OTHER VIEWS Caring Staff Places Elan Seniors hen I first heard the news that Elan Village in Southfield would close for good on July 31, I started to feel a vast personal devasta- tion. I had been seeing and visiting residents at Elan for almost three years every Sunday at 10 a.m. for a _ Havdalah service. Sarah, Feival, Al, Ben, Sarabell, Gertrude and so many more seniors were not just strangers that I would see once or twice a week; they had become family. My first concern was where would "my family" go to live? For those who kept kosher .... where would they go so as to be able to keep a "kosher home"? Fleischman Residence in West Bloomfield had announced that it INT Jay Korelitz is a Farmington Hills resident. hadn't any rooms available, leaving Menorah House in Southfield and the new Meer Jewish Apartments in West Bloomfield as the only other kosher facilities available for accommodation. Little did I know that two angels were waiting in the wings to look after "my family." The "last Havdalah" at Elan was July 28. I knew that there would only be three residents to celebrate our beautiful tradition. I admit that dur- ing the week leading up to July 28, I was saddened by the prospect. My nervousness was eased after talk- ing with two people at Elan. Marcia Mittleman, executive director of Elan Village, and Janet Antin, director of admissions, were also, if not more, concerned than I as to where "their family" would go. Little did I know that they had a plan. American Jewry Passes The Test mr Philadelphia hen the history of the current Middle East con- flict is written, Israel's killing of Hamas chief- tain Salah Shehada may not turn out to be a decisive moment in the Jewish state's war on Palestinian Arab terror. While the attack on Shehada's hide- out was justified — civilian casualties notwithstanding — there will be other murderers to take his place. And despite signals that the Palestinians' determination to go on pursuing their bloody war of terror against Jews is waning, there is no end in sight to the violence. Soon enough Shehada, and even the innocents who went to their deaths because he hid among them, will be forgotten. If there is anything we should have learned by now, it is that this war — that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat launched in September 2000 — never seems to run out of vic- tims, both Israeli and Arab, or killers. But the Israeli bombing of Gaza that targeted Shehada deserves to be noted for other reasons. It provided a clear test of the good sense and steadfastness of American supporters of Israel, who found themselves in an uncomfortable position when the front pages pro- claimed that Israel had killed 14 Arab civilians, including nine children. Jonathan S. Tobin is executive editor of the Jewish Exponent in Philadelphia. His e-mail address is jtobin @jewishexponent. corn 8/ 9 2002 30 It was, perhaps, the moment that Israel's critics had been waiting for: a seemingly clear-cut case of Israeli wrongdoing that could stampede the hitherto solid American Jewish con- sensus behind support for Israel's right of self-defense against terrorism. Unlike the invasion of Palestinian Arab towns and cities in April after the Passover massacre and other horri- ble terrorist attacks on Israeli targets, the Gaza bombing could be portrayed as pre-emptive rather than reactive. And though much of the world press was quick to cry "massacre" dur- ing the brutal house-to-house fighting in the Jenin refugee camp that month, the charge had not resonated as easily among Americans. Indeed, it was soon proven to be a transparent hoax, and never gained traction here. But the facts of the Shehada attack were plain enough. If Israeli intelli- gence thought they could take him out without killing others, they were mis- taken. The decision to use an American-made F-16 jet to deliver the bomb to be dropped on his lair, com- bined with the initial laudatory reac- tion reported from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (which made no mention of the civilian casualties), created a situ- ation tailor-made for Arab propaganda. The pictures of dead children being held aloft during the ghastly funeral procession for Shehada by his many fans in Gaza were enough to make even the most steadfast of Israeli sup- porters blanche. But as the days passed, it became With undaunting diligence, ably be in new jobs. both Mittleman and Antin As for me, it has turned out proceeded, one-by-one, to better than I expected. Ten of place each and every resident the residents were placed in in quality care facilities. Menorah House, where I con- More than 50 residents of duct a Shabbat service each Elan were given new homes Friday. Sixteen of the resi- within about six weeks. It bog- dents were placed at gles the mind to think of all Fleischman, where I visit J AY the work these two rare and KORE LITZ every Shabbat afternoon. exemplary representatives of Com munity Plans are under way to start the Jewish community were Vi ews up a new Havdalah program able to do in such a short time. at one facility, where I can And Fleischman somehow still see many former Elan res- tweaked this and that, made a move idents every Sunday morning. here and there, so as to provide room Yes, there are concerns with the resi- for 16 former Elan Village residents. dents about this dramatic lifestyle Kudos to Fleischman. change. But with the help of When I recently talked to Antin, she Mittleman, Antin and other profession- told me of plans for she and Mittleman al personnel taking extra time to work to visit all the residents in their new one-on-one with each resident, I have homes, even though both would prob- seen a calming effect on the residents. clear that the hopes of the any more pristine than those of anti-Israel crowd and the fears the far more fastidious Israelis. of Israel's friends were similarly Nor could anyone here credibly misplaced. There had been claim that if American forces times in the past when the knew the location of Osama leaders of American Jewish bin Laden's hideout that anyone denominations, as well as in this country would care some public policy groups, whether the terrorist's entire had run for cover when Israel JONATHAN extended family.— or even the was depicted as the villain. population of a small city — S. TOBIN One such instance was the were with him if U.S. bombers Special beginning of the first Arab Commentary attempted to take him out. intifada (uprising) against Not that there weren't a few Israel in December 1987, left-wing Jews willing to jump when the late Yitzhak Rabin — then on the anti-Israel bandwagon. So-called serving as defense minister — prom- alternative American Jewish voices who ised to "break the bones" of Arab riot- earn their notoriety — and talk-show ers and was denounced by many Jews. invitations — via ads in the New York But it didn't happen this time. Times were quick to castigate the Israelis. Though the temptation to stand in Others picked up on the not-so- moral judgment over Israel was, no subtle leaks from the U.S. State doubt, tempting for some of the self- Department (where Secretary Colin infatuated leaders of American Jewish Powell and his clique are still pouting organizations, most resisted. about President George W. Bush's Condemnations only came from rejection of their anti-Israel policies in two insignificant left-wing groups, his June 24 Speech) that claimed that while just about everyone else either a cease-fire might have been achieved kept their mouths shut or worked but for the killing of- Shehada. furiously to put the incident in proper This, too, was a familiar line of argu- perspective. While some Israelis folded ment, since several times before when a in the face of condemnation and were leading terrorist had been eliminated, even prepared to make concessions to Jewish leftists were quick to believe atone for the operation, most that Israel's counterattack, rather than American Jews held their ground. the continuing Palestinian terror cam- Indeed, it wasn't long before the . paign, was to blame for the violence. news media was being swamped with Some Jewish leaders who might letters and e-mails defending Israel's have wavered held fast. Rabbi Eric - actions. And though regret over the Yoffie, head of the Union of American deaths of civilians was nearly univer- Hebrew Congregations and someone sal, their arguments were powerful. who has not been afraid to criticize Few Americans could deny that the Israel in the past, told the Jewish actions of our own armed forces during Telegraphic Agency that some in the the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan were Reform movement wanted him to