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January 31, 2003 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2003-01-31

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When • •

Mideast Standoff At UNNIVI

From the pages of thelewish News
from this week 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
and 60 years ago.

ZOA's Klein and pro-Palestinian advocate, debate the issues.

Ghana Timoner, 41, becomes the
first Jewish woman appointed to a
long-term post as a chaplain in the
U. S. Army.

introduction by his sponsors mention-
ing the "Palestinian-Israeli conflict."
Special to the Jewish News
When Abunimah spoke, he worked to
reframe the issue in just that way.
t first glance, the fact that
"Mr. Klein defended himself very
the Michigan Student
well against charges of racism," he said
Zionists and the campus
with some sarcasm, before saying
chapter of the American-
Klein was advocating "ethnic cleans-
Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
ing." He showed pictures of Israeli
(ADC) cooperated to bring two spokes-
children with guns in an attempt to
men on the Israeli-Arab crisis to the
blunt Klein's statistics about terrorism
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
training for Palestinian children. He
appeared to be a positive sign.
claimed Israeli
However, those
dren were also taught
attending the Michigan
"hatred, ethnic cleans-
Union debate Jan. 21
and how to use
between Morton Klein,
the Philadelphia-based
After saying "the
national president of the
vast majority" of
Zionist Organization of
Palestinians who have
America (ZOA), and
killed were
Chicagoan All
Abunimah, co-founder
of the Electronic
dren, he ridiculed
Intifada Web site, didn't
Israel's claim of acci-
see understandings
dental killings, asking
reached or bridges built.
how Israel could "kill
Klein took the podi-
hundreds of children
um first in the debate.
by accident."
"I want peace with all
He dismissed Klein's
my heart and with all
charge of anti-Jewish
my soul," he said,
Debating at the Michigan Union were Chicagoan Ali Abunimah, co-
and anti-Israel indoctri-
adding that he was hurt
of the Electronic Intifada Web site, and Philadelphian Morton
nation in Palestinian
by e-mails sent by ADC
textbooks by alleging
supporters branding him Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America.
"all his facts are wrong."
a "bigot and a racist."
Then Abunimah
"I lost virtually my
a theme he
entire family due to racism and big-
would carry throughout the evening
non-recognition and warfare against
otry" (referencing the Holocaust).
and use to belittle Klein's positions.
Israel, he appealed for "moral clarity"
Klein then proceeded to delineate
According to Abunimah, Israel's sup-
that "terrorism is never justified" as
how the Palestinian Authority taught
porters use a "racist theory" that
well as the "strategic clarity" of fight-
hatred and bigotry through their news
divides people into good and bad "to
ing, not rewarding terrorism.
media, their schools and a whole
explain everything." Alluding to eco-
range of institutions.
nomic divisions in the United States,
"They teach Jews are evil, Jews are
and comparing Israel to South African
fanatics, Jews are treacherous, and there Yasser Arafat's regime, put Fatah
apartheid, Abunimah said, "In any
[Arafat's political and military faction]
is no alternative to destroying Israel,"
time, in any place, where one group
on the terrorist list, and bring murderers
he said. "They claim Israel causes can-
enjoys the benefits of economic and
to justice."
cer and causes mad cow disease."
military power, you will have conflict."
Klein asked the audience to "fight
Claiming that Zionists were the
against naming streets, intersections
Middle East terrorists who
and schools for killers" and to "end 90
As opposed to Klein's lengthy introduc- pioneered techniques used against
children's camps teaching how to be
Israeli civilians," he charged that Israel
tion that mentioned the "Arab-Israeli
suicide bombers and that Israeli must
conflict," Ali Abunimah got a brief
be destroyed."
INSIGHT on page 31





Ridiculing the charge that Israel car-
ries out "genocide" against
Palestinians, he noted that the
Palestinian Arab population in Israel
was 150,000 in 1948, and is now sev-
eral million. "Whoever is in charge of
the genocide program needs to be
fired immediately!"
Citing the P.A.'s "persecution and
torture" of Christians, its non-recogni-
tion of Israel, the small size of the
Jewish state and the history of Arab

The Bais Chabad Center of West
Bloomfield celebrates the first
anniversary of its Maple Road Facility.
Temple Beth El in Bloomfield
Township will observe Sisterhood
Shabbat celebrating the 70th
anniversary of the National
Federation of Temple Sisterhoods.

A memorial forest was dedicated for
the late Norbert Masur, formerly
Sweden's Consul General in Israel
and the man who risked his life at
the end of World War II to rescue
thousands of Jews through secret
_ negotiations with Heinrich
Himmler, known as the Folke
Bernadotte Action.

Rabbi Harold S. White of Ann
Arbor will be guest speaker at a
"Jewish Theological Seminary
Evening" sponsored by
Congregation Beth Moses.

The search committee of Temple
Beth El in Detroit has selected
Rabbi Richard C. Hertz to succeed
the late Rabbi B. Benedict Glazer.
"Three Hundred Years of Jewish
Living" is the title of the third
annual institute planned by the
Detroit Women's Division,
American Jewish Congress.

Mrs. S. Glogower of Detroit • is i re-
elected president of the Jewish
Community Center at its annual
The Federation of Jewish
Women's Organizations raises
$200,000 in War Bonds earmarked
for the construction of an Army

— Compiled by Holly Teasdle
archivist, the Rabbi Leo M. Franklin
Archives of Temple Beth El

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