Torah Portion , 4I Building The World One Child At A Time Join Rabbi Elimelech Silberberg for a course on mystical and Kabbalistic concepts in Judaism on . when to have children, how many children we want to have, and now, even whether we're going to have children at all. Yet, the Torah reminds us that having children isn't so much a bio- logical question as much as a reli- don't need to tell you that we, gious one: What's my mission here as a Jewish population, are on this Earth? What do I want to not growing as we should be. accomplish, and can I do more? If While the Jewish popula- I'm here to make sure that I enjoy tion in 1970 was somewhere close myself and have a comfortable life, to 6 million, we're still hovering then I'll put off having children, or around that 6 million mark more not have them at all. than 30 years later. Why? It's a But if I understand that rather complex question, my mission in life is be a but I can think of two tzelem elokim, to live in pressing reasons: first and God's image and to emu- foremost, intermarriage late Him to the best of my carves a devastating chunk ability, I can only do that out of the Jewish popula- by giving to others, and tion pie. But, there's an we give our best to our equally obvious reason that children. we don't have Federation Yes, having children is studies and synagogue ini- hard. Raising them is even tiatives to counteract: harder. But the satisfaction RABBI American Jews simply aren't and love and beauty of REUVEN having enough children. raising children, despite SPOLTER Quick: What's the first the hardships, the costs, Special to the mitzvah in the Torah? To the difficulties and frustra- Jewish News believe in God? Close, but tions are more than worth not really. No, it must be it. They justify our exis- the Ten Commandments, tence in the world. right? Actually, wrong again. The While I'm writing to all Jews, I'm very first mitzvah in the Torah com- really writing to you — someone mands us to have children — a lot who'd read the "Rabbi's message" in of them. the Jewish News each week. You, just The Torah tells us, "God blessed because you're reading this, must be them [Adam and Eve] and God said a caring, thinking member of the to them, be fruitful and multiply, Jewish community. You must be fill the earth and subdue it." Be someone who wants to grow spiritu- fruitful and multiply. To me, that ally each week. That's why you're sounds like much more than the 1.6 reading this column right now. children Americans (and most Don't you think that you can give American Jews) have nowadays. some of that wonderful energy to In fact, not only is it a blessing, another child? it's an imperative, a mitzvah, a com- So, have more kids! There's no mandment. The Chinuch, in listing better mitzvah to begin the Torah, the commandment to be fruitful and the New Year! and multiply, explains that having children must be thefirst corn- mandment in the Torah because it's the commandment upon which all others are based. How can we fulfill the mission of the Torah — to bring The Torah tells us that before spirituality and godliness into the Cain killed Abel, "Cain spoke to world — without doing so our- his brother Abel." Yet, the Torah selves, in our families, with our own never elaborates and details their children? discussion. What do you think Today we consider how many they talked about? Eve, in her children (and whether we have chil- discussions with the serpent dren at all) to be an issue of person- about eating the forbidden fruit, al choice. With the wonders of makes a critical mistake that ulti- modern medicine we (if we're mately causes her to sin. What is blessed with the ability) can decide her mistake? Shabbat Bereshit: Genesis 1:1-68; I Samuel 20:18-42. I ❑ Conversations Sundays - 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays - 9:30 a.m. or Thursdays - 8:30 p.m. Classes run through December. For more information about this class as well as other classes on Jewish Mysticism & Basic Judaism call the Torah Center 248-855-6170 Visit us at 04 658580 etodea , WHERE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE! 248.855.8747 eau* Vad Call today for your free in-home consultation Leading the industry with over 20 years experience! acel institute Where Learning Difficulties Can Be Treated and Overcome • Poor reader/comprehension • Short attention span • ADD/ADHD/LD Call for a location nearest you. Toll Free 888-82-EXCEL Buy direct 40% off KnollStudia FALL HAS ARRIVED 248-358-7655 Order to your exact specifications American Express • Visa • Master Card featuring The Latest fall fashions!! Women's SOS Z-16 COMPLAISANT West Bloomfield Plaza - Next to Deli Unique — 855-6566 659370 Reuven Spolter is rabbi of Young Israel of Oak Park. 10/4 2002 63