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December 06, 2002 - Image 146

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2002-12-06

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in-law, Marsha and John Rofel of
West Bloomfield, Sheri and Michael
Benchetrit of Farmington Hills;
grandchildren, Reesa and Amanda
Benkoff, Leslie Rofel, Jacob
Benchetrit. He was the beloved hus-
band of the late Ellee Benkoff; dear
brother of the late Alfred Benkoff
and the late Beatrice Gross.
Interment at Machpelah Cemetery.
Contributions may be made to the
American Heart Association or the
Cleveland Clinic, Cardiovascular
Department. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.


Brooklyn, died Nov. 20, 2002.
She is survived by her son and
daughter-in-law, Sam and Sarah
Bergman of Brooklyn; daughter and
son-in-law, Esther and Abe Schwartz
of Oak Park; 10 grandchildren. She
was the beloved wife of the late
Eliyahu Bergman.
Contributions may be made to
Hatzalah of New York, P.O. Box
1060, New York, NY 10002; Yeshiva
Beth Yehudah, P.O. Box 2044,
Southfield, MI 48037. Interment at
Har Hamenuchot Cemetery in
Jerusalem, Israel. Arrangements by
Hebrew Memorial Chapel.

Baila, Ariella Bell, Riki Feiner, Fayga
Bayla Feiner, Yaacov Feiner, Jenni
Ring, Joshua Ring, Dylan Ring,
Taylor Beamer, Adin Bodzin, Avi
Bodzin. She was the beloved wife of
the late Jay Samuel Bodzin.
Contributions may be made to
Kids Kicking Cancer, Jewish
National Fund, Zamir Chorale or
Yeshiva Beth Yehudah. Interment at
Nusach Hari Cemetery.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

ISADORE I. ELIAS, 88, of West

Bloomfield, died Dec. 1, 2002.
He is survived by his wife, Theresa
Elias; daughter and son-in-law,
Gloria and Dr. Kenneth Wolok of
West Bloomfield; grandchildren,
Brad Rosen, Michelle Rosen, Ryan
Wolok, Jaclyn Wolok. He was the
loving father of the late Beverly
Contributions may be made to
Alzheimer's Association, 17220 W.
12 Mile Road, Suite 100, Southfield,
MI 48076; the Jewish War Veterans,
16990 W. 12 Mile Road, Southfield,
MI 48076 or to a charity of one's
choice. Interment at Adat Shalom
Memorial Park Cemetery.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

Oliver Ginns, April Ginns, Eva
Ginns, Ian Cahr, Samantha Pesick,
Rachel Pesick. She was the beloved
wife of the late Jack Ginns.
Contributions may be made to a
charity of one's choice. Interment at
Hebrew Memorial Park.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial


Southfield, died Nov. 15, 2002.
He is survived by his dear cousins.
Mr. Gladstone was the loving son of
the late Sophie Gladstone and the
late Max Gladstone; loving brother
of the late Jerry Gladstone, the late
Gertrude Gladstone.
Services and interment at Hebrew
Memorial Park. Arrangements by
Hebrew Memorial Chapel.


months, of Evergreen, Colo., died
Nov. 18, 2002.
She is survived by her loving par-
ents, Cynthia (Giannini) and Dr.
Charles Gottlob, formerly of West
Bloomfield; baby sister, Madeline
Elizabeth; grandparents Judy and
Richard Mendlesohn, Kathy and
Robert Giannini.
A memorial service was held at the
family home.


Southfield, died Nov. 29, 2002. She
was a member and treasurer of
Jewish National Fund, member of
David Horodoker Society, life mem-
ber of AMIT. Mrs. Bodzin met her
future husband while they were both
singing in the Halevy-Hazomir
Singing Society in the 1930s.
Mrs. Bodzin is survived by her
sons and daughters-in-law, Joel and
Helen Bodzin, Dr. Eugene and
Catherine Cunningham-Houston
Bodzin of Canada, Gerald and
Bunny Bodzin of New York, Henry
and Barbara Bodzin of Southfield;
daughter and son-in-law, Cherna
and Eugene Kowalsky of Southfield;
brother, Joseph Taitelbaum of West
Bloomfield; grandchildren, Joseph
and Jennifer Kowalsky, Lisa and
Jeffrey Bell, Julie Feiner, Robert and
Conni Ring, Esther and Mordechai
Tropper, Alan Bodzin, Lianna and
Brian Beamer, Adam Bodzin, Steven
Bodzin, Mark and Jenna Bodzin,
Sandy and Shoshana Bodzin, Aaron
Bodzin, Jay Bodzin, Dena Bodzin;
great-grandchildren, Shoshana Bell,
Miriam Bell, Shimon Tzvi Bell,
Moshe Gedalya Pinchas Bell, Frayda

12/ 6


OLGA GERTSIK, 88, of Oak Park,
died Nov. 26, 2002.
She is survived by her daughter-in-
law, Stella Dombrovskaya; grandchil-
dren, Vladimir Dombrovski, Dmitri
and Elena Dombrovski; great-grand-
child, Kostya Dombrovski. She was
the beloved wife of the late Abram
Gertsik; loving mother of the late
Konstantin Gertsik.
Services and interment at Beth El
Memorial Park Cemetery.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

SARAH GINNS, 88, of Southfield,

died Nov. 27, 2002.
She is survived by her children,
Sheldon and Marion Cohen Ginns
of Ann Arbor, Beverly and Richard
Bernstein of Bloomfield Hills, Fred
Ginns, Venice, Calif.; brothers-in-
law and sisters-in-law, Bernard and
Shirley Ginns, Albert and Hilda
Ginns, Leonard and Annie
Goodman; grandchildren, Jonathan
and Laura Ginns, Russell and Lisa
Ginns, Jill and Darren Cahr, Davida
and Robert Pesick; great-grandchil-
dren, Aaron Ginns, Elliot Ginns,


Huntington Woods, died Nov. 30,
2002. A general contractor in the
Detroit area for 50 years, Mr.
Grossman began his career as a
builder with his father at H. Gross-
man & Son Inc. He was associated
for years with Schiller Construction
in Detroit, handling large govern-
ment projects such as the original
Northwest terminal at Detroit
Metropolitan Airport and new
courtrooms in the Wayne County
Circuit Court and U.S. District
Court in Detroit.
Mr. Grossman was an avid power
boater and stamp collector.
He is survived by his wife of 50
years, Marjorie Grossman; daughter
and son-in-law, Barbara and Jules
Olsman of Huntington Woods; sons,
Dr. Gary Grossman of Oak Park,
David Grossman of Oak Park;
grandchildren, Carly and Jake
Olsman; brother, Arthur Grossman;
sister and brother-in-law, Florence
and Leon Yorke; mother-in-law,
Sophie Feldman; sister-in-law and
brother-in-law, Dulcy and Allan
Swidler. He was the beloved son of

the late Minnie and the late Hyman
Grossman; dear son-in-law of the
late Sam Feldman.
Interment at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery`. Contributions may be
made to JARC, 30301 Northwestern
Highway, Farmington Hills, MI
48334 or the Michigan Humane
Society, 26711 Northwestern
Highway, Suite 175, Southfield, MI
48034. Arrangements by the Ira
Kaufman Chapel.


Farmington Hills, died Nov. 24,
2002. He went to Northern High
School, Central Michigan University
and graduated from Wayne State
University with a degree in account-
Mr. Haron was a navigator during
World War II and flew bombing
missions over Germany. After the
war, he started
Haron Metals and
Equipment with his
late brother Percy;
and they were part-
ners for 30 years. At
Percy's retirement,
Mr. Haron formed
Haron Machinery
with his son, Mark.
Mr. Haron is sur-
Daniel Haron
vived by his daugh-
ters and sons-in-law,
Frances and Robert Stein of West
Bloomfield, Janice and Ken Kaplan
of Florida; son and daughter-in-law,
Mark and Patti Haron of
Farmington Hills; grandchildren,
Brian and P'ninah Stein, Lysa and
Jason Postula-Stein, Seth, Elana and
Natalie Haron, Lindsay, Stacey and
Jennifer Kaplan. He was the beloved
husband of the late Roslyn Haron.
Interment at Adat Shalom
Memorial Park. Contributions may
be made to the Haron Family Fund,
American Red Magen David for
Israel, 23470 Riverview Drive,
Southfield, MI 48034. Arrangements
by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

SARAH KAGAN, 84, of Walled
Lake, died Nov. 30, 2002.
She is survived by her daughter
and son-in-law, Frances and Ron
White of Walled Lake; grandchil-
dren, Michelle and Mark Soltz,
Vicki Murray; great-grandchildren,
Lauren Soltz, Madelyne Soltz,
Joshua Murray, Samantha Murray;
Brittany Murray. She was the
beloved wife of the late Sam Kagan.

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