J111 0pinion Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: www.d.etroitjewishnews.com From Ramallah To Baghdad he Bush administration has strengthened its case for going to war to unseat Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, though it is still some distance from proving that inva- sion is the only effective way to make him disarm permanently. Still, with a war increasingly likely, America and the rest of the world needs to think about how to conduct an extended occupation of the country fol- lowing military success. Analysts who are persuaded that occupation can succeed generally cite the happy U.S. experience in Germany and Japan following World War II; the pessimists urge comparisons with our disappoint- ments in the Philippines; the Dominican Republic, Haiti and, of course, Vietnam. More to the point would be a compari- son rooted in the Mideast, specifically Israel's two-decades-long effort to hold a portion of southern Lebanon and its 35 years of experience in the West Bank and Gaza. The Lebanon venture ended badly. When Israel withdrew nearly three years ago, it left the 20-mile wide swath of what had been a buffer zone in the hands of a sworn enemy, Hezbollah, and much of Lebanon under the influence of another enemy, Syria. The investment of lives and time bought some temporary stability for Israel's north, but no perma- nent improvement in security or any dramatic shift toward a more open, democratic and stable Lebanon. In limiting its aims, Israel limited its results. The verdict on Israel's occupation of parts of the West Bank and Gaza is still out. Holding the terri- tory after 1967 was vital to Israel's defenses in the subsequent wars with the Arabs, but with the 1991 Oslo agreements, the process took on a new goal, the creation of a modern and democratic state — the same ambition that the U.S. says it has for Iraq. Despite the horrors of the last two years of the Palestinian intifada (uprising) and the destruction of T - Dry Bones the Oslo process, despite the real- ization that all Palestinian factions squandered the opportunity by teaching hatred, despite the ram- pant corruption that funneled hun- dreds of millions of Western aid into private pockets, that ambition must continue because it is the only solution that will permit a sta- ble Mideast with a secure Israel. If the United Nations, led by America, learns from Israel's experi- ence, it will not leave Iraq just because its security concerns have been met by the destruc- tion of Hussein's chemical and biological weapons and his capacity for building nuclear weapons. From the beginning, the United Nations and, particularly, the United States must be committed to staying until they can see in place a stable eco- nomic and political system that will bring a measurably better life for the vast majority of Iraqis. . A smart world will learn it must closely supervise whomever it puts in place in Baghdad after Saddam. It will have to monitor what the schools teach, where the aid money goes and which police forces get armed with what weapons. It will have to make sure the money from Iraqi oil sales gets plowed back into building roads and hospitals and homes rather than into buying arms for Islamist factions seeking to rule as the Taliban did in Afghanistan. - A lot of responsible Palestinians have come to understand both that Israel is not going to be driven into the sea and that their Palestinian nation-to-be cannot succeed if it clings to the pattern of tyranny, corruption and backwardness that marks so much of Arab life. If we are attentive to the lessons of the West Bank and Gaza, it won't take a third of a century to impress that reality on the next generation of Iraqis. ❑ You control how wide you open your window of learning and how deeply you tap the well of knowl- edge. Notably, the faculty represents a broad spectrum of Jewish life. And it's as inclusive as the students. The cost to attend is purposely minimal so that no one who wants to learn is denied. More young adults are taking part, and that's especially pleasing. When SAJE was developed in 1999, the hope was to create another life experience to help Jews with- stand the winds of assimilation, acculturation, inter- marriage and apathy. The hope was that a notable number of people would share the sponsors' excitement for delving into different realms of what it means to be a Jew. Time has proven to be a blessing for the four local sponsors: the Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit, the Agency for Jewish Education, Federation's Alliance for Jewish Education and the Detroit Jewish News. Their chal- lenge is to sustain the excitement. Most of the classes take place at the two buildings of the JCC and that's significant. The JCC, Detroit Jewry's central address, is the one place that all Jews, whatever their upbringing or comfort zone, can feel. comfortable learning together. It's naive to think our children will share the his- tory and heritage of Judaism with their children if we don't step up as role models. We must show our children it's good to learn — that learning is uplift- ing but also fun. We also must equate learning with Jewish sur- vival. What level each of us chooses to learn is not what matters. No does it matter if the motivation to learn is more the camaraderie than the discus- sion. What you take away is your call. It only mat- ters that we together make learning pivotal to who we are as a people. EDIT OKIAL Wisdom Is Knowledge earning is the bedrock of living as a Jew, the sages say. Over the past four winters, that advice has resonated for the adults of our community. By the hundreds, we've learned in a "SAJE" way through the homegrown Seminars for Advanced Jewish Enrichment. This winter is no exception. More than 500 adults have signed up for 40 classes that appeal to a wide range of interests for Jews of all religious backgrounds. SAJE provides a readily accessible way for adults to deepen their Jewish identity and touch their Jewish soul. It offers a relaxing format to meet and mingle with other Jews also thirsting for the nour- ishment derived from learning. It doesn't matter how Torah observant you are, and no one should feel embarrassed by how much they don't know. L EDIT ORIAL ❑ 2/14 2003 33