ANYTHING SZTT OLD EAT Why you won't be eating Haman's hat on Purim and other need-to-know information. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM AppleTree Editor Opposite page, clockwise from top: Adam Ross, 8, of Bloomfield Hills gets help from his dad Ron in putting together a package of goodies called mishloach manot as part of the annual Great Purim Parcel project at the offices of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. Dave Chomsky of Southfield helps his son, Nate, 9, seal a finished Purim parcel. Nicole Aaron, 15, of West Bloomfield and her father Burt wrap up misloach manot to be delivered. IV hat would Purim be without at least one edi- ble hat? Each year on the hol- iday, we send mishloach manot to friends and family. Invariably they contain hamantashen, tasty, three-cor- nered cookies filled with jam, poppy seeds, chocolate chips or other sweets that represent a hat worn by the evil Haman, right? Wrong. Hats off to you (please, no groaning allowed; this is, after all, Purim) if you're one of the few who has not fall- en prey to this misconception. Despite popular belief to the con- trary, there is absolutely no evidence that Haman wore a three-cornered hat. In fact, most scholars believe that the three-cornered hat didn't even come around until the 19th century, as an imitation of the memorable hat worn by Napoleon. So why do we send hamantashen in mishloach manot? Most rabbis believe that it harkens back to Queen Esther, whose greatness was inspired by the three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. One of the best parts of any Jewish holiday is the eating, and it's especially terrific on Purim because there's so The Book of Nehemiah recounts how Jews, after centuries of rule forbidding them to do otherwise, were at last per- mitted to read publicly from the Torah. To celebrate, they began send- ing gifts to the less fortunate. Hamantashen are, of course, the most popular item for inclusion in mishloach manot, but if you would like to expand your repertoire a bit, consider kreplach (dumplings filled with meat, cheese or potato) or sweet- and-sour something. Kreplach on Purim is traditional among some families because the process of chopping the meat is said to reflect the loud stamping and clapping that occurs whenever we hear Haman's name during the reading of Megillat Esther. Certain chasidic Jews enjoy sweet- and-sour foods on Purim because these reflect the sweet-and-sour aspects of the time: a fast day followed by one of celebration. And no a few tasty facts about mishloach manot and Purim: • Purim is unique in the annals of Jewish history for many reasons. As you may already know, God's name is never mentioned in Megillat Esther. Food For Thought Today, sending little baskets of goodies This is because the megillah was writ- ten as a scroll and sent throughout is a custom associated with Purim Persia to tell the story. Writers pre- alone, but the idea of giving gifts as a means of celebrating and thanking ANYTHING BUT OLD HAT on page 64 God is hardly new in Jewish history. much film and sweet stuff. (You might stick a piece of kugel in mishloach manot, but never, ever a brisket; and those who would even consider send- ing, say, cooked spinach would be in the worst trouble.) How did the whole idea of mishloach manot get started, anyway? In Hebrew, mishloach manot literally means "sending portions." In the Book of Esther (Megillat Esther 9:22), we are directed to send these "por- tions" as a way of expressing joy for Esther's victory. Sending mishloach manot is not just a custom; it is Halachah, Jewish law. We are commanded to send at least two kinds of ready-to-eat food to at least one friend. Further, this must be done on Purim itself. And while it may be nice to send elaborate and impressive mishloach manot, the rabbi and scholar Maimonides said that one should not send expensive mishloach manot if these are in any way to come at the expense of another Purim mitzvah: giving to the poor. 3/14 2003 63