again. Much of the Arab world, for example, chooses to be governed by Koranic precepts and offers its children the madras- sas (Koranic schools) where they learn to despise other cultures and not much else that fits them for modern life. No doubt Secretary Paige was being honest about his likings. The sad fact is that holding that view- point partiality cripples his ability to serve. We hope that he will come to see why he must adopt a more democratic and appropriate opinion of the excel- lence of the public universities his department is chartered to support. ❑ c. 4/18 2003 31