Insight Updates Maryland Terror stayed away right after Sept. 11, 2001. Next door, at the Royal Dragon glatt kosher Chinese restaurant, the manager drummed his fingers on the counter and surveyed the empty tables not a single diner in the place. One person, though, has seen a rise accounted for prior to dismissal. in business and that's the manager of GEOFFREY MELADA Changes have been made at other the Pizza Hut on nearby Nicholson Philadelphia Jewish Exponent Jewish schools, according to Lane. Since the shootings began, Washington Jewish Week newspaper. deliveries have increased five-fold. Rockville, Md. For example, at the Children's Learning But there is much more than the bot- ne morning last week, 30 Center Jewish Elementary School in tom line at stake. The shootings are tak- men were arriving at the Rockville, parents now drive up to the ihg a considerable toll on area residents. Magen David Sephardic door to pick up their children instead of "I can't stand to live like this," said Congregation in Rockville letting them walk out to the car. Aimee Avissar Lyani, a 25-year-old to begin their daily minyan. A few native of Israel who was blocks away, on 'tree-lined shopping at Israeli Accents, Tilden Lane, three women were a Judaica store. jogging in tandem. "I'm always looking for Across from the joggers, a white trucks because the gray-haired man stood alone on police say the killer uses a a public tennis court, hitting white truck. I'm scared to ground strokes with the help of pump gas, and when I do, I an automatic ball feeder. turn on the pump, get in Ordinarily, there would have my car and lean back in my been nothing unusual about any seat so no one can see me. '" of this, but in suburban Another visitor to Israeli Washington, D.C., the site of Accents, a middle-aged several deadly sniper attacks, such Jewish woman who declined activities now seem courageous. to give her name, said Oct. There have been 13 shootings 14 marked her first venture since the "Beltway Sniper" outside in more than a week. began his rampage Oct 2. "You think about it every Six of these murders occurred Tim Goldsmith looks over his shoulder as he walks on time you look out the window, around Rockville, a heavily Rockville Pike this week in Rockville. Goldsmith, paid to and you look up everywhere Jewish community of roughly wear this Disc-o-rama CD exchange store billboard is you go," said. Ken Karbeling, 50,000 residents. a slow-moving target, vulnerable to the D.C.-area sniper. the manager of American Rene Nissim, a Magen David Reprographics, a printing firm congregant and mother of three, on Rockville Pike, just 100 yards from was out of town when the first shoot- And at the Hebrew Day School of where one of the victims was shot. ing took place. "I didn't believe the Montgomery County in Silver Spring, "It's all we talk about here," said news," she said. Md., dismissals are monitored and stu- Karbeling, who is Jewish. "Everyone's Who could blame her for being sur- dents are kept inside during school hours. on edge, and constantly listening to prised? Montgomery County rarely sees the radio. It makes me hope people violent crime, a fact touted on the coun- here in America understand the situa- ty's Web site. The median price for a Tight Security tion in Israel [better]." single-Emily home is almost $400,000, "All of our institutions — including Even people who say they don't feel and the schools are considered first-rate. 60 synagogues, eight day schools and affected by the shootings are making Now those same schools are on a three community centers — have changes in their lifestyles. "Code Blue Alert," with all field trips taken dramatic steps to increase secu- Retiree Aaron Greenberg, 71, still and outdoor activities canceled until rity," said Robert Hyfler, chief operat- comes to the Rockville Borders Books further notice. • ing officer of the Jewish Federation of & Music store every morning to read The story is much the same at Greater Washington. the paper and shop. Relaxing back in Jewish schools. At the Charles E. Safety concerns are also affecting an upholstered chair, hands clasped Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville, a number of safety measures have been Jewish businesses. Katz's Kosher Market behind his head, he said, assuredly, off Rockville Pike — a miles-long he's been unaffected by the shootings. implemented in the past two weeks. melange of strip malls — is usually A minute later, he corrected himself. Students now need identification packed with shoppers in late afternoon. guess I have changed one thing. I badges to enter the building; off-cam- But last week, it was nearly empty. don't take the sidewalk up here. Now, pus driving privileges for 12th-graders Owner Shirley Katz Kaufman blames I weave between the cars to avoid the have been suspended; and each of the the sniper, adding that shoppers also sniper's aim." ❑ school's 550 students must be Fear of sniper changes how D. C. Jews live. 'TN 10/25 2002 34 Remember When • From the pages of the Jewish News for this week 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years ago. aria,4.04, The Vaad Harabonim (Council of Orthodox Rabbis) in Far Rockaway, N.Y., has established a fund to aid agunot, women abandoned by their husbands. Jewish Family Service and Jewish Vocational Service conduct local workshops for the unemployed. w.44,010,10; .tmrv--P Dr. Richard C. Steiner, a Yeshiva University professor in New York, has deciphered an ancient manu- script in which portions of Jewish psalms are addressed to Egyptian gods — an example of an ancient religion borrowing another's rituals. "v‘elpn A local strike threatens the United Hebrew Schools and B'nai David school systems. Michigan. Jewish War Veterans gives copies of The Jewish War Veterans Story to the Detroit Board of Education for placement in every high school library. VWW:t*VVV:MVA., Primrose Benevolent Club plans its 28th annual local donor luncheon. Marguerite Kozenn-Chajes is named artistic director at the Detroit Conservatory of Music. More than 3,000 women are in Detroit for the 38th annual nation- al convention of Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America. Morris Canvasser, vice president of the Detroit Businessmen's Group of the City of Hope, will again head the fund-raising drive. . 40 4 Q.e% k-AA'sVF:mk V ; Jewish community activists have been invited to a wartime emergency conference and rally in Detroit. The War Department has awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and Silver Star to First Lt. Roy Bright of the U.S. Army Air Corps in Detroit. — Compiled by Holly Teasdle, archivist, the Leo M. Franklin Archives, Temple Beth El