J Opinion Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: www.detroitjewishnews.com Challenge The Anti-Israel Extremists he "Second National Student Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement" Oct. 12-14 at the University of Michigan will be framed by rallies, leafleting, forums and more than a little student moxie. Jewish students are letting the university and community know that they resent and reject being called racist, that they understand the current of anti-Semitism running through the "divest from Israel" conference and that they refuse to be intimi- dated. They have decided to take a stand. It is disturbing that several national "mainstream" Arab and Muslim organizations have signed on in support of a conference that goes well beyond the usual parsed rhetoric to embrace extrem- ism by accepting all "strategies and tactics adopted by the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation." For example, a stated goal of the conference is "the end of the Israeli occupation of ... all Aral?, lands" — a strategic way of calling for the end of the State of Israel because the organizers (Students Allied for Freedom and Equality or SAFE) consider all of Israel to be on occupied Arab land. Campuses often have been used as testing and recruitment centers for larger efforts. If not loudly challenged, we can expect the divestment campaign against Israel to move into our community groups, churches, and city and state government. - For this reason, we need to put the conference organizers and their sponsors on the spot — and on the defensive. They must be held accountable for their inflated and inflammatory rhetoric. They must T be held accountable for their choice of speakers. While it is important for the university to speak out, the condemnation must go beyond them and beyond the Jewish community. If we can't get an extremist conference condemned by others beside ourselves, think of the difficulty we will have when slicker, more professional propa- gandists bring it to our neighborhoods. SAFE's support of all anti-Israel tactics as "legitimate resistance" needs to be dissected and explained to the larger community. We must challenge SAFE to denounce each immoral instance of incitement, anti-Semitism and mur- der used by the "resistance." We must challenge it to denounce suicide bombings and the religion-based hatred of Hamas and fellow radical Islamists. We must challenge it to denounce the use of Palestinian children as combatants, a clear viola- tion of the same international law the terrorists are trying to use to beat Israel into submission. On the subject of international law, SAFE must accept that Israel has a right to exist. Keeping SAFE on the defensive — and it has plenty to defend — will help blunt its offensive. There is a natural tendency among groups of people to try to manage a problem rather than confront and defeat it. But the anti-Israel forces are working hard to advance their agenda, and have all sorts of smooth talk to cover their rough edges. Bringing attention to extremism may seem risky. But it is arguably less risky than letting it pass and hoping it won't take root. It's important that Detroit Jewry step up and fol- low the lead of U-M students from Hillel: The Dry Bones EDIT ORIAL Related story: page .16 Two-And-A-Half Words Of Praise hearty tip of our collective kippot to the 120 scientists from around the world who gath- ered last weekend in Eilat, Israel, for a confer- ence on cardiovascular research. It was notable not just because it was the first inter- national gathering of scientists in Israel since the latest Palestinian intzfada (uprising) began two years, but also because the choice of locale was a direct response to the stupid — and fortunately limited — boycott of Israel by some European academics. We applaud the attitude of one attendee, Dr. Arthur A. Spector of the University of Iowa, who told the New York Times he was there "first of all for the outstanding science and, secondly, for my colleagues here in Israel to know we haven't forgotten them, we're supporting them." The boycott was originated by British neuro- chemist Steven Rose, who said he wanted an effec- tive way to protest Israel's continuing "occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza. Efforts to cut off both scientific cooperation with Israeli researchers and European Union grants to those academics reflect the resurgence of European anti- Semitism rather than any great moral high ground. A After all, if the idea was to protest "occupation," wouldn't Rose and his kin be equally vigilant in fight- ing, say, China's invasion of Tibet or, a little closer to home, the British "occupation" of Northern Ireland? Plaudits to the U.S. Congress for its continuing efforts to make the White House understand the reality: Jerusalem is Israel's present-day capital as • well as its eternal one. Last week, the House passed the State Depart-ment authorization bill — with lan- guage first suggested nearly a decade ago — that requires the department to list Israel as the country of origin on passports, birth certificates and other official documents for U.S. citi- zens born in Jerusalem, and to cite Jerusalem as Israel's capital wherever it lists countries and their capitals. Additional language demands again that the president move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a provision first enacted more than three years ago. President George W. Bush, like former President Bill Clinton before him, has said this is an impermissible congressional interference with the White House's right to conduct foreign affairs as it chooses. Bush will no doubt continue to waive the provision, EDIT ORIAL Foundation for Jewish Campus Life and other Jewish and Zionist organizations — determined stu- dents intently organizing to rally for Israel and counter the conference. It's time we take a stand together to protect the Jewish cause and the Jewish homeland. ❑ at least in part because of his strategic conclusion that it would be better not to do the right thing when it might anger some potential Arab states whose support he seeks for action against Iraq's Saddam Hussein. But at least Congress is keeping up the symbolic pressure to pull the White House out of the foolish denial of reality in which the Arab states operate. We've said before that Islam is predominantly a religion of peace, but some readers have taken exception, noting the frequent calls in the Koran and the Hadith (second in authority to the Koran) for war on the infidels, particularly Jews. We still think that hatred is not the norm, but on Oct 4. a group of "worshippers" at the al-Agra Mosque atop the Temple Mount cast doubt on the premise. The Muslims, emerging from a service at the mosque, noticed that Jews were saying their Shabbat prayers at the Western Wall below and promptly start- ed throwing stones at them. Happily, no one was badly hurt in this demonstration of current Islamic practice. It is worth pointing out that, although Israeli police briefly had to move into the plaza area out- side the mosque, the stone-throwers were actually stopped by Palestinian forces. Wouldn't it be nice if they continued to do their job, not just on the Temple Mount, but also against the terrorists they insist on ignoring? ❑ 10/11 2002 39