• N Entertainment In Black & In his latest book, Motown native Irwin Cohen tells the story of Detroit's Jewish community through historic photographs. SUSAN TAWIL Special to the Jewish News first Jewish resident, fur trader Chapman Abraham, the book highlights the growth of the Jewish com- munity, the establishment of its synagogues and ore than 200 black and white photo- communal organizations, notable Detroiters and graphs grace the pages of native population shifts, all set against the background of Detroiter Irwin Cohen's latest book, local and world events. Jewish Detroit (Arcadia Many quirky bits of information are Publishing, S19.95), a text-less tucked in among the vintage snapshots chronicle of the growth and settle- of famous folks, buildings and street JE \v1 SEE ment patterns of Motor City Jews. scenes of "the old neighborhood." DE; TIC OIT Their story is told through cap- Readers will discover that in the tioned photographs culled from early part of the 20th century, many archives, historical societies and pri- Jews were employed in Detroit's stove vate collections. The author spent the companies and breweries. Jewish News last two years gathering material at columnist Danny Raskin's father the Burton Historical Collection of served as a Detroit firefighter, and the Detroit Public Library, the Leo Rabbi Judah L. Levin, for whom M. Franklin Archives of Temple Beth Yeshiva Beth Yehudah is named, El and the Leonard N. Simons patented an adding machine: Archives of the Jewish Federation of An architectural tour of Detroit Metropolitan Detroit, among others. reveals an enormous number of promi- Additional material was collected nent buildings designed by architect from past issues of the Detroit Jewish News. Albert Kahn. They include two homes for Temple Cohen, a professional photographer, also supplied Beth El, of which he was a member; the Detroit a number of the book's photos himself, notably Athletic Club, whose opening Kahn refused to attend those of still-standing buildings and the numerous because it barred Jews from membership; the General abandoned synagogues which now serve as churches. Motors Building; the Fisher Building; and the just Beginning in 1762 with the arrival of Detroit's demolished Sinai Hospital, to name a few. Iff 9/27 2002 76 Above: Detroit historian Irwin Cohen with his previous book, "Echoes of Detroit." He is currently at work on "Echoes ofDetroit's Jewish Communities: 1762-2003." Top: In the 1890s it wasn't uncommon to see women peddlers; some were widows and some were helping out their ill husbands.