OTHER, VIEWS Exposing the Oxymorons s I listened closely to President George W. Bush's State of the Union address, I kept listening for references to issues close to my own heart. Finally, after hearing about some very important social and domestic issues and associated proposed legislation, the president made a one-sentence ref- erence to my own issue. He said, "This administration is interested in a 'peace' between a secure Israel and a democratic Palestine." Well, great! Who does not want that? And, I am OK, Jack. If the president is serious and knows of what he speaks, those of us who understand the geopolitical and philo- sophical impossibility of a Palestinian state can feel more secure by the presi- dent asking for a "democratic Palestinian state and a secure Israel." That, of course, is an oxymoron. The two concepts cannot possibly exist simultaneously — certainly not in this lifetime as not in the over 1,300 years since Muhammad's forces poured out of the Arabian peninsula. There is no such thing in the whole A Jerome S. Kaufman is a Bloomfield Hills resident. world as a democratic Arab state. Since Palestine would, of course, be an Arab state, why would anyone think that "Palestine" would not simply be more of the same? Maybe that is President Bush's implied meaning? And let us hope that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, once again overwhelmingly elected by an enlight- ened right-wing electorate, also under- stands this concept as an oxymoron. Surely both of these strong, astute leaders know such a "democratic state" would have only one goal — the elim- ination of the Jewish state. Then the "Palestinians" could return to being simply Arabs and the manmade myth of the "Palestinian" Arab would natu- rally just disappear, along with Jordan, into a greater Syria or a greater Iraq or a greater Iran. Just get those infidels, those hideous Jews, out of the way so we can get on with the business of world Islamization. Behind TheWords- But, the president did, in fact, to my mind at least, make a number of refer- ences to the State of Israel. I think he might have done so inadvertently, not thinking that Israel could possibly fall Sensitivity And Common Sense South Windsor, Conn. IVIIT eve rolled up the Taliban. Saddam Hussein is surrounded, and what- ever fate he chooses, you can bet he will be gone within the year. Every week there's news of another terrorist cell eliminated, or another financial conduit closed. It appears we are waging a successful war on terror. And although terrorist suspects hail almost exclusively from Muslim commu- nities, the White House is quick to point out that this is no clash of civilizations. President Bush tells us Islam is a peaceful religion and what we are fighting is a radical strain that is anathema to the true nature of the Islamic tradition. Perhaps. More likely, the tendencies of Americans to be not seen as bigoted has derailed critical thinking about the complexities of modern-day Islam. Joshua Lessard, is a freelance political 2/ 7 2003 36 writer with a special focus on the Middle East. The late Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum of Temple Emanu-El in Oak Park was his grandfather; his other grandfather, the late Sanford Gordon, was a past president of Ahavas Achim Synagogue in Detroit. Lessard's e-mail address is Jlessard@aol.com But these tendencies belie our under- standing of the great religion and its impact on Muslims today. Ignorance is not a sign of respect. Religious Christians are aware of how their religion has been used for evil. The Talmud blames the destruction of the Second Temple on Jewish zealots, and the Jews have suffered two millennia of impotence; time spent on intensive introspection. Islam, which has shown tolerance in the past, desperately needs reformation. It is imperative that mod- erate voices overtake the growing ranks of adherents' acceptance of Islamic duty as a kamikaze mission against the Western, liberal democratic tradition. But this cannot happen without a tacit understanding, on our part, that the loud- est voices speaking for Islam are indeed engaging us in a war of civilizations. Yet, academia has largely turned the tables on independent thought and healthy debate on the nature of con- temporary Islam. The prevailing view, espoused by academia, is one of American insensitivity to Islam at large. Their fundamental misunderstand- ing of the aims of this jihad, coupled with their pet causes of diversity and sensitivity, effectively negate any call for reform. under these particular con- ful partner would simply cepts and declarations. He said destroy their weapons of several things that might fall destruction." Again, that's into what, let us call, "inadver- easy. Just slip in the Israel tent references to Israel." Defense Forces for United • "The course of this nation Nations and Palestinian does not depend upon the Authority for Iraq. decisions of others." President • "It is not a United States Bush was referring to the JERO ME S. option trusting in the strategy United Nations, the KAUF MAN of Saddam Hussein." Great! European nations and all oth- All we have to do is substitute Corn munity ers whose interests might be the name Arafat for Hussein. Vi ews contrary to those of the • Finally, "Feb. 5, 2003, the United States. Well, I suppose U.N. will specially convene he meant "this nation" must also refer and [U.S. Secretary of State] Colin to the State of Israel? Powell will present the United States • "Americans and the world will not case for war on Iraq." Great again. be blackmailed by North Korea." Just replace Powell with Sharon and Well, that's easy. Just substitute the Israel for the United States and words Israelis for Americans and Palestinian Authority for Iraq. Palestinian Arabs for North Koreans There! The word game is complete and the reference is exact. and all my anxieties about President • "Saddam Hussein will not dominate Bush's State of the Union speech and a vital region and threaten the interests his references to Israel - came to naught. of the United States of America." He talked about Israel in the most Great! Again just substitute the words favorable of terms throughout the Yasser Arafat for Saddam Hussein and speech. Surely he must plan to contin- the State of Israel for the United States ue as a staunch, dedicated, consistent, of America. unambiguous ally of the only legiti • "The United Nations inspection mate democracy in the Middle East — team in Iraq should not be on a scav- the State of Israel. Thank you very enger hunt. Rather a genuine peace- much, Mr. President. 0 Middle East Forum director erful American institution Daniel Pipes discussed in his from aiding voices of modera- article "Jihad and the tion and reform in Islam. Professors" ( Commentary, And we aren't being helped November 2002), the down- by the duplicity of such playing of the concept of jihad.. organizations as the Council While he concedes that most on American Islamic academics seem to be "acting Relations (CAIR). While they out of the impulses of political claim to be a mouthpiece JOSHUA correctness" he reveals that against Muslim discrimina- LESSARD there are some in academia tion, and a moderate organi- Special who have a different purpose. zation, their record shows Commentary He claims "they are endeavor- them to be apologists for ter- ing to camouflage a threatening con- ror and Islamic domination. cept by rendering its terms acceptable Their claim that the conviction of within university discourse." Omar Abdel Rahman was a "hate Another case in point is Columbia crime" and the conviction of the 1993 University's city-wide lesson plan titled World Trade Center bombers was a "(Re)Embracing Diversity in NYC "travesty of justice" shows them for Public Schools: Educational Outreach what they are. for Muslim Sensitivity." This plan preys They purport to speak for the mil- on our sense of fair play. For example, lions of American Muslims, and by one lesson calls for intensive discussion doing so, effectively silence another on the merits of profiling and the poten- powerful voice for Islamic reform. tial for civil rights violations of Muslims The war on terror will not be won without focusing on the negative — very simply by the successful overthrow of real aspects of Muslim belligerence in Saddam. Until we move to expose the places like the Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, true nature of the regimes in the Chechnya or the Middle East. Middle East and change them, and The academic's prescription of order- until Americans can get past our mis- ing another round of sensitivity and placed sensitivities and come to our diversity training for Americans implic- senses about the problems inherent in itly condones the actions of extremist today's spokesmen for Islam, we will Islam and confuses the issue. The result not secure the future of our liberal is a smokescreen that precludes a pow- democracy. 0