401110410010101111 Arts Entertainment The Best Of Everything Cole ITALIA Showroom Star Power Star Deli marks 28th anniversary as one of America's best little carrvout-only delicatessens. ift ITALIA Celebrity Showroo m. w 7096 East Fourteen Mile Road 8/ 9 2002 78 (Between Mound &Van Dyke) (586) 268-3200 111••41, 0011 ► •4,111• low that over 20 million peo- n July 1974, a little car- ple have paraded through the ryout delicatessen was doors of Star Deli ... includ- purchased in Southfield ing regulars like Mike Ilitch, ... with a destiny that Eugene Applebaum, the late would make it one of the best David Hermelin, Mickey little carryout delis in the Shapiro, Sidney Forbes, United States. Mickey Nemer, Bill This is the distinction, held Davidson, etc. today by Star Deli on 12 DANNY When Hermelin and wife, Mile, just west of Telegraph RASKIN Doreen, vacationed in ... as it celebrates its 28th Local Columnist Denver one year, they had anniversary. food shipped to them from Sid Neuman and son Harry Star to serve then-Vice President Al look back upon the years and wonder Gore ... who had come to stay with how something like this could happen them ... Gore loved the delicatessen in a space that totaled 1200 square food so much that when he returned feet in 1974 ... and still has the same to Washington, D.C., one of his first amount of area today. acts was to have Star also ship the deli A 600-square-foot kitchen ... and delights to him. another 600-square-foot frontage ... Another instance, in Norway, where where salamis galore hang behind a Hermelin was ambassador from the counter loaded with wonderful food .. United States, a photo was taken that and people cram to carry out what is appeared on the front page of the New considered among the finest deli- York Times ... showing President Bill catessen goodies to be found. Clinton, then-Israeli President Ehud Back in 1974, when Sid Neuman Barak and PLO head Yasser Arafat ... bought Star Deli ... joined shortly eating from a Star Deli platter. after by son Harry Neuman, only New Yorkers have always praised about 10-20 customers a day came their delicatessens as being the very through the front door ... Today, the best anywhere ... And when one of average is about 2,000 daily. this locale's executives would go to the At that time, only 15 items com- weekly meetings of E.F. Hutton, he'd prised the Star carryout menu ... also sit and listen to the New Yorkers There was no tuna, no soup, no spe- cialty items like stuffed cabbage, etc., no desserts and only four salads (pota- to salad, coleslaw, chopped liver and egg salad) ... Now that menu has over 40 selections ... and is still growing. From that 600-square-foot kitchen has come homemade gefilte fish and kugel by Sid's wife, Rose, blintzes, stuffed cabbage, soups, knishes, etc. The 28-year numbers are staggering ... Over three million pounds of corned beef ... two million loaves of bread ... three-and-a-half million pick- les ... well over one-and-one-half mil- lion pounds of tuna, including Star's excellent fat-free tuna which Sid and Harry brought out in 1995 ... and has been going Qngbusters with it ever since ... one-and-a-half million whole salamis (one, two and five-pounders) ... four million pounds of potato salad ... five million pounds of coleslaw. And so many more equally astound- ing figures. The rough estimate is considered brag and rave over their delis. One day, he offered to pay for the lunch if he could supply the food ... Trays were brought in for 180 people ... flown by jet to the meeting. When asked where the deli was from, he told them "a place in New York" ... They couldn't stop raving about it being the best they had ever had ... When the lunch was finished, the gent from here told them that the place was the New York airport ... and the delicatessen was from Star Deli in Southfield. The deli tray catering, of which Star is accredited as being among the nation's largest, is a specialty that has amassed huge numbers for them as well. Included in the quarter-million made by Star in its 28 years, is the one ' 10 years ago for 1,700 people at a Montgomery Ward party for its local employees ... And the Woodward Dream Cruise party of last year by General Motors for over 1,000 more. Entertainers appearing in this area or nearby, make it a must for Star to deliver necessary amounts of trays to the hotel for them and their entourages to enjoy. Star's 'corporate and private jet tray catering has become widely known ... Shipments of its deli delights have reached places like Israel, Moscow, Norway, etc. ... plus numerous states of the union ... where former Detroiters "just have to have some Star Deli!" and New York ... ordered by New Yorkers. In those first few months after Sid Neuman took over the Star ownership, st,7t cs'omtd Bvii ............7* met .:4.vot. %,.... t .r. I spRa --. 1 S4s-ffiil erov. ,...v. Z..., : ...et (....• Sit $.ae. 0..0 . Xve., Skrt >tin; ay..: e 0,,si,.. , $6.75 Harry Neuman and his dad, Sid Neuman, of the Star Delz.