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(248) 788-2900 12/27 2002 26 "A cannily crafted comedy-melodrama about friendship, family, open mindedness and forgiveness...a feel good winner" -NY Newsday anti-Semitism also deterred many from speaking up. Yet that should have been no imped- iment to those Jewish leaders who were in the know and positioned to do something about it. Unfortunately, they, too, were more fearful of the prospect of American anti-Semitism than they were horrified by accounts of Nazi slaughter. Some, like the American Jewish Congress' Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, were fearful of alienating President Franklin Roosevelt and thereby losing their privileged status to forcefully protest American inaction. Yet somehow, Bergson (who operat- ed under an alias to avoid involving his prominent rabbinic family in his protests of British policies against the Jews to Palestine) was motivated to drop everything else and make the bat- tle for rescue his one and only priority. Others, such as famed writer and journalist Ben Hecht, soon joined him in his Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe. He excelled in getting non-Jews, including those thought to be hostile to Jewish causes, to join in the effort. In the end, through his genius for public relations, theatrics and sheer determination, Bergson created a movement that eventually forced the Roosevelt administration to act. In January 1944, FDR created the War Refugee Board (WRB). This reversal of American policy (a U.S. Treasury Department report on American policy towards Hitler's Jewish prey was titled "Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews") was an enormous achievement. Perhaps as many as 200,000 Jews were saved by WRB (for example, the efforts of Swedish hero Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest were subsidized by the board). But, as the board's own director admitted, its efforts were "late and lit- tle." In fact, only a small percentage of the WRB's budget was funded by the U.S. government, instead depending on contributions from Jewish groups like the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Had the board been creat- ed sooner and been better supported, it is impossible to tell how many more lives could have been saved. This story is by now well known, though it is-certainly worth re-telling. What makes it important for us today is learning one of the chief reasons why Bergson/Kook was unable to fully suc- - ceed: the obstruction and sabotage of his campaign by the Jewish establishment. Wyman and Medoff's book lays out in heartbreaking detail the vicious campaign to undermine the Jewish Emergency Committee. Caring more about turf than the fate of their endangered brethren, most of the influential Jews of the day did their utmost to defeat the Emergency Committee. They rejected his offers of cooperation and even conspired to have Bergson/Kook deported. Hillel Kook, who died in Israel in August 2001, went to his grave still bitter at this betrayal, still lamenting the Jews who might have lived had his campaign been heeded. Still Relevant Today Six decades later, the situation of world Jewry has markedly improved, and American Jews remain the most powerful and prosperous diaspora community in Jewish history. But with a terror war being waged against the Jewish state that Bergson/Kook (he served in Israel's first Knesset from 1949-1951) as well as Wise strove to create, the need for Jewish activism is undiminished. Yet the forces of inertia and indifference are still with us today. Israel needs a motivated, active and sometimes brash American Jewish community to continue to speak up on its behalf. Troublemakers are need- ed to take on a media that is the bas- tion of a journalistic culture of bias against Israel as well as an academic establishment that treats Israel-bashing as a form of honored study. Yet, no less an authority than Forward editor J.J. Goldberg asserted in a panel discussion at the November General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities that concern for the fate of Israel was merely the province of an activist minority while the majority of American Jews remained relatively indifferent to the issue. Liberals are horrified at the efforts of other Jews to mobilize conservative religious Christians on Israel's behalf (a heartening reminder of the righteous activism of those non-Jews who helped Bergson/Kook). Other Jews won't support an Israel run by a party that is descended from Bergson/Kook's right-wing political comrades, and still others question the validity of Zionism itself. We cannot save the lost millions of the Shoah. But we can do something about helping the Jews of Israel fight back against those who would destroy them. The memory of the ragtag effort to save the Jews of Europe must continue to inspire American Jews in the years and decades to come. El