We wish our family and friends a very healthy, happy and prosperous new Year. , ommunity ALAN & LINDA KRISTALL, BRIAN KRISTALL JENNIFER & ROB COHON Veream NIew yeartaAPC9ur Frivalb wat,Famit,8. Our Summer Vacation in Israel , HILLARD & JOANNE FEALK GARY, SHARRY, MATTHEW & JENNIFER JOEL, STACI & BRANDON Israeli resiliency abounds, from the Kotel to the cafes. Vertlicun akaii Nlew y aurtsAPC9w Fritd6 cuatFctiviet. 'DOROTHY & LARRY GUTTENBERG ec-ACC Ccct, akvd MARVIN & JUDITH DUBIN & FAMILY a-y the cowt t nE3 yea u be filled with and kapriness and pv-osrev. 0141A 17-amity an , GLADYS AND LARRY ROCKIND Special to the Jewish News s we 'sat in the Newark, N.J., airport waiting area for our flight to Israel, we watched the setting sun highlight the New York City skyline, now devoid of the famous twin towers. This was our summer vacation and we had chosen to spend it in Israel. Unlike our previous visits to Israel, this trip was a big unknown due to the constant barrage of negative news ema- nating from and about Israel. We felt we could not sit by idly and watch; we had to be there. We love Israel! So as the plane lifted off, we tried to relax, to fall asleep, but we were giddy with excitement. When we landed in Israel at 4 p.m. erev Tisha b'Av, it was Larry and Gladys Rockind at a cafe on important Sheinken Street in Tel Aviv. to us that we get our luggage, rent our car and get to Jerusalem in time to grab dinner before sunset and the beginning of the fast. Of course, for those of you who have ever traveled to Israel, it didn't go quite as smoothly as we planned and a quick falafel was all we could manage. But who cared — it was wonderful. We were back! We had read about the march that is traditionally held on erev Tisha b'Av around the Old City walls and wanted to participate. We found tens of thou- sands of people — young, old, families, infants in strollers, trumpeters, people carrying signs and flags, policemen and soldiers — all getting ready to march together. So march we did. It was absolutely thrilling to march with so many Jews around the Old City walls, lit up like Walt Disney World on New Year's Eve. Security was everywhere, but it was still a bit scary. How could they know who was in the crowd, on the roof, across the street? Still, the Israelis were marching! And so we went along. The march culminated behind the Jewish Quarter where we heard impas- sioned speeches by Mayor Ehud Olmert and others. As a unit, we walked to the Kotel (Western Wall), where we saw the entire plaza completely filled with peo- ple, many lying on the ground deep in prayer, many camped out for the night. It was an unbelievable sight. Heading back to the Dan Panorama Hotel immersed in nighttime darkness, we quickly felt part of the Israel we knew and loved and were anxious to continue our visit. Kosher Burgers Although the hotel was very quiet on Tisha b'Av, it quickly filled up for the Shabbat weekend to overflowing. We re- explored Jerusalem, and discovered that while the lack of tourists and the current economic situation in Israel had created some empty storefronts, most of the city was very much intact and there were more than enough cafes and restaurants for us to choose from. The ability to eat at a kosher Burger King, sit in a cafe with a cappuccino or Gladys Rockind is chairman of the mathematics department of Oakland - Community College Auburn Hills Campus. Larry Rockind is an architect, whose local work includes the design ofAdat Shalom Synagogue, the Dorfman Chapel, and the Beth Shalom additions and renovations. He is immediate past president of Michigan Region/United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, a past president of Congregation Bnai Moshe and a current board member ofAdat Shalom Synagogue. The Rockinds live in West Bloomfield and have been studying Hebrew for the past 19 years. 9/ 6 2002 78 SALLY & NATHAN SAGINAW