;A., ,k*0 lidon Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: -- www.d.etroitjewishnews.com Dry Bones The Value Of Learning ommunication is the heartbeat of a syna- gogue. Without it, disenchantment lurks and threatens to disrupt a congregation at its core. The board of directors at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, one of Detroit Jewry's most enduring houses of worship, finds itself embroiled in con- troversy after making a financial decision to close its Southfield nursery school, Beth Hayeled, when this school year ends. Parents affected by the closing have expressed outrage toward board members, claiming they never explained the acuteness of their financial plight over the past two-and-a-half years until the decision was made. The result was limit- ed programming and parents scrambling to try to get the decision overturned before time runs out. Board President James Safran has acknowledged the synagogue could have done more to attract new students. He says the board is willing to reconsider the Beth Hayeled closing as long as the plan includes tighter finances to control costs. What's most disconcerting is the planned elimi- nation of a local Jewish education program popu- lar among its users. Learning is a pillar of Jewish identity and continuity. It's one of the most important programs a synagogue can provide. Preschool can set the stage for a lifetime of learn- ing and for deeper family involvement in syna- gogue life. Eliminating such a program should be a last resort in a fiscal crisis. Shaarey Zedek leaders are grappling with a $750,000 budget deficit in the wake of a sluggish economy that has. caused 40 percent of the syna-. gogue's 2,100 families to seek subsidized dues and the congregational endowment to no longer pro- duce 25 percent of the operating revenue. Notably, the board has expressed a willingness to meet with parents in an effort to try to keep Beth Hayeled (House of Children) open. The goal should be to rebuild the educational service and market it better while whittling costs, given the comparatively "r"). o SE etklD 114656 mcReD small enrollment. I NCRED I It's not clear why such a meeting miS5t1AS w6e€ JerS we-RE couldn't have been arranged before DE si Gt.) ED DesiGNIED the announced school closing. IN "Tl46 it.) -THE Such a meeting would have been tu6ST• 104.)6S-r. the perfect time to, as parent Dr. Jeffrey Michaelson put it, "take the exact steps necessary to make the program viable." Buoyed by ,toci „0„ • .. younger parents eager to keep syn- .7 (tit t le ull" too' is– agogue learning for their kids at O the forefront, the meeting likely would have spurred an equitable solution for Beth Hayeled's future. The fact that President ?>lfr 11* Is Shafran told the Jewish News the I tqc RCA 8Le. RARELY synagogue board would meet with W1.1C14 parents is a good sign. Beth MGTivi1/4"TES Hayeled might win another US I reprieve, allowing families to return to its nurturing, loving ways. Candid dialogue at this late • stage can only help. 1 otO , 01;" N s ori„ . We're inclined to think that, ulti- 1101,111011001113.tl .10. 4 0110 WO mately, everyone's hope is to fill twat( wiz „,,,-..01101, ,t_ - iii 'A. r Shaarey Zedek's main building with the richness of youthful voices and not leave the Southfield cam- pus sorely under used. We appreciate the board's attempt to attack the synagogue's Conservative movement. shortfall in revenue through the newly unveiled Its Southfield location, between the Jewish pop- menu of giving opportunities." As an integral ulation centers of Oak Park and West Bloomfield, part of the foundation of the Detroit Jewish com- situates Shaarey Zedek in the heartland of the munity, however, Shaarey Zedek is compelled to Detroit Jewish community. It has developed a spe- consider the greater good in decision making. cial responsibility to Jews living in Southfield and For 140 years, Shaarey Zedek has been a name to the north and east. synonymous with Jewish vitality and leadership in Clearly, the net effect of Beth Hayeled's closing metro Detroit. It has attained a pre-eminent status would be more than a budget cut. ❑ in both local and national circles of the leLc. - - OA* EDITO DIAL NATRED k4oMe GROWN" 1:11,01f 1 L frii, , (( An End To Humanity few hundred miles west of Mombassa, Kenya, lies Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, where those who believe in evolution have shown that homo erectus, the precursor of modern man, emerged 1.8 million years ago. The fossil record shows that these first humans began migrating northward, populating east Africa, then the Nile basin and along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and finally the rest of the world. This area of Africa is where evolutionists believe humanity was born. Last week, some exceptionally evil people in Mombassa showed that they would be happy to end humanity there — and elsewhere. They used sur- face-to-air missiles in a failed attempt to shoot down an Israeli-chartered airliner, and they used three sui- cide bombers to kill 16 people, including three Israelis and 10 Kenyans, at a resort hotel. We can only speculate about what was in the minds of the attackers. It was almost certainly the same insane rant about the "evil" of Zionism and Western culture that has stoked the furnace of terror for at least two decades, the same twisted logic that took down the World Trade Center in New York City and that has killed more than 690 Israelis in the last two years of the Palestinian intifada (uprising). But there is something deeper and more evil in EDITO 'AL the minds of these latest terrorists. It has become a passion for death and destruction itself, a nihilism that rejoices in blood and pain for its own sake. The militants in Kenya, like those on the 9-11 planes or the Jerusalem buses or any of the thousands of other events where terror raised its head, are not servants of a religious or cultural cause. Instead, they simply reject what most distinguished homo erectus from its hominids predecessors: the capacity for abstract thought that led to culture and morality. These killers must bear the consequences of their acts, for they have put themselves outside of the protections that civilization has embraced for deal- ing with one another. • • ❑ 12/6 2002 31