Cover Story LEVINS r4 1/24 2003 68 from page 66 are automatic and speak to their closeness. Sandy was born in 1931; BORN: June 28, 1934; age 68 Carl three years later. Growing EDUCATION: Harvard University up, they were the opposite of law degree, 1959; Swarthmore competitive. College, BA, 1956. "We did everything togeth- ELECTED OFFICES: Detroit City er," said Sandy, including Council, 1969-77 (president 1973-77); going to the same summer elected to U.S. Senate, 1978. camps. "Carl won 'Best PERSONAL: Wife, Barbara, three daughters, Camper' award when he was three grandchildren. 7." Carl admitted, "I was mis- erable. They gave it to me to make me feel better." Re Sander In The brothers were constant BORN: Sept. 6, 1931; age 71 companions. As soon as Sandy EDUCATION: Harvard University could drive, he took Carl fish- law degree, 1957; Columbia ing in the Upper Peninsula. A University, MA, 1954; Columbia year later, they traveled out University, BA, 1952. West together. And they learned sports together, too. ELECTED OFFICES: Oakland County Board of Supervisors, 1961-1964; Michigan State When Sandy thought his lit- Senate, 1965-1970; ran for Michigan gov- tle brother would make a good ernor, 1970 and 1974. shortstop, he endlessly hit balls to Carl at the Central High PERSONAL: Wife, Vicki, four children, seven School baseball diamond. Years grandchildren. later, Carl would play junior varsity ball at Swarthmore They still try to make it back to College in Swarthmore, Pa. their Michigan homes most weekends They both played on Central's ten- • and can usually be spotted together nis team, and played pickup basket- during political rallies and other ball games at their Detroit home on events. They shared the stage with Boston Boulevard. gubernatorial candidates and other "We had a three-car garage, but local officials last summer during a never more than one car," Sandy said. Their father, Saul, an attorney, helped them put up the large wooden back- board. "Remember the day we put it up?" Sandy asked Carl. Carl says nothing, just gives his brother a look and rolls his eyes. "How we ever got that up with Dad, who was not the most athletic, I'll never know," Sandy continued, despite Carl's eye rolling. The Levins weren't rich, but they were comfortable. Saul took the bus to work every day. On Monday nights, their moth- er, Bess, would pile Sandy, Carl and Hannah, their older sister, into the car to pick Saul up at the bus stop. Then they'd drive to a restaurant for sandwiches and Sanders ice cream. The two brothers shared a bedroom until Sandy went to Columbia University, then found themselves rooming together again in 1957, dur- ing Sandy's last year of Harvard Law School and Carl's first. "He wanted to make sure I would not goof off too much," Carl said. That closeness really hasn't dimin- ished after spending more than 20 years on the Hill, though the hectic pace makes it more complicated. pro-Israel rally at the Jewish Com- munity Center in Oak Park. Sandy's wife, Vicki, said they get together with Carl and Barbara when possible. "We used to get together every week in Michigan, but it's been tougher since we got to Washington," she said. The brothers seem to be in con- stant contact. "When one is having a political adventure, the other one jumps in," she said. "They don't just say, 'You know I'm on your side.' They roll up their sleeves and pitch in." Sometimes their closeness prompts razzing from other legislators. For example, the brothers began playing squash in law school and still play each other regularly. Their squash exploits are legendary on Capitol Hill, and legislators razz them and always ask who's ahead. "We estimate 15,000 games of squash, and we're dead even," Carl said. As they walk the halls of Congress this day, both men hear familiar ques- tions from fellow congressmen: "What the hell did your brother do yesterday? How does he explain it?" The running joke in Congress is that the most communication there is The Levin clan watches Carl sworn in by Vice President Dick Cheney. o between the House and the Senate is between the two of them. Media And Partisan Politics Looking at Washington politics from their longtime vantage point, the Levins make two key observations — the fundamental differences between the parties have created an ebb and flow of partisanship, and the cable news networks have had a somewhat negative effect on how Washington is perceived. More news is needed to fill the 24- hour news cycle, and greater competi- tion means a harder edge on the views, Carl said. "They're fighting with each other and they want the more dramatic, the more contentious, the more conflicted comment in order to build up their market share, so they'll pick on select people who they think will be more contentious," he said. "They need the sound bites." Dwindling local television coverage of government is also to blame, Sandy added. In the old days, "television sta- tions would come to town meetings. Now the local news doesn't cover what's going on in Washington or in Lansing." A fundamental difference in the two