Magen David Adom U.S.A. Helping to raise funds for Magen David Adom in Israel since 1956 There are daily terrorist incidents... we never hear about! Magen David Adom in Israel answers an average of 1000 ambulance calls daily mwe never hear about! All Magen David Adom stations are now prepared for Bio-Terrorism attacks .., we never hear about this! We're telling you now The need to provide continuous funds to Magen in Israel has never been greater... id Adorn Magen David Adom USA. and Magen David Adorn Israel Working together to save lives. Please enable us to continue supporting the lifesaving work of Magen David Adorn in Israel by making an urgently needed contribution! 901 I D Abo Make your tax deductible donation to: MAGEN DAVID ADOM U.S.A. 8930 Gross Point Road, Suite 800 Skokie, IL 60077-1864 Or call 847.583.0664 Outside Chicago Toll Free 866.583.8539 Secured on-line donations available through our website at: www. (Visa and MasterCard accepted) We are an I.R.S. designated 501(c) (3) Not For Profit Organization registered in the state of Illinois and throughout the U.S.A. FEIN 36-2443175. All contributions are tax deductible as provided by the law. ° Qv a►le 2003 703790 7