On behalf of the birthright israel alumni in Detroit, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit and the entire birthright israel partnership... am not sure who to thank for the beauti-Pul tours and the opportunity I had to make interesting new friends; T e Israeli government, the tax payers of Israel, the fililan- I cO cO Ot) - (_> throfists, the local Jewish communities, or the Jews of cif the world who through history fought to save the exis - tence and history of the Jewish people. Regardless, to all of those people who made this trip fossible, thank you for -Plying me thousands o-P miles to show me something that was inside of me my whole . . . i S. Issenberg Tv:71).33-r,-1:1 BOARDING PASS cInn" ' SHAI_OM ISSENBERG , 1 ,1X11 \ C 023 kt4 L1 000s 6,j 46. t (LL ,- ' 2035 22C r . *6 '4T. 2.°A5 C'' GX JEK 22 ' V.PTAO We invite you to join us and: - Speak up for Israel among your friends and around campus - Participate in your own Jewish community - Stay connected with your new Israeli friends TAPLIT- birthright Israel wwvv.birthrightisrael.com - Share the gift with others and encourage them to sign up for our spring or summer trips birthright Israel is a unique, historical partnership between the people of Israel through their government, local Jewish communities (through United Jewish Communities and its local Federations, Keren Hayesod and The Jewish Agency for Israel), and leading Jewish philanthropists. There are already 40,000 birthright israel alumni from around the world. To receive the gift, apply now for a spring or summer trip at www.birthrightisrael.com 3/ 7 2003 21