OTHER, VIEWS Ensuring Israel's Survival New YorkCity uring this past winter break from rabbinical school, I had the opportunity to meet some new friends. I befriended Yisrael, an architect from Tel Aviv, at the Dead Sea, where my wife and I spent a couple of days at the end of our vacation in Israel. Yisrael shared his story with me over a traditional Israeli breakfast. While fighting for Israel, he was hit with a bullet. It was a direct shot to his left temple, leaving him disabled for the rest of his life. He was lucky to be alive. Yisrael was not the only disabled veteran of the Israel Defense Forces whom I encountered while at the Dead Sea. There were hundreds of men at our hotel who became severely disabled while fighting for Israel's con- tinued existence. They are known as N'chei Tzahal. Some, like Yisrael, can barely walk anymore, even with the aid of a cane or a walker. Others are amputees, missing an arm or a leg, and bound to a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. They were at the Dead Sea to find some temporary relief from their pain D Jason Miller, originally from West Bloomfield, is a fourth yearstudent in the Rabbinical School and the William Davidson School of Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York City. His e-mail address is JANIiller@jtsa.edu through the therapeutic powers of the Dead Sea. The N'chei Tzahal come each year for two or three weeks, and most of the hotels are very accommodating to their needs. The Israeli government pays for their much-deserved vacation; but if it is not taken by the end of the year, the opportunity is lost. Thus, many of them make their vacation to the Dead Sea at the end of every December — making the Dead Sea, in essence, the unofficial convention and reunion of Israel's disabled veterans. Mostly men, the N'chei Tzahal range in age and represent each of Israel's many wars. I met men who fought for Israel's statehood in 1947, as well a young man on crutches, disabled during the current intifada (Palestinian uprising). I spent an hour talking about poli- tics.and religion with a couple of vet- erans on the beach. One of these men, whose foot was blown off by a land mine in the Sinai Desert in 1956, explained that he and his wife had been coming to the Dead Sea for three decades and it is the only time he feels any relief from his injuries. When I remarked to the other veter- an how nice it is that the Israeli gov- ernment provides them with a compli- mentary vacation, he looked me in the eyes, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Trust me, we paid for it." I could not have agreed more with his statement. However, his words also deeply troubled me because after see- Israel's Election And The T' Factor Jerusalem aka-paka. The lips never stop moving. Paka-paka. The hot air flows from the mouth. Paka-paka. Opinions spew out for whoever will listen. Paka-paka. In Israel's media-bombarded, overly politicized, highly opinionated, emotion- ally charged, ideologically divided socie- ty, paka-paka is part of life. No more so than during an election campaign. Paka-paka is the popular term Israelis use to denote the mix of self- important bombast, long-winded commentary and general yada-yada- yada heard so often throughout the nation. In a country where talking po Robert Sarner is a senior reporter/editor on Israel's only English-language daily TV show. Before moving to Israel in 1990, he was a writer and magazine editor in Paris and Toronto. His e-mail address is rsarner@netvision.netil 1/24 2003 34 heads rule the airwaves, per capita cell phone use is among the highest in the world, and where almost every citizen feels he knows better than the prime minister, paka-paka is inevitable. Lately, in the lead-up to next Tuesday's election, the P factor has gone into overdrive, and I don't mean just paka-paka. Pundits, pollsters, political publicists, the press and of course the politicians themselves — pontificating paka-paka professionals all — have taken center stage. Since the election campaign began in November, first for party primaries and then for the Knesset itself, politics has had a stranglehold on the public agen- da and dominated the print media. Never at a loss for words, the nation's columnists, political talk show hosts, panelists, and countless other supposed experts debate endlessly: Why is Prime Minister. Arid Sharon still leading by a wide margin in the polls despite the ing these individuals whose have been possible without lives were so visibly changed Moses sharing in the task. by their devotion to Israel, I Yitro's message brings to mind was left wondering about my Rabbi Tarfon's well-known own contribution to Israel's teaching in Pirkei Avot— It is continued existence. What was not [incumbent] upon you to my role as a Zionist living in finish the task, but neither are the diaspora? I never risked life die you free to desist from the task. and limb like these heroes. JASON A. This mishnah never spoke to This Shabbat in parashat MILLER me more than it did a few weeks Yitro, our people's pre-eminent ago while a participant on the Special leader is exhausted. Moses is Commentary Jewish Theological Seminary's making all of the judicial deci- Solidarity Mission to Israel. In sions for the people. He is the same room where David hearing every single dispute, Ben-Gurion proclaimed Israel's and it is wearing on him greatly. independence, a third-generation Israeli When his father-in-law, Yitro, a woman charged us with the message that Midianite priest, observes how Moses Israel belongs to all Jews, not only to is handling his leadership role, he Israelis. We all share in the responsibility exclaims, "Why do you act alone, of ensuringisraers survival, and those of while all the people stand about you us in the' diaspora can achieve this from morning until evening? The task through tourism to our homeland. is too heavy for you and you will sure- Israel's economy is dependent on ly wear yourself out." tourism, realizing a return on invest- Therefore, acting as an "outside ment as in no other sector, but the management consultant," he gives current situation has led to a dearth of some very valuable advice to Moses, Jewish tourists. Israel is calling us to urging him to reserve only the most come home and we must heed that important legal cases for himself, while call and do our share. appointing judges from among the Feeling the- love for our homeland elders of the people to rule on all and our deep emotional attachment to other minor matters. the land, we must follow the message Moses heeds his father-in-law's good of Rabbi Tarfon. Those Israelis fight- counsel, putting the new legal system ing for the stability of Israel cannot do into practice; in so doing, he sets the it alone. And Israeli citizens cannot do Israelites on the right path toward it alone. They need us. They need us becoming a nation. Our ancestors' now more than ever. journey toward peoplehood would not Let us not desist from our task. 0 sorry state of the nation, depressed mood, the economic despite being embroiled in a crisis and the fact that almost corruption scandal and despite nobody wanted this election in failing to deliver on his cam- the first place, the Knesset paign promises of two years tried to act responsibly. It ago? Why has the campaign of reduced, albeit reluctantly and Labor leader Amram Mitzna not by much, the hefty sub- and his party failed to take off? sidy it gives the parties from How will Israel's one million- the public purse to help pay ROBERT plus Russian immigrants vote for their campaigns. SARNER this time? Why is the centrist, This slightly lower subsidy Special secular rights party, Shinui, Commentary did not stop the parties from proving so popular despite its producing millions of freshly ill-defined platform? The topics minted posters, banners, bill- go on ad infinitum. boards, bumper stickers, flyers, The Likud corruption scandal injected brochures, handbills, newspaper ads an exciting new element to the media's and other printed matter that com- already obsessive coverage of political pete for the public's attention. All this intrigues, imbroglios, shenanigans and in addition to the parties' official TV other forms of jockeying for power. and radio propaganda blitz. Adding to the torrent of paka-paka, Some things just never change, such every other day sees a new poll published as the inane slogans, overworked with great fanfare. cliches and the airbrushed images of earnest-looking faces posing against the ubiquitous blue and white flag. It's Overblown Campaign so tired and predictable. So too are This year, in deference to the country's SARNER on page 36