Danny Sherbin has many models at Exercise Warehouse. WORKING OUT THE "FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH" CAN BE DISCOVERED AT ANY AGE. radically but have stopped or slowed as they grew older. The third type is the physically restricted sen- ior who, because of injury or illness, has significantly diminished physical functions. But regardless of the y the year 2030, more than one in five category in which a person falls, it is always possible Americans will be 65 years of age or to reverse some effects of aging. older. Because advanced age can lead to a Danny Sherbin, 38, of Farmington Hills, owns loss of health, productivity and inde- pendence, the fitness industry has been hard at work -Exercise Warehouse in Livonia. He also co-owns a second location in Troy with partner Jeff Janower. preparing to meet the needs of this aging popula- Sherbin opened the doors of his Livonia store in tion. 1995 because he felt it was somewhat "recession- Marni Stone, fitness program coordinator at the proof." He also felt the general population was not Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield, being served by the larger, more impersonal sporting explains that "exercise retards the physical decline of goods stores. aging. Regular exercise maintains productivity, inde- Sherbin says he's grown his business "by helping pendence, and increases health span, which is the length of time a person can enjoy a healthy quality c. ,: one persorrat,w rime determine their. exact needs , ,and fitting theni`Wkh the proper equipment." In an of life." , dcfet customer, Sherbin ;almost: always recommends Stone sees three types.o,f4der. adgIts,..;I:1-1e.fri-rA is "reduced impact e q uipment, iUch 'as 'treadmills, sta- the "healthy fit," who hive been cb'aim" ifted to exer- tionary bikes and elliptical machines. ci e most of their lives and continue to exercise even s But that is where the generalizations end. Each as they age. piece of equipment is different, and he encourages Next is the "healthy unfit," who may exercise spo- his customers to "try before they buy" — to find the LISA BRONSTEIN Special to the Jewish News B - piece that is most ergonomically correct for them. Sherbin has found that many people come in to the Livonia store looking to purchase a piece of exer- cise equipment after they have had a health scare. "Sometimes a person will come in looking for a piece of equipment they used during rehab," Sherbin says. Other times, a physician has simply told a patient they need to get out and walk more, which is why the treadmill is one of the most popu- lar items. Sherbin repeatedly cautions that a customer must try out the equipment before purchasing it. Buyers should "keep in mind the weight of the heaviest per- son who is going to use it. You also will need some- thing different," he explains, "if you plan on run- ning as well as walking." Sherbin recommends that customers shop for treadmills with their needs in mind first, and their budget second. He says a less-expensive machine may have buttons that are difficult to manipulate and hard-to-read dials or a Boor stop button and WORKINC, OUT on page 94 2/1-1 2(163 93