Giving Day Schools A Needed Boost Philanthropists, educators seek new funding strategies. JOE BERKOFSKY Jewish Telegraphic Agency Los Angeles ir ity" and 13 percent were motivated to give because they had a personal connection, such as a child or grandchild in day school. But among donors, non-donors and experts, the study found that: • 81 percent believe that day schools ensure con- tinuity; • 78 percent supported day schools because of the Jews' "collective future"; • 75 percent backed day schools because they inancial wizard Michael Steinhardt is blunt in assessing the future of North American Jewry. The next generation is "mostly Jewish ignoramuses," Steinhardt says. "We haven't con- vinced the general Jewish population of the value of a Jewish education." Steinhardt's bleak assessment was aimed not at Jews in general, but at a select group: those who have donated at least $100,000 — and as much as several mil- lion — to Jewish day schools. There are only 1,800 such major sup- porters of the country's approximately 700 Jewish day schools, however, and that, Steinhardt says, is not enough." "We need to double that number." Steinhardt was addressing the third annual Donor Assembly of the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education, the day-school advocacy group he launched five years ago. For the first time this week, those big donors mingled with Jewish communal and day school professionals in a leader- ship assembly of more than 600 people, aiming to hammer out a national strategy to promote Jewish day schools. The gathering comes at a time when many day schools, viewed as solid foun- dations for lifelong Jewish identity, are strapped for funds. And many who want to attend cannot afford the high cost of a Jewish education. Some 200,000 children attend Jewish Michael Steinhardt day schools in this country, 79 percent of them Orthodox or fervently Orthodox. Steinhardt is president of Jewish "foster communities of committed Jews." Renaissance Media, parent company of the Jewish Of those who responded, 97 percent also gave News. money to their synagogue; 92 percent aided their local federation; 73 percent helped some kind of Israel-focused program and 59 percent backed their Surveying The Donors local Jewish community center. Among the top goals of the philanthropists was The donors surveyed hailed from 29 states and finding new sources of money. Canada, were usually parents or grandparents of To bolster their advocacy effort, the group, day school students and sat on day school boards. known as PEJE, offered the initial findings of a One such donor at the conference was Claire survey of 177 of those big day-school supporters. Ellman of La Jolla, Calif., whose three children They also released the results of interviews with 65 attended the San Diego Jewish Academy, a pluralis- other donors, potential donors and day school tic, 700-student school with students from kinder- experts. garten through 12th grade. The survey, conducted in October and November Ellman has just helped the school raise $33 mil- by TDC Research of Boston, found that among cur- lion toward a new building, the largest single effort rent donors, 49 percent give to day schools because to date in the city's Jewish community. they see them as vehicles to "ensure Jewish continu- 2/21 2003 14 Born in South Africa, Ellman says her grandfa- ther started Cape Town's first Jewish day school and infused her with a love for Jewish learning. But she believes not all donors support education for the same reasons. "A lot of people are going to give to Jewish edu- cation because they feel so strongly about continu- ity," she says, "but also because of a guilt complex" that they personally failed to teach their children Jewish values. The study did not reach that conclusion, though it did find that 10 percent of donors said the most important reason to back Jewish day schools was to teach Jewish knowledge. Building Ties Ellman is also vice chair of the Continental Council for Jewish Day School Education — a pro- gram of the United Jewish Communities and the Jewish Education Service of North America, which works to build ties among the day schools, Jewish fed- erations, religious institutions and the general community. She wel- comed the donor study. "The study is critical, because for the first time we've asked donors and non-donors why they do or don't fund Jewish education." Many of those who don't support Jewish schools said they either were not aware of them or found them too parochial, the study found. But the study also recommends against trying to win this group over. Instead, it recommends spreading the word to "neutral" Jews who may not have any personal ties to the school, but who believe educa- tion helps ensure a thriving Jewish community. Meanwhile, Steinhardt pointed to statistics show- ing that only 20 percent of philanthropy by North American Jews goes to Jewish causes, down from 50 percent 50 years ago. "What we lack is a sense of priority," he said. But Michael Rosenzweig, a board member of the New Atlanta Jewish Community High School, says the fact that there are so few donors to Jewish day schools is both good and bad news when it comes to doubling their numbers. "The good news" is that doubling their numbers is easy to do, he said. "The bad news is, it's easy to do because it's so small."