PUBLICIZING Gifts jewelni - Moto Cards Worider* *ow - 6- orleoto Gift Wrap from page 18 This menorah from Artloft in Birmingham makes a dramatic statement in any window. fwtH orEw 310 11/22 2002 020 7 DAYS A WEEK! 4i 5+1- 9 2-1 Weft Fottrtk ft. - Domitowm Royal Oak public street. That way, we- publicize our ancestors' success. "The Talmud says it's more hiddur mitzvah, a beautification of the mitzvah, extra specially good, if each person in the house lights his own menorah," says Rabbi Reuven Spolter, of Young Israel of Oak Park. In the Spolter house, each of their three children lights a menorah, usually the ones made in school "because it's more precious for them." "We try not to do so much about presents," says Spolter. "We give out Chanukah gelt. In the sources, it's brought down that gelt was a present for learning, so we try to do something edu- cational." Rabbi Joseph Krakoff, of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, agrees. "The absolute goal is to [publicize the mitzvah]," he says. "Putting our Chanukiah in the window [shows that] we are proud to be Jewish. "We live in a society that is largely not Jewish, so it's very easy to pick up their customs. I want kids to grow up absolutely loving their tradition. I look , at it as hiddur mitzvah — if you put up decorations in your home, as long as they are appropriate and reinforce the beauty of Chanukah, its like picking out the most beautiful lulav and etrog." Rona Dalin's late husband started dec- orating their Bloomfield Township home for the holiday when his children came home from school, asking why they didn't have a tree in December. Now that the kids are grown, Dalin, a Temple Israel member, does a little deco- rating for herself— she hangs dancing, blinking dreidels in the family room. "It was more festive in the house, more fun, and the kids Couldn't say, `Why don't we decorate?', which was a pretty usual question for them. Even some of their Jewish friends [had Christmas trees]," says Dalin. "Their dad took a very pro-Chanukah stance. He said, 'Chanukah is just as much fun — in fact, it's more fun and I'll show you.'" The late Dalin collected wreath-like streamers of evergreen, white and blue streamers and blue and white lights. He filled the public rooms of the house with dreidel mobiles and braided streamers. By far the most legendary Chanukah decorators are Lubavitch Chassidim, a sect of religious Jews who believe that when all Jews observe the Torah, the Messiah will arrive. To that end, local Lubavitchers strap larger-than-life menorahs to the roofs of their cars and drive around with them throughout the holiday. T nst year, as many as 60 cars joined in an Oak Park parade of menorah-decorated autos. "The Lubavitcher Rebbe (the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who died in 1994) encouraged that the menorah be taken out from inside the home' and put into public places," says Rabbi Herschel Finman, of Oak Park. "The whole purpose of lighting a meno- rah is in order to publicize the miracle of Chanukah." The Rebbe also encouraged followers to construct large menorahs in public places such as government buildings and shopping centers. The U.S. Supreme PUBLICIZING on page 22