Torah Portion We're Commanded To Fulfill All The Days Of Our Lives son may physically be under no one's rule or enslavement; but unless he or she exerts ability to make decisions, then they are no different than slaves. To be free is to be proactive, creative and responsible. Being free is having the ability to control time and make the most out of it. f you had the opportunity to When the great chassidic Rebbe of select the first of the 613 com- Ger, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Alter passed mandments presented to the away, it was a great tragedy. He only Jewish people before they left lived until the age of 58. At the shiv- Egypt, which one would it be? ah, home, his youngest son was cry- Perhaps you would ing uncontrollably. choose, "I am the Lord your The rebbe's brother tried God who took you out of to consol his nephew, and the land of Egypt." After as they spoke, the young all, it is the first of the 10 man told his uncle that not Commandments; and it only was his father's pass- proclaims our belief that ing a great personal loss, there is only one God who but the pain was magnified both created the world and because of the great loss to is actively involved in sus- the Jewish people. His taining it. father had many years RABBI Or perhaps you would ahead of him in which he YECHIEL choose, "Love your neigh- could have done so much MORRIS bor as yourself," which more for his Chassidim and Special to the guides us on how we are to the Jewish people as a Jewish News relate and interact with our whole. fellow human beings. In response, the uncle Or maybe you would told his nephew to focus on one select the commandment to observe thing. While it is true your father Shabbat. Certainly the most impor- did not merit areechat shanim, a long tant day of the week — which allows life, he most certainly had areechat us to spend time with our families yomim, long days. He made the most and reconnect with God — would out of the time he was allotted in have been an appropriate choice. this world. Each day was not wasted, And yet, the very first command- but rather, used to its fullest poten- ment given to the Jewish people is tial. the commandment to sanctify The commandment to proclaim months and to set the dates for the the new month represented to the festivals according to the sanctifica- Jewish people as they left Egypt and tion. - signals to us at the beginning of In his classic commentary to the every month that time is a gift and Torah, Rabbi Ovadiah Seforno of we have the privilege and responsi- Rome and Bologna, Italy, explains bility to make the most out of it. the reason why this mitzvah was cho- May we all merit to have long lives, sen to be the first commandment but at the same time, let us all be given. Up until they were redeemed, responsible to ensure that we have the Jews in Egypt did not have the long days as well. ❑ ability to control time. As slaves, they were told when to awake, when to work and when to eat. The Egyptians controlled their actions and routine. Their destiny was not in For what purpose(s) does God their own hands, but rather at the bring the 10 plagues upon the mercy of their masters. Egyptians? Why are the last three Now that they were redeemed and plagues in a separate Torah por- were free from slavery, they had the tion than the first seven? Why opportunity and responsibility to act does Moshe become angry with as "free" individuals. They could now Pharaoh after telling him of the make their. own decisions. impending plague of the death According to the Seforno, a per- of the Egyptian first born? Yechiel Morris is rabbi of Young Israel Shabbat Bo: Exodus 10:1-13:16• Jeremiah 46•13-28. 5th GRADERS & PARENTS! Be a part of the 16th Annual TZEDAKAH EXPERIENCE Supported by Federation and the DeRoy Testamentary Foundation SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2003 9:30-11:45 a.m. Temple Beth El 7400 Telegraph Road at 14 Mile Join in Helping Hands activities to learn more about our Jewish agencies Decide how your Penny Harvest pennies can help our community Laurie Goldmeier & Beth Margolin, Co-Chairs Randi Sakwa, Assocate Chair Margot Gardner & Jodi Goodman, Penny Harvest Co-Chairs Sharyl Ackerman, Penny Harvest Associate Chair Sponsors: Temple Beth El Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit: Women's Campaign and Education Dept. Agency for Jewish Education: Department of School Services /Jewish Experiences for Families The Detroit Jewish News Jewish Educators Council Bank One Michigan For information, call: (248)203-1459 or e-mail: This is Federation Visit us online: It is hereby ordered that all Family, Friends, Colleagues, Associates, Attorneys and Other Interested Parties are invited to attend a Retirement Gala and Roast WHEN: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 TIME: 6:00 p.m. Cocktails 7:00 p.m. Dinner Conversations of Southfield. WHERE: Congregation Beth Shalom COST: $65 (open bar, dinner, gift) PLEASE make checks payable to Judge Friedman Retirement Gala and mail to: Susan Lichterman Jaffe Raitt, Heuer & Weiss One Woodward, #2400, Detroit, MI 48226 FOR The Hon. Benjamin J. Friedman 45B District Court FOR MORE INFO: (313) 961-8380 - ext 469 44 1/10 684300 2003 59