foot, outdoor Chanukah menorah in Birmingham's Shain Park during the recent holiday. Rabbi Yochanan Polter and the Birmingham Bloomfield Chai Center sponsored a "Light Up the Night" city holiday celebration in the park with the participation of Mayor Cheyfitz and the commissioners. Enlightened Grassroots Politics Outdoor menorah, new mayor are signs of a growing- Jewish presence in Birmingham. Chafetz's "day job" as a skating coach is his livelihood, but says his "night job" as a Birmingham city official is slowly start- ing to dominate his life. His salary is $5 per meeting, usually on two or three Monday nights each month, "so this is real community service," he said. The future mayor had paid little attention to politics before he and some neighbors got involved in "fighting city hall" when trash and debris that had piled up in the neighborhood wasn't removed. "I started at the real grassroots level of city action and politics, then I joined the neighborhood association," Chafetz said. "I ran for commission to be a represen- tative of the neighborhoods and the peo- ple." Neighbors, friends and family members helped support his campaign financially. "I established myself as a well-rounded commission candidate and, since being elected, I've increased my knowledge of all issues affecting the city;" he explained. "I pride myself on doing my home- work." Now that he's mayor, he'll be attend- ing Michigan Municipal League semi- nars and training sessions. Chafetz says he is concerned about several issues facing Birmingham resi- dents, such as vehicles speeding through neighborhoods ("more traffic signals and speeding-ticket enforcement are need- ed") and the residential and commercial •developers trying to exert their will over the city ("tighter standards and controls are necessary"). "We must ensure the livability of the neighborhoods," he said. Among his big projects as mayor will be to implement a $15 million master parks plan to restore various city parks; turn the old Barnum School, most recently owned by Beaumont Hospital, into a community center; and possibly add a park for in-line skating and skate- boarding outside the city ice arena on East Lincoln. "By the time my term as mayor is up [next year], I want people to be able to say I made a difference," Chafetz said. "Getting things done in a great city like this provides me with a true sense of accomplishment." [1] 12/13 2002 36 RONELLE GRIER Some of the controversy stemmed from an incident almost 20 years ago when the city of Birmingham was required to remove a nativity scene from the same park location. is a season of "firsts" for the city of Birmingham: According to Melvyn Goldstein, a Birmingham attorney the first Jewish mayor, Seth Chafetz, took office who assisted the BBCC with its petition for the menorah, last month, and the first outdoor Chanukah that nativity scene was declared unconstitutional because it I menorah stood in downtown Shain Park through- was sponsored by the city, unlike the menorah, which was out the eight-day holiday. sponsored by a private organization. Birmingham Bloomfield Chai Center spOnsored the 6- "There are two constitutional issues here that need to be foot electric menorah. Rabbi Yochanan Polter of BBCC balanced," Goldstein said. "First, the government is prohibit- made a formal request to the Birmingham city commis- ed from establishing a religion, and secondly, there can be no sioners several months earlier to place the menorah in the unreasonable restraints on freedom of speech or assembly. park during the Chanukah season. "The decision to grant a permit is not based on which reli- A public lighting ceremony, entitled "Light Up the gious group is making the request, but on several other fac- Night," was held on the evening of Dec. 4, which was the tors, including safety issues as well as the appropriateness of sixth night of Chanukah. the display," Goldstein added. E: "It's our job to uphold the laws of our state and our constitu- tion," Chafetz said. "If we get 1 :another such application, we'll definitely give it the same consid- eration. It's an honor and a privi- lege that we were able to do this." Oakland County Commissioner Chuck Moss said, "I'm glad to see that we're coming back to sanity. This is a wonderful thing, and I'm glad someone had the guts to do it. The Jewish religion was here k liCr first, and I'm glad to see the menorah here first, too." Linda Zalla of Bloomfield Hills, who attended the lighting ceremo- ny with her husband, Harvey, said: "I am delighted to see a menorah in downtown Birmingham repre- senting the Jewish people." _ The 6-foot menorah was placed in Birmingham's Shoran Park at the request of the Birmingham Following the ceremony, par- Bloomfield Chai Center. ticipants were invited to adjourn to nearby Baldwin Public Library "The United States is one of the most diverse countries for a traditional Chanukah repast of homemade latkes and in the world, and we are here tonight to perpetuate unity, jelly doughnuts. education and brotherhood," said U.S. Rep. Joe "We're hoping that through this display we continue to Knollenberg, R-Bloomfield Hills, who joined Mayor foster religious diversity and tolerance, not only in our city Chafetz in officiating the lighting ceremony. and state, but throughout the United States," said Rabbi There were some complaints from Birmingham residents Polter. "The message of Chanukah is a message for all once word got out that the menorah would be in the park. mankind about freedom, liberty and acceptance — the "Most of the opposing opinions came from people who foundation on which this great country of ours stands." didn't have the correct facts," Rabbi Polter said. "People keep asking me why there isn't a nativity scene on display alongside the menorah," said Chafetz. "My Related editorial: page 31 answer is that the rabbi didn't ask for one." ❑ Special to the Jewish News ) OF THE BLOOMFIELD ( NTER