The Dreaming How to hear what your nighttime thoughts are telling you. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Special to The Jewish News 111 ost of his time was occupied with thoughts of war and peace. But even Abraham Lincoln needed a rest now and then. The pres- ident enjoyed the theater and travel and hoped one day to visit Jerusalem. In his free moments, Lincoln also liked to discuss dreams — his own (such as one in which someone said "the president" had been "killed by an assassin") and those in the Bible. He said to his wife, and to Ward Hill Lamon, marshal of the District of Columbia: "It is strange how much there is in the Bible about dreams." In the modern world, he said, "dreams are regarded as very foolish, and are seldom told, except by old women and young men and maidens . in love." But, he added, "If we believe in the Bible, we must accept the fact that in the old days God and His angels came to men in their sleep and made them- selves known in dreams." From the biblical Joseph, who rose to fame thanks to his interpretation of Pharaoh's dream, to the 12th-century scholar Maimonides, who considered the function of dreams in his classic text Guide for the Perplexed, to perhaps the greatest and most controversial contemporary scholar of dreams, Sigmund Freud, our thoughts during sleep have intrigued, compelled and mystified from the beginning of time. Dreams And Kabbalah In Divining Your Dreams, just pub- lished by Fireside Books ($16), author Jonathan Sharp offers a look at using Kabbalah to understand one's dreams. The book includes "more than 850 powerful dream images," with inter- pretations covering everything from an oak tree to infection to orchestras, sail- ing and skating. The Kabbalah is, of course, the clas- sic Jewish mystical text. These days seemingly every celebrity from Roseanne Barr (now touting her new 12/6 2002 68 hot sauce) to Madonna (this may explain the use of Hebrew and tefillin in her video "Die Another Day") to supermodel Naomi Campbell (perhaps it can offer some guidance on how to control her infamous temper) is taking classes "steeped in the mystical Jewish tradition of Kabbalah." In fact, kabbalistic texts are on the periphery of Jewish life for many Jews. The average Jewish man or woman is advised not to go there, so to speak, until he is of the proper age and well- . versed in every aspect of Halachah (Jewish law). practical advice on how to interpret your own dreams (more on this later). The book's author, Jonathan Sharp, of England, co-wrote The Hidden Power of Everyday Things. He writes that his background is "in the Western Mystery Tradition, an approach to spirituality that dates back at least as far as the Middle Ages in Europe. The underlying aim is to try to gain an understanding of the Divine nature of Creation and to fully realize one's spir- itual potential." In presenting his dream analyses, he considers both the dream content and its gematric analysis — that is, the letter values (Gematria aligns Hebrew letters and numerals) of the dreams. Further, he includes aspects of Tarot — which means there is quite a lot to read even on such a mun- dane topic as an esca- lator. "As you might expect, this dream is designed to encourage you in your spiritual work," the author says. If you dream of an escalator, "... you are about to complete a major cycle in your life. "If we look at the image of an escalator, it is likely that this major cycle involves "Divining Your your moving up from Dreams" offers one phase of con- help from sciousness to another." DIVINING YOUR DREAMS JONATHAN SHARP Still, with such an influential and erudite scholar as Madonna checking it out, chances are many Jews will be interested in Kabbalah, too — and especially when it comes to some- thing as juicy as interpreting dreams. Divining Your,Dreams begins with an introduction by Dr. Edward Hoffman, a New York psychologist and author of a number of other books on Jewish mysticism, including The Way of Splendour. In his introduction, Hoffman offers a brief history of mysticism and some Kabbalah in interpreting more than 850 Self-Analysis dream images. Perhaps escalators have not occupied your dreams as of late, but there is no person who does not dream, and dream often. If you would like to try listening to your own, here is Divining Your Dreams's advice on how to get started. 1. First (according to Dr. Hoffman keep a journal and pen by your bed. The moment you wake up from a dream, write it down. 2. Remember as many dream details as possible. Look for those details that repeat themselves, because even the most trivial of objects or thoughts can bear significance, especially when it appears numerous times. 3. Write your dream in present tense (i.e., "I am running down the hill" and not "I ran down the hill") and record your feelings. 4. Make a list of symbols and then judge them on an "emotionality scale" of 1 to 5, with 1 being "minimal emo- tion" and 5 being "intense emotion." 5. Begin your journey with the most "intense emotion" items as you research their interpretation in the book. 6. Reflect on what you have read and look for the message your dream has for you. Dream Symbolism Most of Sharp's interpretations reflect on an individual's relationship with the "Divine," and it's not clear whether Sharp actually sees this as God. To make it even more confusing, the "Divine" is further referred to as "it," rather than "He" or even "She," so apparently the "Divine" can be whatever higher power you choose. There's a great deal of talk about spiritual growth and the like here, but don't look to this book for familiar Freudian symbolism or for simplicity, for that matter. Instead, you may need to read the passages several times before Sharp's point becomes clear. Here are a few abbreviated interpre- tations in the book of ideas or items that may have entered your dreams: Cradle: "At times we all wish that we were back in our mother's arms, unaware of all the trials and tribula- tions of adulthood. ... Rather than sig- .nifying someone who wishes to give up all the responsibility, this dream points to an individual who is willing DREAMING on page 71