Torah Portion Singing For The Rain On Shemini Atzeret and for plenty. In other words, Jews are constantly praying for rain. But does this help? Apparently, many Jews think not. The Reform movement deleted the second paragraph of the Shema largely from skepticism that God governs the climate in accordance with Israel's observance of the mitzvot (commandments). This skepticism is understandable — where's the proof? — and yet the Torah teaches that our conduct does have immediate magine a new feature on consequences upon the planet. cable's Weather Channel: One Talmudic tradition (Brakhot "Prayer Watch." 59a) claims that thunderous "Forecasters expect rains are the tears of God the coming week to be rela- who — as many midrashim tively dry, with a 20 percent (biblical interpretations) chance of showers. However, argue — is saddened by the reports of Jews praying with suffering of Israel in exile. great intensity for rain have As moving and attractive raised the likelihood of precip- aggadah (legend) is, as this itation to 50 percent in the the notion that God actually metropolitan area." the Earth was cries rain upon The above scenario may be too much for some rabbinic far-fetched, but Jews around the world will, nevertheless, RABBI DANIEL authorities. The great Rav Hai Gaon (10th century) begin praying for rain this N E VINS argued that these traditions weekend during the celebra- Specia 1 to the are allegorical, and that God tion of Shemini Atzeret. Jewish News certainly does not have tears This ritual might seem or a body. Rather, the Torah quaint if it weren't for the is written in "human language," increasingly desperate situation of employing metaphors to explain God's drought in Israel and many other parts eternal truths to mortal readers. of the world. Rising surface tempera- Is the idea that God sets the weather tures around the globe are greatly pattern in accordance with our virtue increasing the aridity of the earth, and index also allegorical, or is that a literal the huge surge in population means truth? I accept the Torah's claim, though that our limited resources of fresh water the mechanism for connecting our Con- are constantly being drained. duct to climate may be somewhat indi- The situation is particularly severe in rect. It is evident that human conduct Israel, where Lake Kinneret has been - does have a cumulative impact upon the drastically reduced over the past five environment. That fact is scientifically years due to modest rainfall and verifiable. It is also clear that prayer and increased water consumption. Israel and the mitzvot teach humans the impor- Lebanon have veered toward hostilities tance of humility and responsibility — in recent weeks because of Lebanese this, too, is good for the earth. plans to divert waters from the Wazzani Whether God also sends rain clouds and Hatzbani rivers, which supply the • in the direction of prayer is a mystery to Kinneret. Israel is in desperate need of me. But with a thirsty earth in urgent plentiful rain this winter, and this devel- need for rain, I'll be praying for geshem opment lends added urgency to our this weekend. May this be a year of prayers. good rainfall; may all our prayers for But is prayer really an effective blessing be answered; may the people of response to drought? The second para- Israel soon gather in the courtyards and graph of the Shema promises that good fields of their verdant land, singing in conduct will be rewarded with ample the rain.' ❑ rainfall. (portion of prayer serv- The Amidah ice read silently), from Shemini Atzeret through Passover (the rainy season in Israel), includes a prayer for rain. The What do you think is the impact elaborate Tefillat Geshem (rain) prayer of prayer? Is it internal transfor- this weekend recalls the merit of our mation? Divine response? Does ancestors and concludes with the plea your answer affect the intensity that God send rain as a blessing, for life or the regularity of your prayers? is a spiritual leader at Daniel Nevins Shabbat Shemini Atzeret: Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17; Numbers 29:35-30:1; I Kings 8:54-66 Diving Peep: The Silence that Renders Wisdom A Jewish Meditation Retreat with National Author Rabbi Tirzah Firestone October1E3-20, 2002 At the height of Fall color season, join us as we explore Jewish mystical practice — for beginning and advanced students — with one of today's master Rabbis at the luxurious Northport Day Retreat. Call for registration information: Ahavat Shalom Retreat Center (231) 929 - 4330 Just north of Traverse City, Michigan I Conversations Adat Shalom Synagogue. 656860 Join Rabbi Elimelech Silberberg for a course on mystical and Kabbalistic concepts in Judaism on Sundays - 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays - 10:30 a.m. or Thursdays - 8:30 p.m. beginning Sunday, Oct. 6 or Thursday, Oct. 3 .classes run through. December. For more information about this class as well as other classes on Jewish Mysticism & Basic Judaism call the Torah Center 248-855-6170 . Visit us at oeseeNbesei,i 30% - 70% OFF YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS - DELIVERED Get your American prescriptions at low Canadian prices! CALL (877) CAN-AM30 I Children flun:tots - keep them safe! 9/27 2002 63