OTHER VIEWS President Should Not 'Go It Alone' IfNot Now, When? tions that impedes the com- he time has come for is forced to vote at this time ver the next few weeks, mander-in-chief's constitutional the removal of Iraqi on a resolution that would both the House and ability to act in the absence of President Saddam give the president the broad the Senate will decide imprimatur from a United Hussein's regime. He authority to take unilateral on a resolution regard- Nations Security Council that has surpassed Nazi Germany's American military action ing U.S. policy toward Iraq. If includes Syria, a terrorist state. Adolf Hitler with respect to the against Iraq, in other words, done wisely, we can unite not The Constitution gives to number of "second chances" to "go it alone" without only the Congress, but ultimate- Congress, not to the Security that the world has given him. U.N. backing. A vote now ly help unite the world commu- Council, the power to declare Twentieth century history ERIC SEN ATOR authorizing unilateral nity on a course of action that illustrates how dangerously ROSEN BERG war; it gives to the president, we all seek — the elimination of CARL LEVIN American military action wrong world opinion often is. suggests that action by a Count apoint not to United Nations Saddam Hussein's ability to Point Secretary General Kofi Annan, The world ignored Italy's 1935 united world community is threaten the world with . the role of commander-in- Ethiopian invasion, Germany's only an option and not criti- weapons of mass destruction. chief. The United Nations Treaty does 1936 occupation of the Rhineland, its cal as many of us believe it to be. Saddam Hussein is without question not supersede our Constitution. 1938 Anschluss (annexation of Now that the president has called a tyrant and a threat to the peace and On Sept. 29, U.S. Rep. Jim Austria), its 1938 seizure of the on the United Nations to be relevant, stability of his neighbors, the United McDermott, D-Wash., in Iraq, joined Sudetenland and its 1939 seizure of a vote by Congress authorizing unilat- States and the world. He is intent on on his mission by two other congress- - the remainder of Czechoslovakia. eral military action at this time sends building or acquiring weapons of mass men, stated that the world should take World opinion did not care about a very different message. destruction and the means of deliver- Hussein at his word, and that President the plight of refugees fleeing Hitler on If a U.N.-sponsored diplomatic ing them, and he has ignored the Bush has been misleading Americans. ships in the 1930s, nor about the tens approach does not achieve uncondi- mandates of the United Nations. When George Orwell wrote 1984, of millions of victims massacred by tional inspections and a U.N. author- I believe Congress would give near- even he could not anticipate how hard Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. ized military confrontation ensues, at unanimous support to a resolution some Westerners would work to avoid The world collaborated in the 1975 the very least we will have reduced the that supports President Bush's tall accepting reality and responsibility. United Nations anti-Semitic "resolu- risk to our armed. forces by broader upon the United Nations "to hold The president has been making the tion" (slur) of Zionism's involvement of the Iraq to account," and that specifically case for regime change in Iraq for quite equaling racism. Almost forces of other nations, a while. During his campaign for presi- everyone condemned preserved the broad THE TOPIC dent, he stated that if Hussein were • Israel in 1981 for saving coalition that is so vital found to be manufacturing weapons of humanity from a Should the to our war against ter- mass destruction, then it would be the nuclear Iraq. rorism, and protected United States job of this country to remove the threat. More recently, in the interests of our attack Iraq Vice President Richard Cheney, 1991, 47 American sena- country and our allies in Secretary of State Colin Powell, tors nearly derailed for- without the Middle East and National Security Adviser Condoleezza mer President George around the world. congressional Rice, along with President Bush, have H.W. Bush's operation to As Congress takes up approval and articulated a powerful public case, lim- expel Iraq from Kuwait. this issue, we should U.N. backing? ited to information that is unclassified. In the 1930s, many in approve a resolution that For - Senator Levin and others, who the European and can move us forward in state that the president has not shown American political this manner. Such a reso- an imminent threat from Iraq and spheres, such as former lution would not author- authorizes the use of American mili- that we should have the United British Prime Minister Neville ize unilateral American military action tary power to carry out a U.N. man- Nations behind the "_barrel of the gun" Chamberlain and former American against Iraq at this time, but neither date to disarm Iraq. before Congress votes, I would submit Ambassador to Germany Joseph P. would it preclude Congress approving When President Bush addressed the that we already have a substantial and Kennedy, either failed to understand unilateral action at a later date. United Nations, he rightfully declared growing coalition of nations in sup- Hitler's threat or felt the West could Our nation should never 'relinquish that the Iraqi threat is "exactly the kind port of President Bush's goals. contain that threat. our authority to defend ourselves to of aggressive threat that the United Additionally, I am disappointed by How eerily similar that sounds, when the United Nations or anyone else and Nations was born to confront," and he an elected senator trying to limit the one listens in contemporary times to will always be free to defend itself reminded the world that Iraqi aggression commander-in-chief's authority based Senators Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., Carl was stopped after the invasion of Kuwait against an imminent threat. on the whim of a Security Council that Levin, D-Mich., and others. The mis- But just as Secretary of State Colin "by the might of coalition forces and the includes China, Russia, and France. understanding of history, and of the Powell is focused on winning U.N. . will of the United Nations." None of those nations was attacked on threat posed by Hussein's weapons of support for multilateral action in the He pledged that the United States Sept. 11, 2001; this nation was. mass destruction and his proved will- weeks ahead, Congress should do the would work with the Security Council With respect to politics, if George ingness to use them, is frightening. same and save for later consideration "for the, necessary resolutions." This Bush were acting with political motiva- The readiness of Rich individuals to the option of unilateral action and the course recognizes that Saddam is a tion, then why do Democratic Senators subordinate our national interest to feck- very different risks involved in going it problem for the entire world commu- Zell Miller, John Breaux, Mary Landrieu, less, anti-American and anti-Jewish alone, should the U.N. effort fail. nity, not just the United States. And Evan Bayh, Max Cleland, John Edwards world bodies such as the United Nations Congressional authorization of the we are far more likely to disarm Iraq and Joseph Lieberman, and Democratic and its quisling predecessor, the League use of U.S. military force as part of without war if Saddam, when he representatives Tom Lantos, Minority of Nations, is appalling. United States such a U.N.-sponsored coalition can stares down the barrel of a gun, sees Leader Richard Gephardt, Howard senators were elected to make decisions lead and unite the world. Now that the the whole world at the other end, not Berman and many others support him? of war and peace, not to defer those president has articulated a goal that can just the United States. The time for dithering, deferring (to decisions by placing language in resolu- produce such a coalition, the Congress But Congress will not be united if it should not authorize a strategy that can Eric J. Rosenberg, a Farmington Hills res- the United Nations), dallying, and debating has reached its close. Let us Carl Levin, D-Mich.,.is chairman of only create division in the world com- ident, is active in the Zionist Organization remove the Iraqi regime. the Senate Armed Services Committee. munity and here at home. ❑ ofAmerica's Metropolitan Detroit Chapter. 0 T Congress will not be united if forced to vote for unilateral military action against Iraq. ❑ 10/4 2002 30