MO\ inion Editorials are posted and archived on- JN Online: - Be There For Israel Now Greenberg's View t the critical moments in our lives, we turn to family, friends and community for sup- port. And later, we remember who was there and who wasn't. Who made the time, and who was too busy. Who ran to help, and who ran away. Today, Israel is in need, and how we act will be remembered. Israelis will remember. The worsening economy, the trickle of tourism and the daily physical threats and psychological pressures have taken their toll. While there isn't an existential threat to Israel, there is a threat to the kind of existence that Israelis, or any people, seek for themselves and their children. Our support helps them face adversity; our absence weakens them, personally and politically. Our children will remember. Our children are observing how the disruption of Israeli life affects the lives of American Jews. Do their families, schools and synagogues do anything different now? Does the community? Our action, or inaction, imparts important lessons about our connectedness to Israel and our fellow Jews. We show them by our faith in action. We reassure them best not by ignoring the threats, but by reassur- ing them with the love, support and action we take to counter those threats. We will remember. Mark Talisman — the driving force behind the world tour of Jewish artifacts known as "The Precious Legacy" — movingly tells the story of how, as a child, he asked his parents what they did to help the Jews of Europe during the Nazi years. He says his parents had no answer, but to look down at their shoes. While they might not have known every- thing that was happening, or been well versed in European politics or the intricacies of Jewish life there, they knew enough to take action, but didn't. It stayed with them the rest of their lives. Beyond writing those important checks and engaging in political activity, we must reach out to the Israeli people on a personal level. The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit's Partnership 2000 pro- gram does a wonderful job of connecting peo- A gP,EAk5 oXr".....recfsvilikezorw, 4 A7.4,1a. "Alpe dOsevwf lae rg- 2et: 44.W. ple. A highlight of com- munity and synagogue missions to Israel is always the home hospitali- ty and other interactions with Israelis that pick up the phone and call relatives and friends living Michiganians experience in the Central Galilee. The in Israel we haven't talked to in a while. The possibili- local grassroots project that sent Rosh Hashanah post- ties are only limited by our imagination and willing- cards to Israelis reached thousands on a personal level. ness to act. And local families, initiating a meaningful relationship At this time of reflection, let us each commit our- that can be continued, "adopted" hundreds of Israeli selves to taking action that will make a difference, and teens attending Tamarack Camps this summer. that will make us proud to recall and tell others. To Opportunities exist for us to act today. For example, quote a Zionist slogan, Anu Banu Artzah, Livnot we can send condolences to Israeli families of terror V'Lihebanot Ba" — "We will build [the Jewish home- victims by accessing . Or we can land] and be built by building it." The Case Against Iraq coming weeks, incriminating evidence will be made public to show that in the 12 years since the Gulf War ended, Hussein has consistently broken his commit- ments to stop work on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. If the evidence is as clear-cut as the administration says it is, then it should also be persua- sive in the United Nations. The U.N. would be moral- ly bound to insist on the resumption of a meaningful arms inspection process. A decade of sanctions and military encirclement, such as the no-fly zones, have not stopped Hussein from rebuilding his war machine out of profits from the sale of oil, much of it illegal. But waiting a few months to build the case against him and assemble a true coalition of nations would not work an irreparable damage to an even- tual military action. Any hope of surprising Baghdad is long gone anyway. Better to use the time to, among other things, remind the Mideast that Hussein has twice invaded neighboring Muslim nations, Iran and Kuwait, and that he is as much a future threat to them as he is to Israel or America. What is truly important is that President Bush artic- ulate a clear vision of what he wants Iraq's future to be after Hussein is gone. Does the president who was so dead-set against "nation-building" now expect to create a democratic, Western-oriented, capitalist nation out of the rubble of socialist tyranny? Or is he simply aiming to depose Hussein and replace him with the strongest of strong A EDITO DIAL s Americans and as Jews, we have a profound interest in the current debate over whether the United States should launch a military attack aimed at ending the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. As Americans, we need to consider what such an action will mean immediately to our sons and daugh- ters who would go to war and how it may affect America's standing in the world in the future. As Jews, we weigh a tradeoff between the desire to get rid of one of Israel's most implacable enemies and our concerns about whether an attack may incite Hussein to launch chemical and biolog- , ical weapons against the Jewish state or pro- . yoke a larger-scale war that masses Arab troops against Israel. In the short term, it is clear that President George W. Bush has to do a much better job than he has done so far in convincing this nation and the rest of the world that Hussein poses a threat demanding immedi- ate military action. Good policy doesn't necessarily rely on following the polls, but the polls do show deep - American ambivalence about the need for a military strike now, and the Congress is quite correct in assert- ing its right to decide on the necessity of this war. The administration has properly started its briefing of congressional committees. It seems likely that in the A f .2.2 ❑ EDIT OltIAL men left standing? Does he want an Iraq with its cur- rent borders or would he carve out the Kurdish north as an element of a future Kurdistan? Telling us what he thinks Iraq should be would greatly clarify the goals for the Mideast and even lead to new thinking about the strategies needed to attain a long-term stability. President Bush must show that his "War on Terror" is not a war on Islam, but rather an effort to make the world more peaceful and prosperous for all legitimate nations. Israel obviously would be delighted to be rid of Saddam, but not if it is to be barraged by Iraqi chemical and biological weapons. A nation that has already endured two years of brutal terrorism by the Palestinians should not rush to put itself in the center of Hussein's bull's-eye. Jewish leaders in America should help the president and Congress understand that the Israel that held off responding to the Scud missiles for the sake of the Gulf War coalition would meet any Iraqi attack now with utmost force. Ultimately, action will be needed. We would expect the United States to take the lead, and we would support the president as the commander-in- chief. But action cannot be successful until the case against Hussein is proven in the courts of public opinion in America and the world — and until the president makes clear what new Iraq he would cre- ate. A war for the sake of war, aimed only at getting rid of Saddam, is not the proper course. ❑ 9/13 2002 35