JITOpinion Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: www.detroitjevvishnews.com Dry Bones Feeling The Pain srael knows what it is like to live with both the reality and the threat of terror. So it's not surprising that its press has paid a lot of atten- tion to the sniper who has shot at least 13 people at random in the Washington, Maryland and Virginia suburbs and to the Oct. 12 bombing that killed 180 people at a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia. What is surprising — and sad — is how little effort either Washingtonians or Australians (whose country- men were the vast majority of victims in the Bali bombing) seem to be making to understand that the terror is the same whether it is there or in Israel. Obviously, there are major differences between a lone sniper who randomly attacks individuals at gas stations and mall restaurants and the organized gunmen directing fire at settlers on the West Bank. The Washington sniper is a madman whose purpose is obscure; the Palestinian attackers, politically driven and professionally trained, simply want to drive out the settlers and, later, destroy all of Israel. But the Balinese bombers seem to be Islamic mili- tants who want the Indonesian civilian government overthrown and who are willing to organize mass murder for political gain — exactly like the agents of Hamas and Fatah and Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah who over the last two years have sent homicide bombers to murder innocent Israelis pizza parlors and hotels. The Kuta bomber in Bali is indistinguishable from the Dolphinarium Disco bomber in Tel Aviv — and not much different from the terrorist who ignited his liquefied natural gas truck to blow up a synagogue and 21 German and French tourists on the Tunisian island of Djerba. Yet a review of Australian media shows discussion of the 9-11 destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City, but almost no effort to draw any parallels with the more than 14,000 attacks, accord- ing to the newspaper Ha'aretz, that over the last two years have taken 635 Israeli lives — 14 of them just this week in the suicide bombing of a Hadera bus. I In worrisome fact, some Australian offi- cials even said the attack in Bali was a sym- bol that Australia had allied itself too closely with the United States, particularly in regard to the U.S. support of Israel. The need, the officials said, was to distance Australia from what is perceived as American military and economic hegemony and to identify more closely with the continent's nearest neigh- bors, such as Indonesia and Malaysia. That, of course, is just plain stupid. What the recent years of terror have proved so conclusively is that the terrorists are never going to be content with any- thing except total victory, which they interpret as world-wide Islamic rule under Sharia (Islamic law), hardly what the vital democracy of Australia would want. The public discussion of the Washington-area sniper has focused on the search for the killer and on his impact on local citizens — how schools have shut down, how gas stations have put up screens to protect motorists and, most of all, how fear has eroded daily life. That fear is exactly what prompts Israelis to wear bulletproof vests on cer- tain highways and to sleep at night with guns by their beds, but Washingtonians seem not interested in the parallels. They treat their situation as uniquely horrifying when • it is, in truth, the ordinary agony for much of the Jewish state. Somehow, Israel has lost its rightful claim for world understanding of its existential peril. Perhaps that is because the Palestinian suffering — kids killed as a side effect of rocket attacks, the elderly thrown out of bulldozed housing — is so often doc- umented by a media that ignores the Palestinian violence that triggered actions intended to thwart additional terror. Or perhaps it is some larger world feeling about Jews in general now that memories of the Holocaust are fading. In any event, Israelis can grieve as much as they want to about the Bali bombers' victims or the innocents slain around Washington, but they are kidding themselves if they expect the Aussies and the Americans to say now "we know how you feel." That isn't happening and, shamefully, isn' going to. ❑ man of integrity and a role model of public service. A bonus for the Jewish community is that he is one of ours. He's not just a Jew, but also a native Detroiter, a former city councilman and a Congregation T'Chiyah founder. So, do we recommend a vote for Levin because he's a nice guy and a Jew? In the post-Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich era, voting for a gentleman isn't a bad idea. But Levin also has developed smashing credentials during his Senate career, mirrored by his rise through the ranks to head the important Senate Armed Services Committee and the Government Affairs subcommittee on investigations. Bombast, partisan politics and the limelight are not this senator's style. Although Levin has become a major force in the national debate over Iraq, Social Security, prescription drugs, educa- tion and other pivotal issues, he is still the kind of politician who strangers feel comfortable greet- ing with an informal, "Hi, Carl." Notably, though, we urge him to be more responsive to con- stituent interest in opposing the importing of Syrian products to be sold in this country given that the profits help fund the Syrian terror machine. He has the influ- ence to help block such despica- Sen. Levin ble importation and he should use it. Still, if people from around the nation forced us to identify one person who best exemplifies the qualities of Michigan, that person would be Sen. Carl Levin. Vote Levin on Nov. 5. ❑ EDITORIAL A Vote For Carl Levin f running against an incumbent in a statewide race is an uphill battle, running against U.S. Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan must be akin to mountain climbing. Farmington Hills' Andrew (Rocky) Raczkowski knew campaigning against the popular four-term senator would be difficult. But the race has become almost embarrass- ing. And it's not the conservative Republican's fault. Levin's stellar record after 24 years in the U. S. Senate is enviable. His left-center viewpoints — and thoughtful, respectful demeanor — have often earned him the appellation "the conscience of the Senate." Somehow, this loyal, approachable Democrat stays above party politics, expressing his thoughts on the issues, not the personalities. He's a I EDITO RIAL Jig 10/25 2002 35